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Bella and Edward had been on their honeymoon for around two weeks and I was grocery shopping, with he kids. Which was alot harder now that they were older. I was pushing the art and I had decided to stay as far away from the candy aisle as possible. Every time Nicky saw something he liked he was reaching out of the cart and swiping his arm, sending several things to the ground and into the cart. I had to catch him at one point, because he almost went toppling to the ground. I sigh and use Air Magick to keep everything in place as I push the cart to the cereal aisle. I drop a box of fruit loops and a box of lucky charms into the cart and move towards the packaged meat. I grab a few packages of steak and chicken and ribs. I chuckle quietly to myself at the look of growing agitation on Nicky's face. He turns his head to stare at the Candy aisle as I pass it again, not on purpose, that would just be mean. His bottom lip quivers and his brown eyes meet mine forlornly. I sigh heavily and hold up one finger. "Only one, ok" I say, pushing the cart back towards the candy. He grins and claps his hands excitedly. He points to a bag of hers yet kisses and I drop it in the cart. Lara was sleeping, but as soon as she heard the bag rustling she woke up. Her eyes blink and she looks around, disorientated. Her face scrunches up and she stretches her arms out to me, "Mama" She mutter through her pacifier. I pick her up and sit her on my hip. She rests her head on my shoulder and plays with a strand of my hair. Nicky twists in place, trying to reach the Hershey kisses. I grab the bag and toss it to the other side of the cart and push it towards the cashier. The girl grins at me, "Marissa!" She exclaims, I smile mentally flicking through all of my patients, my eyes widen "Amelia? Wow you look..." I trail off and she smiles sadly and pats her baby bump, "Pregnant? Again?" She says with a chuckle, I nod my head and her eyes land on Nicky. "Is that Nicholas?" She asks, her eyes widening. I nod my head "Say hello Nicky" I say, he waves shyly at her and she smiles and squeezes his cheek. "Hey Nicky. I'm Amelia" She says, scanning the food. I smile at her "So how are you doing?" I ask, she sighs heavily "Not great, actually. My parents threw me out" She mutters, I frown and look her over "Do you need a place to stay?" I ask, she flushes bright red and shakes her head. I raise an eyebrow "Because if you do, you could stay at my house. It's not like I'm using it at the moment" I say, her eyes widen but she quickly looks away again and sighs, helping me bag my groceries. "I couldn't make you go out of your way" She says, not meeting my eyes, I laugh "Who's going out of their way? I'm only at work two days a week now, it would be nice to have company. And you could get to know Nicky" I say. Her eyes land on Nicky who is Peering into the bags, looking for his chocolate. She still seems hesitant so I smile and scribble my number onto a slip of paper, "Ring me if you change your mind" I say, and hand her the money for the groceries. She smiles and slips the paper into her pocket. I push the cart towards the doors with a smile on my face. My phone pings and I pull it out of my pocket before I load the groceries into my Jeep. 'I need 2 talk 2 you' I raise an eyebrow at the cryptic message from my sister and slip the phone into my picket and put the kids in their car seats, I put the groceries into the trunk and climb into the drivers seat.

The drive to the Cullens didn't take long and I had put the kids in the playroom that Esme had designed for them and I had put all the groceries away. I pull out my phone just as I hear the front door close and walk into the living room. I dial my sisters number and look out of the window to the trees, arms wrap around my waist and I smile and lean back against Carlisle's chest. "Rissa?" Bella's voice was slightly shaky and I was on high alert, "Bella? What's wrong?" I ask, my body tensing. "Um...I don't know. Can vampires go into shock?" She asks, Carlisle pulls the phone from my hand, "Has something happened to Edward?" He asks, I hear Bella muttering something and Carlisle's eyes widen. "The sooner you two get back here the sooner we can find out what it is" He says and ends the call. I cross my arms and raise an eyebrow at him, he hands the phone back to me and sighs "Bella's pregnant" he says, my eyes widen, and I fall onto a sofa. "I wasn't expecting that" I mutter, meeting Carlisle's eyes, he looked worried. I inhale deeply through my nose and exhale sharply. "Survival rate for human-vampire conception?" I ask, Carlisle runs a hand through his hair, "Zero" he murmurs. I rub a hand over my face and rest my elbows on my knees. "Damn it." I hiss, and stand up, Carlisle sighs "I need to do some research, we need to find a way to destroy it. I suggest that you take the next few weeks off, Love." He says, pressing a chaste kiss to my lips and disappearing up the stairs. I sigh heavily as Alice, Jasper, Esme and Emmett leave the room. Rose meets my eyes and motions towards outside with her head. I nod and get to my feet, following her from the room and out into the woods. I groan and smack my head Into a tree, hen move away rubbing at the bump already forming and the small cut from the bark. Rose chuckles "You really are the strange at woman I have ever met" She says, shaking her head at me. Her blonde hair swats around her shoulders and I snort. Wiping away a small line of blood. "Coming from a vampire, I think that's a complement" I say, sitting on the ground. She sits next to me and sighs "What's bothering you?" I ask, even though I already knew. I mean, I didn't even agree with human abortions, unless it was absolutely necessary, and I got the feeling that destroying the fetus growing inside my sister did not sit right with her. "They can't kill it." She snaps, anger flowing off of her. I wrap an arm around her shoulders, "If I know my little sister. She won't let them. After all. Her body her choice" I murmur, I didn't want her to die, but if she chose to carry the child to term then that was something I would have to deal with. Rose's phone rings and she answers it. "Hello? Bella?" She asks, putting the phone on speaker. "Hey Rose, Um...I need your help" Bella says. I sigh "So you're having it?" I ask, "Yeah" Bella says, and I nod my head "We're with you. We'll be waiting for you to get home" Rose says, as I clench my jaw. "Thanks I have to go" Bella whispers and ends the call. I sigh "I guess she's made her decision" I say, and stand up. Rose looks at my forehead and sighs "You should get Carlisle to clean that up. It's got dirt in it" She says wrinkling her nose. I laugh and shake my head at her, I link my arm through hers and then frown "Does blood not bother you or something?" I ask, She sighs "It does. Yours doesn't. In fact it smells revolting." She says, and starts walking back to the house. I follow after her and make my way up to Carlisle's office.

"Dr. Cullen? I am in need of your assistance!" I sing, knocking on the door and then pushing it open. Carlisle looks up from the pile of books surrounding him. "What happened?" He asks, his brow furrowing at the cut on my forehead. I smile at him "A tree walked into me." I walk towards his desk and perch on the edge. He raises an eyebrow but says nothing, gathering some antiseptic wipes. "That's doesn't sound like you." He says, a small smile tugging at his lips, "Alright, I may have head butted said tree" I admit sheepishly, He chuckles and shakes his head. "You certainly know how to pick your battles" He says amusement lacing his tone. I grin at him, "It's a good skill to have." I say, wrapping my arms around his neck. "Come and relax for a while. You can start researching when they get back, They won't be here for a while yet." I say, pressing a kiss to his lips. He enjoys it for a moment then pulls back slightly, "They'll be here in an hour. I arranged a private Jet for them" He says. My eyes widen "A private jet?" I ask, he smiles "The sooner they get here, the sooner I can find out what it is." He says. I raise an eyebrow at him "I think it's fairly obvious, Love." I say, he narrows his eyebrows "It was conceived, Bella mentioned that she wanted to Do the Dirty with Edward while she was still human. Maybe its only female vampires that can't procreate" I say, musing to myself at the end. He nods his head thoughtfully, "I think you might be right." He says, sighing softly. I tug him close to me and rest my head on his shoulder. He tightens his grip around me, and I close my eyes, relaxing slightly as I inhale the signature scent of Lemons. We stay like that for a while until Carlisle tenses, "They're here." He says, My eyes widen "It's been an hour?" I ask, hopping of his desk and running downstairs. I see Rose already hugging my sister and walk towards them. Bella sees me and wraps her arms tightly around me, I could feel her tears dripping onto my shirt. I wrap my arms around her and rock from side to side. I smooth her hair and Edward stalk past us into the house. I glare at his back and pull away from Bella. "Alright, wipe your eyes and lets go see what Carlisle has to say." I say, holding one of her hands in mine. Rose takes her other and I smile. We walk into the house and I notice Edward and Carlisle in hushed discussion. Carlisle notices Bella and plasters a tight smile on his face. I follow them upstairs and into Carlisle's office.

I squeeze the gel onto Bella's lower abdomen and slide the wand over it, I narrow my eyes at the picture on the screen and press a little harder, I was looking for a Foetus, but I couldn't see it. I pull the wand away and frown, and wipe the gel off her stomach. I try it again, chewing on my bottom lip. I sigh heavily and shake my head, "I can't find it." I say, Placing the wand down. I look at my sister "This might be uncomfortable" I say, and press down on her womb, I could feel the baby, Bella shifts slightly and screws up her face, "Sorry" I say, removing my hands, "I can feel the baby" I say, pulling the gloves off my hands and dropping them into the trash can. Edward glares at me, "It's not a baby" He growls. I raise an eyebrow, pricing the pain flash on my sisters face. "I'm a hell of a lot more qualified than you, Edward. It is a baby, whether you want it to be or not" I say, squeezing my sisters hand. "It will kill her!" Edward exclaims, "You can't tell me that's what you want!" He says, staring at me in shock. I sigh heavily and rub my temples "As a midwife I need to Support the Mother's wishes. As Bella's sister, I will support any decision she makes, no matter what" I say, helping her off the examining table. Bella had gone completely silent. I wrap an arm around her, "What are you doing?" Edward asks, "We still need to do more tests!" He protests. I glare at him "No. I think there's been enough tests for today. We can't see it on the ultrasound and needles won't penetrate the amniotic sac, so there really isn't any more tests to do. Bella needs rest and sustenance." I say, leading her downstairs. I grab a few steaks, and the frying pan. Bella looks at it with a raised eyebrow, I smile "Trust me Izzy. You'll feel better after this." I say, dropping her steak on the pan and listening to the sizzle, I sear it on both side and drop it onto a plate. She cuts into it and stares at the middle. "Um...Is there supposed to be this much blood?" She asks, I nod my head "Extra rare, It was a craving I had when I was pregnant" I say, dropping my steak onto the pan. I leave it longer than Bella's before flipping it. I preferred medium rare. I make the kids dinner and plate it up. Bella smiles at me, and pushes her empty plate towards the sink. "Thanks" She murmurs, I stroke her head "Find Rose and get some sleep." I say, walking up the stairs to the play room.

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