Alternate ending + J.F

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First of all, HAPPY BANGTANNIVERSARY!! It's been 8 years since BTS debuted, 8 years since our little universe came to life. I'm so happy and proud of how far they've come. Our boys struggled a lot in the beginning yet they always believed in themselves and in us, ARMY, and now they're the biggest boyband on the planet! They truly deserve every bit of their success🤧💓

I'm so thankful for their existence honestly💜

Moving on, I finally published my new book, Janus-Faced. Please do check it out on my profile! Only the prologue is up for now but I hope it will catch your interest ♡

And on to the alternate epilogue:
Those who have been reading this book from before it ended would know that this is a prank I pulled on my readers before posting the actual epilogue but looking back at it, I thought it might make a good alternate ending. So, if you like sad endings, you may proceed ♡


Taehyung woke up, feeling quite rested yet his head was spinning a little. For how long had he slept? Well, doesn't matter, he needed that beauty sleep anyway.

Just a few seconds after he had snapped his eyes open, Jimin barged into his room, looking quite agitated. "Oh thank God you're awake! Quick, get up and get ready! We can't get to the wedding location late. I think Namjoon hyung, Hoseok hyung and Jungkookie might have already reached. Seokjin hyung and Yoongi hyung decided to wait for us," Jimin urged.

"Huh? What?" Taehyung said, still groggy and dazed.

"Ugh I don't have time for this right now. Get up and brush your teeth. We're grabbing breakfast in the car and we're going to get dressed in suits once we reach there, so you can just throw anything on," Jimin said before bolting out of the room to presumably get dressed himself.

Taehyung sat up on his bed, holding his head in his hands. He felt disoriented from being rushed like this in the morning. He hadn't realised how much time had passed with him trying to soothe his throbbing head until Jimin appeared in his doorway again.

"Why are you still in bed? Come on, get up," Jimin said.

"Why are you even rushing me like this? And what the hell have you been talking about?" The younger of the two inquired.

"Well, we have a wedding to attend. Did you forget already? I don't think Jungkook would appreciate it that we, or rather that you, are late," Jimin reminded.

Taehyung looked up. Wedding? How much time had passed? It felt like just yesterday that he had proposed! And they're already getting married.

Hold up-

He had proposed just yesterday!

"Haha Jimin," he gave a laugh sarcastically. "Good one to wake me up but honestly just go away." He yawned, ready to get back in bed when he was pulled up by Jimin again.

He groaned. Yesterday had been exhausting and he just wished to sleep some more before waking up to go to practice or rather skip practice altogether. But well, clearly that wasn't an option since 3 of the members, including his Jungkookie, had betrayed him and gone already.

He glared at Jimin but sighed. Only then did he notice Jimin's frown. "What makes you think I'm joking, Tae?" Jimin asked rather cautiously.

"Jimin, I got it. I'll wake up and go practice. Fine. No need to tease me about this," replied Taehyung in defeat.

"Tae, I'm not kidding. We have a wedding to attend," he said more severely this time.

Taehyung stared at him in confusion, head slightly tilted. "B-but how is it possible? I just proposed yesterday!" He stated.

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