The Expanse

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop. 

That moment high up on the hills seemed to fade away so quickly. It was as though it had been a drop of water among all of the other activities, yet it was a memorable drop. (F/n) never would forget how the wild blue phlox flower had descended down from the air and towards Jacob and her. It had been magical, but the thoughts of pixies and flowers appearing out of thin air were only a section of her many memories that formed and remained over the following years.

Improving her weaving skills and helping her mother out with more requests took over more of her time even when she had such little free time beforehand. The flower remained tucked away in the small dresser she had in her room, which was under the window. Its petals were long dry as the years passed, so she tried not to move it too much. Otherwise, it might crumble, and she wouldn't be able to repair it.

Times to go out and play with Jacob diminished and changed when they got older. They really only got to see each other on Sunday, and if it was during the week, it was because of chores. Jacob did few of the household chores, however, since more of his time was taken up with mastering blacksmithing like his father, and he had a younger sister, Hester, who took up the remaining chores that her mother couldn't get to.

As for how they changed, they no longer ran through the fields by the village or up into the hills. Rather, they would walk along the hills or simply talk about advances in their trade or the war with the west that still was raging on. Most of the time, Jacob would take up most of the talking, and she would listen. His growing skill in blacksmithing was interesting, though; she found updates on the war more exciting. Then again, exciting probably wasn't the right term to use. Rather, she was hoping that he would give her news of it coming to an end.

Ever since she saw that knight as a child, she never had seen him again. She still had the piece of his surcoat with her, and it was tucked away safely under her pillow during the night. During the day, it was around her neck since her mother and father had surprised her for her thirteenth birthday with a glass locket that could store something precious inside. The fabric rested within. Even though she hadn't seen him, she hoped that he would return; however, she hoped too that she would have some replica of the surcoat in progress.

Her growing duties, though, kept her away from such a desire, but she would find time during the spring and summer months when demands for heavy clothes decreased. Still, that time was during the evening and only for a little bit before she went to bed. It didn't help that her mother only had been able to spare her leftovers of wool for the garment, so the piece was coming together, but it definitely was of lower quality. She remained grateful for the fabric her mother spared her since it was something, and that meant a lot to her.

Perhaps, that was why Jacob liked to dominate their conversations. He never seemed particularly too interested in what she had to say about her weaving if it involved her surcoat project, nor did he seem engaged in the conversation if she started asking him about possibilities about the knight still being alive. Personally, she wasn't offended by his lack of interest. She did talk about the knight a lot when she had the chance, so the topic most likely grew boring to him.

When more years passed, Jacob and her still would have their talks, but an awkward air grew about them when they reached sixteen. She believed that it had to do with a conversation she overheard her parents having late in the evening. That night, she hadn't been able to sleep, so she was lying awake in bed. (F/n) was tempted to work on her project, but she knew that her parents would be upset if she started the next day out exhausted because she spent too much time on a hobby. And, that ran the risk of them taking away her project for awhile.

Infectious Crimson (M. Yandere x Fem. Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن