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After successfully recording the whole song in one go, Jungkook added a few backing vocals and ad-libs. It took him only half an hour to record the whole thing this time.

He was taking off the headphones when the door to the recording room burst open and the producer walked in, looking satisfied. "If I knew, I would've given you this break 2 hours ago," he joked, patting the boy on the back. "You can go home now."

Taehyung was also trailing behind. He walked to Jungkook and hugged the boy. "It was amazing, Kook! I loved it!!" He congratulated.

Jungkook smiled in return and thanked him. They both went back home afterwards. They sat on Jungkook's bed, playing video games for a while when Jungkook's phone dinged. He checked it quickly and frowned on seeing the sender.

He didn't open it and just shrugged it off when Taehyung asked who it was and if he was going to have a look at the text. After a few more minutes, Taehyung went to the kitchen to get himself a beverage.

Another ding came from Jungkook's phone. This time, it was his manager telling him that they had finalised the location where they would be filming euphoria. A few pictures were attached and the manager told him he could go visit it anytime he wanted, to assess it.

As for the first person who had texted him, it had been his father. Since Taehyung wasn't back yet, he curiously opened the message to see what he wanted this time.

'Come to see us asap. We have something important and personal to discuss with you,' it read.

Jungkook wondered what that could be. He thought about not going for a moment, since he was fed up of everything that was going on in Busan, but he did want to take out his frustration and give a piece of his mind to his parents. So he ended up deciding to go.

He also had the perfect excuse too; he could say that he would be going to see the filming site which was rather far away but instead he would go to his hometown!

He was about to get up from the bed and head out but then remembered one thing. He had been advised to take someone with him so that they could get a second opinion on the location, so he couldn't just go alone. It would be suspicious, especially if he would take long to return.

Jungkook sat back on his bed, leaning his back against the wall, in reflection. He brought one hand to his mouth, his teeth chewing his nails as he was lost in thoughts.

When Taehyung entered the room a few seconds later, he called Jungkook's name to get his attention. Seeing that the boy remained still, he called him again but Jungkook didn't budge. Taehyung went closer to him, lightly shaking his shoulder. "Jungkook?"

The boy got startled as he was brought back to reality. "U-uh what ye-yes?" He stuttered out.

"Are you okay?" Taehyung enquired, eyebrows furrowed in concern.

"Y-yeah I'm f-fine," replied Jungkook, still a little shaken.

"Let's stop playing for now," said Taehyung. "How about we go out to take some fresh air?"

Jungkook's eyes lit up at the suggestion. "Yeah! Let's do that! In fact, get ready. Let's go check out the filming site for euphoria! I just got the location and Sejin hyung said I can visit it anytime I want," he declared.

"Uh yeah, if you want," shrugged Taehyung, completely unaware of the younger's real intentions.

The latter knew that Taehyung wouldn't mind going to Busan with him and he could easily convince him to not tell anything to their managers about him going to his parents' house instead of the supposed destination. He knew the elder would cover up anything for him. After all, Taehyung was his partner in crime.

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