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I got home and changed Nicky's diaper and put him in his crib. I close the door and walk into the spare bedroom. I pull my laptop out and type in my password. I click on the search engine and type 'Cold Ones' into the search engine. I watch as the search icon spins around before web pages flick up onto my screen. My eyes widen as I click on page after page. I shudder and move onto the images section. I scroll through the images then shut the browser window. I close the laptop and flick the light off, I walk downstairs to the kitchen and fill a mug with milk. I squeeze some honey into it and put it in the microwave. When the microwave pings I take the mug out and remove the skin from the top before mixing the milk and honey together before drinking it quickly. I walk upstairs and check on Nicky before heading to my own bed.

When my Alarm goes off I groan, and shove my duvet from my body. I stretch my arms above my head and smile to myself, I switch the shower on and wash myself, thanking Whatever god is out there that I set my alarm half an hour before Nicky woke up. I was rinsing the conditioner from my hair when the Baby monitor started. I groan and wrap my hair in a towel and wrapping another towel around myself. I make sure that it is secure before walking into the Nursery. "Can't Mama have just half an hour to have a shower?" I coo, picking him up. I walk down to the kitchen and bounce him in my arms to see if I can stop him crying. "Shh, It's okay." I say, my arm is starting to get tired so I lean him against my chest with his head just below my collar bone. I keep bouncing him, I use one arm to grab one of his bottles and pull it and every other clean bottle down. I yelp and cover Nicky, "God damn it!" I hiss and scoop two spoonful's of formula into the bottle. I top it up with water and shake it before throwing it in the microwave for a 20 seconds. I pull it out and swirl it around to let it cool and walk through to the living room. "You're gonna make me late for work!" I say in a baby voice, as I rest him backwards. He screams loudly thrashing his arms around his head. I tease his lower lip with the teat and sigh in relief when he starts to suckle. "You had me up almost all night, Nicky" I say, He blinks up at me, and I smile. "You're so cute!" I say, a knock sounds at my door. I stand up, still holding the bottle. "Just two minutes!" I call out, looking for my keys. I groan and fish them from my bag, I use one arm to hold Nick and the bottle. I turn the key in the door and swing it open. "Dr. Cullen?" I gasp, only just realising that I'm only wrapped in a towel. I pull the teat from Nicky's mouth "Can you burp him for me while I make myself decent?" I ask, He nods his head and stretches his hands out. I hand Nick to him and take off upstairs. I change quickly and make my way back downstairs. I rub my damp hair with the towel around my head and toss it in front of the washing machine. I crouch down picking up the bottles on the ground and dump them in the sink. I walk into the living room and see Carlisle burping Nicky with a smile. "You're good with him" I say, sitting on the sofa and pushing my hair out of my face. He glances up at me "It's my job" He says, handing him back to me. I nestle him in my arm and ease the teat back into his mouth. "So why are you here?" I ask, keeping my thoughts about the Cold Ones to myself. "The Board would like to offer you paid maternity leave" He says. I raise an eyebrow "Is this something I have a choice in?" I ask, He frowns "You have a choice, they just thought you might want some time off" He says with a shrug. I wait until Nick shoves the bottle away with his tongue before sitting him on my lap and rubbing his back. "I'd rather continue my work" I say, I stand up and walk upstairs to the nursery. I change Nicky's diaper and his clothes. I leave him on the change table before slipping a jacket on him. I grab the carrier and secure it to myself. I place Nicky in it and fasten the straps. I walk downstairs quickly and smile at Carlisle. "Seeing as you're here already, Fancy giving me a lift?" I ask. He chuckles and stands up, "Your chariot awaits" He says. I laugh and wait until he leaves before following him to his car.

He pulls up outside the hospital and I climb out of the car, "So where are you today?" I ask, looking at the maternity section. "The OR" He says, I sigh "Well good luck!" I say, waving as I walk away. I walk through the spinning door and Samantha almost knocks me to the ground. "OMG! Why were you with Dr. Cullen?" She asks, tugging me through the corridors. I laugh at her, "He dropped by to tell me that the board wanted me to take maternity leave, then he gave me a lift" I say with a shrug. We make it to the staff room and I unclip the carrier, and Samantha takes Nicky from my chest, and cuddles him. "Hello Nicky! Are you going to come with Auntie Sammy?" She says to him. I smile and lock the carrier in my locker and tie my hair back. I wiggle my fingers in his direction "Mama has to go and weigh the babies, I'll see you soon!" I say, I stop by the maternity section and the receptionist hands me three folders. I look through them and walk to the first empty room. I bring up the baby's file on the computer, and then push open the door. "Baby Matthews?" I call out. A woman stands up and carries the baby into the office. I smile at her and take the baby girl. "Aww Hello!" I say, pulling a face at the baby. I place her on the scales and turn to her mother. "Do you think there are any problems?" I ask. She blushes and looks at the baby, "I was going to Breast feed her, but there's something wrong" She says. I frown "With Baby or your breasts?" I ask. "With my breasts, they burn and they're larger than they were" she says quietly looking down at the ground. "Well Baby is a perfect weight, and everything looks good" I say, placing the baby in a crib. I turn to the mother, "Can you take your shirt and bra off for me?" I ask. Pulling some gloves onto my hands, She nods doing what I ask. I examine her breasts and smile. "Nothing too bad, You have Mastitis, which is an infection in the breast tissue. A course of Antibiotics and you should be fine. Although I don't recommend Breast feeding" I say writing the baby's numbers onto the report and printing a prescription. I sign it then hand it to her, She smiles doing up the last button in her shirt. She picks up her baby and leaves the office. I sigh and call in the next patient.

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