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Thank you so much for this everyone! It felt so surreal to see this ranking that I couldn't believe it. I love you all so much!!😭💜💜


I paced around the place, making sure everything was perfect. I assessed everything one last time before uttering out a satisfied sigh.

Glancing at my wristwatch, I smiled. Just in time, I'll have time to go back to the dorm before anyone wakes up. It was half past ten in the morning but still I knew none of the boys would have woken up yet since it was our day off. Everyone took the opportunity to sleep till the afternoon.

I reached the dorm half an hour later and as expected, everyone was still asleep. I went back to my room, thinking over and over what I would tell Jungkook later on. I really could not believe I was going to do this. But I knew it was long overdue. He had to know.

And who knows, maybe I'll get my closure after that and my feelings might even fade?

Maybe saying it out loud will make me realise how ridiculous I was all this time. How absurd this idea of being in love with my own bandmate was all along.

A knock sounded on my door followed by a head poking in through the small crack after it opened. "All set?" asked the person, who of course turned out to be Jimin.

I hummed. "I thought about it all night yesterday and found the perfect location. There's not gonna be anyone and it's quiet too, so it'll be easy to tell him everything... hopefully," I sighed at the last part.

Jimin came in and placed a hand on my shoulder. "Don't worry, everything's gonna be fine," he assured with a smile. I smiled back and nodded.

"Since when have you been preparing? I heard you coming back a while ago but didn't hear you go."

"Actually, I went out at around six in the morning," I replied sheepishly.

Jimin stared at me with wide eyes in disbelief. "You- what?! What have you been even preparing? Why did it take you so long?" He asked.

"I just wanted to make sure there won't be anything lacking and also, I had to go back and forth from the location to some stores a few times so that took some time as well," I revealed.

"Where even is that special location?" Jimin inquired with a raised eyebrow.

"Gonna send it to you later along with the pictures, okay? Now shoo, I need to prepare myself," I said, pushing his back to the door as he tried resisting.

"Okay, okay, I'm going, no need to push me out geez," he pouted when we reached the door. He opened the door and before heading out, he smiled and said, "good luck, Tae and don't think too much yeah? Just speak out your true feelings."

I smiled and nodded while muttering a low "thank you". Jimin's words never failed to give me courage and I truly hoped that this courage will remain till the moment I have to confess everything to Jungkook.

Moments later, I was having breakfast in the kitchen with Namjoon hyung and Hoseok hyung. The rest were probably still sleeping except for Jimin who had gone on a late morning jogging.

The three of us were discussing what we were planning to do today. Well, at least Namjoon hyung and Hoseok hyung were. I was barely listening to them as my mind flew to the arrangements I had made and praying that everything will be alright.

"Taehyung? Are you listening?" I heard Hoseok hyung's voice ask as I travelled back to reality.

"Umm yeah, what's wrong?" I asked.

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