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I look around the room and sigh, "Why do I have to leave?" I ask Carlisle, keeping my eyes on my sister. "You're human, Love. And injured" He says, motioning to my midsection. I roll my eyes at him and stomp out of the room to the living room. Jake was playing hide and seek with Nicky and Lara while Renesmee slept. I slump onto the sofa and smile as Lara crawls over to me and uses my knees to pull herself onto her feet. I lift her onto my lap and lean back against the cushions. Carlisle follows me Into the room, "Jacob, tell her that she needs to go home." He says and Jake looks up from his spot on the floor. "She won't listen, but we strongly advise that you take the little human babies back to your place. Bella is going to be a newborn, you know, baby vampires that go crazy for human blood?" He says and I glare at him, "I know what a newborn is, Jacob." I snap, and he holds his hands up. I roll my eyes and sigh heavily, looking at Lara's happy face. "Fine. I'll take the kids back to my house. I should see if Amelia has checked in." I mutter, my mind drifting back to the young woman that had birthed my son. Concern fills me and I stand up, "I'm going to go right now." I say, placing Lara onto the cushions of the sofa and quickly grabbing Nicky and Lara's things and making my way into the garage where my Jeep was parked. I throw the things onto the passenger seat and make my way back inside for the kids. I sit Lara on my hip and chuckle as Nicky runs towards the front door, a plush wolf clutched in his small chubby fingers. I smile as Carlisle scoops him into the air and pulls open the front door, "Ladies first." He says and I roll my eyes and step past him, and make my way through to the garage, an amused smirk forming on my face. I strap Lara into her car seat and reach for Nicky, strapping him in too. Carlisle pulls open the driver side door and I climb in, pulling it closed and rolling down the window. "I'll see you soon." I says, leaning forward for a kiss. He chuckles and his hand travels to the back of my neck, pulling me closer as his lips capture mine. My heart flutters as he deepens the kiss, before pulling away, A huff escapes my lips as I settle into my seat and fix my seat belt, and start up my jeep. Carlisle steps away from the jeep and hits the button to open the garage door, I smile as I reverse the jeep and stick my hand out of the window and wave as I drive away from the house. "Mama?" Nicky says from the back seat. I glance at him in the mirror. "Yeah, Sweetheart?" I ask, as I steer the car back towards my house. "Can we have Cookie?" He lisps and a smile forms on my face. "After dinner." I says and he pouts, "I want one now!" He exclaims, his face crumpling up. "You know the rules, Nicky. Real food before cookies." I says, holding back a chuckle, and pulling into my driveway. My eyes narrow at the sight of the door swinging open. I put the jeep in park and glance in the back, Lara was sleeping soundly, cuddled up with her lovey, and Nicky was tugging at his seat belt. I glance back towards the door and frown. I unclip my seat belt nd climb out of the jeep, "Mama!" Nicky exclaims as I close the door. I pull open the door to where he was sitting, and stroke his head "Mama will be right back, Ok?" I mutter and he nods his head and I close the door, making sure it was locked before making my way cautiously towards my door. I slowly push it open, my eyes widening at the mess in my hall. It was like someone had thrown a rager, beer bottles and cans littered the floor, pictures had been tipped off the walls, and there were several suspicious looking stains on the walls and carpets. I could feel my irritation rise as I made my way upstairs. I push open the door to Nicky's room and fury sizzles in my gut, the crib was on its side, my son's toys and teddies scattered around the room. Someone had also ripped apart his changing table, diapers, wipes and talcum powder were scattered everywhere. I grit my teeth and pull the door closed and make my way to Lara's room, which had been equally destroyed. I glance into my own bedroom to see two people lying on my bed, naked. It wasn't hard to guess what they had been doing. My stomach turned as I yank the curtains open and the woman groaned as the sunlight hits her face. "Get up, and get out of my house." I snap coldly and the woman sits up straight. "Now." I growl and make my way back downstairs and into the living room. It was in just as much of a mess as the rest of the house, as was the kitchen, I noticed as I peeked through the door. Amelia was snoring on the sofa, and I clenched my jaw as I walked into the kitchen and poured a glass of water. I made my way back into the living room as the two people quickly left my house. I tilt the glass above Amelia's head, stepping back and crossing my arms as the cold water splashes onto her face. She splutters, sitting up coughing, and glaring at me. "What was that for?!" She exclaims and I glare at her, "Have you seen the state of my house?" I ask quietly and she looks around and shrugs, "So what?" She snaps, rubbing the swell of her stomach. My anger rises and I grab her arm and yank her to her feet. "Clean it up." I snap, stepping away from her and kicking an empty can of beer away from me. "Why would I do that?" She snaps, and my eyes widen in surprise. "I offered you a place to stay out of the kindness of my heart... And you repay me by trashing my house? My son's and Daughter's rooms?" I ask, shaking my head at her in disappointment. "My son." She snaps and I raise an eyebrow, my irritation rising "No. He's My son. He doesn't know you, and after this He's not going to." I snap furiously and her eyes widen. "You can't do that!" She exclaims and I glare at her coldly. "Actually, I can. I want this place spotless by the time I get back, or I will get my father involved." I snap, and shove past her, ignoring the stunned look on her face, I make my way outside and slam my door closed and make my way towards the jeep. I unlock it and climb inside, slamming the jeep door closed too. Lara jolts awake and starts crying and I sigh heavily, reaching back and gently stroking her head. Nicky's lower lip wobbles and his eyes sparkle as he observes his little sister. "Is Okay, Wara." He says, trying to reach towards her. I sigh and start the engine, and pull out of my driveway. I reach into the glove compartment and pull out two candy bars and open them, passing one to Nicky and the other to Lara. It quietened them both down as I drove back to the Cullen's house. I was still pretty pissed. I slam on the brakes when I reach the house and climb out of mg jeep, after turning the engine off, and unbuckle the kids and lift them both up into my arms and carry them inside. "Rissa? What are you doing back?" Rose asks, handing Renesmee to Jacob and reaching for Nicky. "My house is trashed! She literally trashed my house." I growl, handing Lara to Jacob, who looks shocked as he tries to balance the two babies. "What are you doing?" He exclaims and I glare at him, "I do it everyday, pup. Sure you can do it for half an hour." I snap, making my way upstairs, I had just reached the top step when Carlisle exits his office. "I thought I heard you." He says, an arm wrapping around my waist, and he tugs me into his chest. I huff and rest my head against his shoulder, my arms snaking around him.  "I'm never doing anything nice, ever again." I huff and he chuckles, pressing a kiss to my temple. "I doubt that." He says, and I lean back and shake my head "Don't doubt it. Nicky's room? Trashed. Lara's room? Trashed. My room? Trashed with two people in my bed." I snap and make my way downstairs. I take Lara from Jake's arms and prop her against my chest. "I'm going to have to burn my sheets now. My favourite sheets!" I mumble and Lara giggles as she wraps her fingers in my hair and tugs. "You still have to go back." Jacob says with a grin as he play wrestles with Nicky. I groan and set Lara down on the sofa, "I know. But I'm not going without Leah to keep me calm." I say, and Jacob nods his head and pulls out his phone. "She'll meet you there." He says and I raise an eyebrow at him. "You're taking this Alpha thing seriously then?" She asks and Jacob nods "Yeah. Leah refuses to return to Sam's pack, and Seth says that he'd rather hang with Leah and Terry rather than Sam and Emily." He mutters and I shrug my shoulders, I was friends with all of them. Except Paul. He was an asshole. I lift Lara Into my arms once again, and smile at Nicky, "C'mon then, little wolf." I say, and he grins at me and grabs my hand, tugging me towards the doors. Carlisle chuckles softly and follows us out. "First Im gonna drop the kids off with Charlie. God knows hed want to see them." I mutter, strapping them back into their car seats. He nods his head, pressing a kiss to my forehead before making his way back into the house. I climb into my jeep and start it up before pulling out of the driveway and making my way towards my fathers house. He was waiting for me at the door, and I got the feeling that Carlisle had called him ahead of me. I get the kids out of the car and Nicky runs across the grass and to Charlie's waiting arms. "Hey, Kiddo!" He exclaims, scooping him into his arms and Lara tries to walk, but she barely manages three steps before face planting the ground. She doesn't give up, instead tries to clamber back to her feet, but it wasn't working. Charlie walks forward and scoops her up too, "You gonna be alright?" Charlie asks and I nod my head. "Yeah. Thanks dad." I mutter and he nods his head, pressing a kiss to the top of my head before making his way into the house. I inhale deeply and climb back in the jeep, and drive the short distance to my house. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2021 ⏰

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