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I smile as the wedding march plays, and press a kiss to Bella's cheek. "Don't trip" I say, and take my bouquet of white roses and Lilacs. I walk slowly ahead of Dad and Bella. I see Carlisle standing next to Edward, Nicky sitting proudly against his chest. Both wearing matching suits with dark red, satin ties. A grin stretches across my face, when I see Rosalie holding Lara, who is also dressed in dark red. "Mama!" Nicky yells, wiggling in Carlisle's grasp. He sets him on the ground and he runs towards me on his tiny legs. I lean down and scoop him up into my arms with a chuckle and sit him on my hip. Lara starts fussing in Rose's arms too and She laughs setting her down. Smiling as the Seven month old crawls towards me at a quick pace. I give Nicky my Bouquet and scoop her up with one arm. She giggles and then settles her head on my shoulder. I cant wipe the smile off my face as I reach the altar and hand Lara to Carlisle and stand next to Rosalie, Alice and Esme. I watch as Bella and Dad stop at the end of the aisle and Bella takes a deep breath, then she looks around at everyone. She meets my eyes first and I nod with a smile. I watch as her fave lights up when she see's Edward and she tries to walk faster but Dad chuckles and holds onto her arm. I sneak a glance at Edward and notice the soft, loving smile on his face. I wrap my arms tighter around Nicky and nuzzle his hair. He grins at me and I smile as Dad hands Bella over to Edward, I meet Carlisle's eyes and he grins, before turning his attention back towards the exchanging of vows. They had changed the last part from, Till death do us part, to, For as long as we both shall live, which was a nice touch, no one wanted to hear about death at a wedding. I grin when Edward pulls her into a long kiss and cheer, instead of clap because I kind of had my hands full. The pull away and walk down the steps, I grin at Carlisle and Ook my arm through his as we follow them to the reception area, on the other side of the house.

Everyone was mingling, and Carlisle wrapped his arm around my waist as he introduced me to their 'Cousins' from Denali. "This is Eleazar, and his Mate, Carmen." Carlisle says, motioning to the two brunettes. Carmen smiles warmly and wraps me in a hug, I grin "I like you already!" I say, hugging her back with enthusiasm. "And these are, Tanya, Kate and Irina." He says, I smile at the women, and Tanya and Kate greet me kindly, Irina...not so much, she seemed so bitter. Edward approaches with Bella. "Weve heard so much about you." Kate says, to Bella. "Welcome to the family." Eleazar says with a grin, wrapping his arm around Carmen's waist,

"Thank you." Bella says, smiling bashfully. "Irina, come meet Bella." Carmen says, Irina is staring at Billy and Seth, she turns walks over to Carmen "I cant do this." She mutters, I frown "You promised." Tanya whispers, "They invited one." Irina hisses, I bristle and the air around me heats up, "He's family." I say tensely, "They killed Laurent." She says, completely ignoring her. "Actually. I killed Laurent. They just helped, and not him, he hadn't even shifted at that point." I say, crossing my arms. "He tried to kill Bella." Edward says. "I dont believe that! He wanted to be like us. To live in peace with humans, with me." She says, pain etched in her voice. "For what it's worth, I'm sorry. But my children were there. And he most certainly was going to kill her, I will protect my family with everything I am. I'm sorry that's it's brought you so much pain though." I say softly, meeting her eyes. She gazes at me for a minute then turns and walks away. "Irina!" Carmen exclaims. "Let her go. She has every right to be upset or angry." I say and turn into Carlisle's chest. Bella wraps her arm around me. "I love you." She says, I smile and hug her back. "I love you too, Izzy." I say. "Well, we can't monopolize all of the Bride's time." He says, stepping backwards. "It was lovely to meet you Bella. You too, Marissa" She says, they turn and start walking away. Bella and Edward leave to talk to other guests and I wrap my arms around Carlisle's neck, "I know Irina will probably hate me now. But I can't find it in me to Care. I'm just so happy! My baby sister is Married!" I say, Carlisle smiles and kisses me gently, his fingers stroking through the hair at the back of my neck. I rest my head on his shoulder and snake my arms around his back. He wraps an arm around me, resting on the small of my back. The start of the dinner is announced and we make out way to the tables. I notice that somehow, Sue has Lara perched on her lap, My dad by their side, cooing at her. My eyes widen "Oh my god! Oh my god!" I squeal excitedly, as Dad looks up at Sue with a loving smile and she returns it. I grab Carlisle's arm and bounce on my feet. "Look! Look! Look!" I say pointing at them discreetly. Dad looks up and meets my eyes and pales when he notices the wide grin on my face. I wave my hand at them, still bouncing slightly. Carlisle tugs me over to our table with a grin and pushes me down into my seat. I grab Edwards hand, "Did you know?" I ask, he looks at me in confusion. "Dad and Sue? Did you know?" I ask, he nods his head with a smirk and I smack the back of his head. "That's for not telling me." I huff, crossing my arms.

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