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A/n: Guys! I still can't believe that the next Run episode got leaked and that there will be so many Taekook moments!! They look so adorable and the whole concept of the episode looks so domestic, you know??? And I totally live for that kind of thing! I'm already fangirling and I just can't wait to watch it!!! Anyway, let's get on with the story hehe


Taehyung and Jungkook still slept soundly despite the noise the other boys were making. Everyone was already up apart from the two.

Seokjin decided to go wake them up since they had work that day. However, the sight he saw upon entering the room made him change his mind. Jungkook was cuddled in Taehyung's chest and both of them looked like they were sleeping so peacefully, without a care in the world.

He couldn't bring himself to wake them up and only approached the bed to pull the blanket over them both before simply making his way back to the kitchen. The other boys were confused as to why he came back so quickly. It usually took around half an hour to wake these two, especially if they're sleeping together!

"They're already up?" Namjoon asked. Jin shook his head and said that they looked way too adorable to be woken up.

The others immediately got up and rushed to the room, cooing at the view before them. The members always found the relationship between their 2 maknaes really cute and would always look at them with heart eyes when they're spending time together.

"Shh shh, you're gonna wake them up if you keep being this loud!" Jimin scolded his hyungs in a whisper. He managed to push them all out and took out his phone.

He went closer to the bed and took dozens and dozens of pictures of the two sleeping angels before deciding that it was enough. He smiled a last time while watching the two and got out of the room, carefully closing the door behind him.

An hour and a half later, Taehyung woke up first and looked at the sleeping beauty in his arms. A smile automatically formed on his face as he watched Jungkook.

He reached out for his phone on the bedside table, moving as slowly as possible so as to not wake up the other. His eyes widened upon seeing the time. It was half past nine o'clock and they were both still in bed!

"Jungkook! Wake up!" Taehyung said urgently while shaking the boy a little. The latter didn't seem to have caught the urgency in the older's voice as he simply shifted a bit but didn't wake up.

"Hey! Don't ignore me! Wake up, you lazy ass!" Taehyung called out a bit louder, this time getting a reaction out of Jungkook.

He groaned at the loud voice. "Just five more minutes," the younger lazily mumbled as he snuggled deeper into Taehyung's chest. He looked so cute that, if they didn't have to go to work immediately, the older would've probably hugged the other tightly and let him sleep.

"Jungkook, please wake up," Taehyung whined. Suddenly an idea popped in his mind and he smiled mischievously. "Jungkook, you're getting married today! We have to leave for the venue in fifteen minutes and you're not even awake yet!" He exclaimed, certain that this would give him a satisfactory reaction from Jungkook and it did.

The younger jolted awake, his eyes as big as saucers as he detached himself from Taehyung. "Why didn't you wake me up earlier?" He asked, crawling messily out of bed but being half asleep, his foot got caught in the blanket and he fell down with a loud thud.

Taehyung was a laughing mess on the bed as he witnessed how panicked Jungkook got and how he fell off the bed. "Stop laughing at me! We should be getting ready right now," Jungkook scolded.

"J-jungkook," Taehyung started, not having yet recovered from his fit of laughter. "Your wedding is tomorrow, not today. Your reaction was awesome though!" And he started laughing again.

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