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"One more Push, Ok?" I say to the woman on the bed screaming in pain. She nods, her eyes showing how tired she is, Damn even I'm tired, I look to the machine spewing out paper, "And 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7-" I'm cut off as she finally gives birth to her baby. I suction the baby's mouth and smile as it gives a loud cry. I pick up the baby and move it over to the cleaning area, I wash the blood from the baby quickly and put a diaper on her, before taking her measurements. I wrap her in a towel and smile before handing her to her mother. I pull my gloves off and throw them in the trash. "A beautiful baby girl!" I say and clap my hands together. She smiles at me, then goes back to staring at her newborn. I smile at them before walking out of the room. I lean against the wall, and rub my eyes, "Hey Rissa! You ok?" Samantha asks, brushing a random curl out of her face. I push myself from the wall, "Helping through a 23 hour labour with a few hours sleep. Id say I'm fine, but I'm absolutely shattered!" I say, She eyes me with concern, taking in my dropping eyes. "Your nursing shift starts in two hours..." She trails off, I sigh "Pump me full of Coffee and I'll be good to go!" I say, with false enthusiasm. She nods and hooks her arm through mine, "To the café!" She says and we walk through the corridors. I see several Nurses and Doctors all sitting down and having something to eat. I walk straight to the kettle and flick the switch. I grab the mug with my name on it, and scoop three spoonful's of Coffee into my mug. I pour in the boiling water and blow on it gently. I take a sip and turn around, only to crash into someone. I yelp as I spill my boiling Coffee all over me. I place my mug on the counter and tug my scrubs away from my chest. "I am so sorry!" I say, I look up and meet the soft golden eyes of Dr. Cullen. He smiles, "It's quite alright" He says, and moves to the side of me, I glare at my fingers, and spoon another three scoops into my mug. I see Dr. Cullen raise an eyebrow, as I pour the water in the cup. "That can't be healthy" He points out. I shrug and take a sip, "I have a nursing shift in two hours and I'm dead on my feet" I say, blowing the hot liquid and taking another sip. He chuckles, and grabs his own streaming mug. "Well enjoy your break, Miss Swan" He says, walking away. I roll my eyes and walk over to the table with the rest of the midwives. I feel my eyes dropping as I sip my Coffee and lay my head on my arms. I yawn into my arms and pull my head back up, and down the rest of my Coffee. Samantha looks me up and down with a raised eyebrow, "You should change" She says, I groan and get to my feet, I grab my mug and rinse it before drying it and putting it back. I walk quickly through the corridors to the changing room and go straight to my locker. I pull my soiled dark blue scrubs over my head, and turn to look at the large red patch of skin. I sigh and turn on the cold water and splash it onto the burn. I pull the pants off and change into my nursing scrubs. I pull my elastic from my hair and let my crazy brown hair, float around my shoulders. I smooth it back and secure it with the elastic. I check my watch and groan. Still another hour to go. I exit the change room and walk back to the maternity ward. I knock gently on the door, "Come in!" A woman calls out. She smiles at me as I walk in, "I thought you might've went home" Anne says, I smile and pull a chair over to her bed. She smiles looking down at her baby, "Would you like to hold her?" Anne asks, I grin "Is that a question you even have to ask?" I say, reaching for the baby. She hands her over, and I cradle the infant in my arms. I feel a grin take over my face, and stare at the baby, "Aren't you just the sweetest?" I ask in a baby voice. "If you don't mind, My Husband and I would like to name her Marissa, you were so much help, and I honestly don't think I could've done it without you..." She trails off biting her lip, I feel my eyes Well with tears, and smile, "That is the kindest thing anyone has ever asked me..." I stop, and look at the baby again, "I would be honoured if you named her after me" I say softly. She smiles at me, and I hand her baby back to her. The door opens behind me and two sets of foot steps walk towards Anne. "Derek, She said yes!" Anne says, tilting her head towards me. I smile and stand up. Anne's husband smiles at me, and wraps me in a hug. "It's the least we could do. You've done so much for my Annie and I" He says, pulling away from me and taking the seat I was sitting in. I smile at the young family, and go to leave, when I almost walk into Dr. Cullen for a second time. I step back quickly, "Good to see you again, Miss Swan" He says, with a small smile, I smile back, "I have to go, Anne, Send me pictures!" I say, and go to leave, "Have a good day, Dr. Cullen" I say and close the door behind me.

I had been doing my rounds for an hour. When the Senior nurse comes up to me. "Dr. Cullen has organised for someone to cover your shift" She says, taking the bedpan out of my hands. I almost smile, "I'll see you tomorrow then" I say, She smiles at me, "You have the day off tomorrow, Rissa. You and Charlie have to pick Bella up from the airport" She says, with a chuckle. I smack my hand to my head, "I forgot! Honestly!" I say. She smiles and walks away from me. I sigh and walk through the corridors to the change room and grab my Stained Scrubs. I pull my phone out of my pocket. I sigh when I check the time. I slide the phone back into my pocket and swing my bag onto my shoulders. I walk out of the hospital and to my jeep. I search in my bag from my keys and pull them out when my fingers close around them. "Shit!" I hiss, when they flatter to the ground. I go to pick them up when pale fingers close around them. I take my keys thankfully and smile, "What's up Marissa?!" Emmett Cullen says loudly, I roll my eyes, "Not my keys anyway" I say, high Fiving him. I unlock my jeep and toss my scrubs into the back seat. I get into the drivers side and sigh, closing the door and rolling down my window, "See ya, Rissa!" He says walking towards the hospital. I turn the ignition on, and slowly reverse out of the parking space. I drive quickly, hoping to get home before Charlie so I can get at least a few hours sleep.

I enter the house and throw my keys to the side, "Dad?" I call out into the silent house. I shrug and carry my scrubs through to the kitchen and throw them into the washing machine. I put them on a boil wash and clean the kitchen. I feel my eyes dropping and yawn, I stretch my arms above my head and sigh, I walk through to the kitchen and collapse onto the sofa. I pull the throw blanket from the back of the sofa and pull it over myself and curl my arm around my head. I let my mind wander until I fall asleep.

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