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Jungkook had finally left and the boys felt empty. "He's really gone, huh?" Hoseok asked in disbelief. It was only one of them that was not present yet it felt like a big part of themselves went missing.

"Yeah," Namjoon replied, looking down. They were all gathered in the living room. Actually, none of them moved from there since Jungkook left. The house had been plunged in a heavy silence before Hoseok broke it.

"I always tell him that he's too noisy but the house really feels empty without him," Yoongi sighed and the others agreed.

"Okay," Seokjin stood up, clapping his hands together as he spoke, "we're all behaving as if we won't be seeing him again! We'll be meeting him everyday at the company and studio, cheer up!"

"Yeah, but it's not the same as having him around in the dorm," Jimin sulked.

"True but we still can't act like this. It's a happy moment in Jungkook's life. Do you think he would be pleased to hear that his hyungs are sad about the start of a new chapter in his life?" Jin tried reasoning with the boys. These were the moments where he would prove that he really is the oldest hyung.

He may come off as childish and easy going on camera but in reality, he is someone really practical who is always there to reason with the boys when something's wrong. Looking at their guilty faces, he sighed, "good, now I'm going to make dinner. We're gonna have a nice meal and go to bed early so that we don't look like zombies at his wedding tomorrow!"

"Hyung is right! We can't keep sulking over it like that, we should be happy for him!" Namjoon exclaimed, getting up to follow Jin in the kitchen. "Hyung, wait! I'll help you with the cooking!"

"Yah! Kim Namjoon! You're not going anywhere near that kitchen!" Yoongi warned, running after the leader to make sure he doesn't end up burning half of the kitchen and Jin's favourite pan like the last time he decided to 'give a helping hand'.

Hoseok laughed at his reaction and followed suit to help Jin with preparing dinner. Only Taehyung and Jimin remained in the living room, the former blankly staring down while the latter made his way towards him.

"Tae," he called out, receiving only silence as response.

He did so a few more times and even waved his hand in front of the younger's eyes but the response remained the same.

"Hey," Jimin said, placing a hand on his friend's shoulder. The latter immediately stood up.

"Tae, wait! Are you okay?" He asked, worried. The question was a stupid one, obviously he was not okay! But Jimin still asked because Tae was acting different.

He was neither crying nor displaying any kind of sadness. His eyes were void of any emotion and that scared Jimin. Taehyung was acting almost lifeless since Jungkook's departure. He had not even uttered a word to anyone.

"Yeah, I'm just going to sleep. Tell the others not to prepare dinner for me," he replied monotonously.

Before Jimin could say anything else, the ravenette had already gone up to his room, closing the door shut behind him. The shorter male wanted to go check on him but decided to drop it when Yoongi called him from the kitchen. Maybe he just needs some time alone for now? I hope he'll be alright.

"Jimin, where's Tae?" Jin asked, noticing the absence of the ravenette.

"He went straight to sleep, saying he didn't want to eat," the boy answered.

The oldest simply nodded, not pushing it any further or asking to call him since he knew how Tae must be feeling right now. They all knew that Taehyung was the one who was most attached to Jungkook and they knew that among them all, he was the one who was the most affected by his departure but to which extent he was affected, they had no idea.

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