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It was Bella's birthday today, so I had set my alarm for six, I had the day off. I climb out of my bed and look down at Nicky with a smile, he had refused to go to sleep last night, so I had cradled him against my chest, and when he finally drifted off I had surrounded him with pillows. It was hard to believe that he was already Seven months old. I stroke his hair softly and he snuffles and blinks up at me, a gummy grin covers his face and he stretches out his arms for me. I pick him up and he snuggles into my neck. I almost recoil at the smell, and wrinkle my nose. "Someone has a smelly diaper!" I sing, he giggles and nods his head. I take him through to the nursery and change his diaper and dress him in a pair of jeans and a red shirt. I sit him on my hip and go downstairs and mix up a bottle of milk. He was starting to eat solids, but only for lunch or dinner. I always gave him milk in the morning. He holds onto it tightly as I grab Bella's birthday present. It was a replica of the sister necklace that she had given me. I place him in his walker and run upstairs and get dressed quickly. I run back downstairs and grab my purse and slip the small box inside before lengthening the strap and putting it on my shoulder. I grab Nicky's jacket and gently pull his arms through the sleeves. I pick him up and sit him on my hip. "Come on then Little man" I say, grabbing my keys and unlocking the front door. I step outside into the crisp air and lock my front door. I slip the keys in my purse and start the short walk to Charlie's.

I push open the front door and see Dad trying and failing to wrap a pink bow around a pink camera. I laugh as I look at the gifts, and shake my head "Mom totally forced you to do that" I say, taking the camera and fixing the bow with one hand. Dad rolls his eyes as I hand it back, "Women. I don't know how they do it" He mutters, looking at the perfectly wrapped gift from Mom. "What is it?" I asks, readjusting my grip on Nicky, "A scrap book." He mutters, I chuckle and sit Nicky against the cushions and take his jacket off. He stretches his arms out for me and I pick him up again, and pull my gift from my purse. I grin at Dad and run upstairs and knock on Bella's door and pushing it open. She leaps away from the mirror and drops her hand from her face. "Happy Birthday Izzy!" I exclaim wrapping my free arm around her and squeezing her tightly. "Oh dad, Your baby's all grown up!" I say as he appears at the door. I laugh at the look on his face and he hands Bella the two gifts. I hand her mine too, and she rolls her eyes, a small smile tugging at her lips, "I thought we said no presents" She says. Dad hums "Mine's not wrapped, so it doesn't count" He says, Bella picks it up and raises an eyebrow. "It was your mothers idea" He mutters. I grin and drop onto the mattress next to her. "She totally co-ordinated him" I say, Nicky reaches for the scrap book and Bella grins and tugs a bit of the wrapping paper off, Nicky grabs it and tears the paper off. "It's a...scrapbook?" She looks up at dad. "It's for your senior year." He says, Bella smiles and hugs him, "Thanks. It great" She says, grabbing the camera. "All right get in here." She says to Dad pulling Nicky to her, who tugs the pink bow off the camera and shoves the end of the ribbon in his mouth. I wrap an arm around Bella's shoulder on one side and dad hugs her from the other and holds out the camera and snaps a picture. I take the bow from Nicky and pop his pacifier in his mouth. "You're getting old Bella" Dad says sadly, Bella huffs "Not that old" She mutters, Charlie grins and points at her head, "I don't know. Is that a grey hair" He says. Bella leaps from her bed and checks her hair, Dad laughs as he goes downstairs and Bella rolls her eyes. "He said the same thing to me on my eighteenth" I say, handing her the small box. She opens it and a grin covers her face. "Put it on for me?" She asks, I nod and take the necklace from her and fasten it around her neck. She smiles and looks at Nicky who lays on her bed, tearing up the wrapping paper. I smile and pick him up, propping him against my chest. The front door opens and we hear Charlie's cruiser driving away. I smile at Bella and she shoo's me out of her room. I chuckle and make my way to the kitchen. I open the cupboards and groan, before moving to the fridge. I roll my eyes and grab a slip of paper. I grab a pencil and start scribbling everything that Charlie and Bella will need. As well as what Nicky and I need. Bella comes downstairs and raises an eyebrow at me, I roll my eyes "I have the day off. I am going shopping" I say, finally finishing the list. She grins "I thought you might've wanted to spend the day with Carlisle?" She says, grabbing her keys, I tuck the list into my pocket and grin at her as a car horn sounds outside, "Who says I'm not?" I say, grabbing Nicky's jacket. She laughs and follows me outside, being sure to lock the door, before climbing into her truck. "Have a good day!" I call out as I drop into the passenger seat of Carlisle's Mercedes. I wrap the seat belt over Nicky and I and smile at the Doctor. He pulls away from Dad's house driving slower than he usually does. "Where yo?" He asks, smiling at me. "Grocery store" I mutter, trying to wrestle Nicky's jacket back on him. Carlisle nods, his hand resting comfortably on my knee.

Carlisle pulls into a parking space and climbs out of the car, while I unbuckle Nicky and myself. The door opens and Carlisle grins down at me, Nicky lets out and excited turtle and holds his arms out to Carlisle. He chuckles and takes him from me, and uses his free hand to help me out of the car. I stumble against his chest and laugh, closing the door behind me. I hear the beep as he locks the car and moves towards the store. I grab a cart before we go in and pull the note from my pocket. "So what do you have to get?" He asks, his hand resting on the small of my back. I glance at the note "Bread, Milk, steak, eggs, chicken, potatoes...and whatever else tickles my fancy" I say, dropping a few loaves into the cart. He nods and grabs a few cartons of eggs, and hands them to me. I smile and place them carefully into the cart. I grab a few different packs of meat and drop them in the cart, I frown at the cart, "What's wrong?" Carlisle asks, raising an eyebrow at me. "I'm forgetting something..." I say, I meet his eyes and a memory triggers, "Oh! Bella's a vegetarian!" I say, dumping a variety of vegetables into the cart. "He chuckles and shakes his head, and presses a kiss to my temple, "Only you would forget that your sister doesn't eat meat" He says, a wicked grin covers my lips, "Hmm...I don't know...She and Edward seem pretty close don't they?" I say, keeping my face straight as I drop a few more items in the cart. I watch as realisation strikes him and burst out laughing at the look on his face. He shakes his head softly at me, and wraps an arm around my waist and places Nicky into the small seat built into the cart. "You're impossible" He mutters, looking around before dropping a quick kiss against my lips. "Alice is throwing Bella a party" He says, grabbing a bar of chocolate into the cart. I grin and push the cart faster towards the cake section. I grab a bag of flour, sugar, Cocoa powder, vanilla extract, butter, Icing sugar, cooking chocolate and a variety of different coloured rolling icings. His brow creases, "What's all this for?" He asks, I grin "A cake!" I say, reaching into the freezer behind him and grabbing a few tubs, I grin at the almost over flowing cart and meet Carlisle's eyes, "Time to go! It takes a long time to bake a cake!" I say, pushing the cart to the cashier. He chuckles and follows me, his hand on my back.

The doctors mateTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang