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I stop my jeep at the hospital, and jump out of it, locking it behind me. I run towards the maternity ward, "Oh Rissa, there you are. Come with me!" Samantha says. I follow her quickly, "She's panicking, Dr. Cullen is trying to keep her calm" She explains opening a door. I walk in and plaster a smile on my face, "Hello Meredith" I say, pulling gloves onto my hands, I nod to Dr. Cullen and check the stats. "You're 29 weeks today is that right?" I ask her, she nods her head. "You need to calm down, you're making Baby agitated" I say, preparing a few syringes. I grab the first one, and walk over to her, "What is that?" Meredith asks, eyeing the needle with distaste. "This is a corticosteroid. It will help develop Baby's lungs more" I say, pushing the needle into her thigh. I grab the other needle and inject that into her other thigh. "This is a muscle relaxant, it should slow your labour enough for the steroid to reach the baby." I tell her. "Legs up" I say, and pull a chair to the bottom of the bed. "So what happened?" I ask, as I take a swab and test it. "She tripped, and landed on her tail bone" Meredith sister tells me. I nod and stand up, "You can put your legs down" I say, and move to the other side of the room, a smile still on my face. "I'll be right back" I say, and open the door. Dr. Cullen exits with me, "What are the chances?" He asks, "The steroid and muscle relaxant should be enough to slow the labour. If it's not then I'll get Sam to have a Humidicrib and the neonatal team to come up" I say, he nods "The baby needs to stay in uterus for as long as possible" I say, I move to the desk, and pick up the phone. "Samantha? Yes...Can you have the NICU sent up to Room...26?....ok...thats great thank you" I say and place the phone down. "Half an hour" I say, and go back into the room. I check the tests, "No infection" I mutter and drop them in the bin. "You had the day off today..." Dr. Cullen says sadly, I smile "Babies don't know that...nd I prefer to deal with my patients myself" I say, I pull a chair up to Meredith's bed side. "So are you having a boy or girl?" I ask, "I don't know" She mutters, I smile "I'm sure you'll find out soon" I say, "What about names?" I ask, turning my attention to the screen, I turn the ultrasound on and squeeze the gel over her stomach. I see her relieved expression when her baby's heartbeat fills the room. "If it's a girl...I was thinking Samara, and if it's a boy...Maybe Lucas" She says, looking distracted. I place the wand down and smile, "Those are lovely names" I say, I grab a wipe and wipe the gel from her stomach. There is a knock on the door, and Dr. Cullen opens it, "I'm Megan...from the NICU, I brought the Crib" She says, wheeling the large clear plastic crib into the room. I see Meredith take in the crib with a fearful look. "Don't worry about that, It's just a big warming machine, Premies find it hard to keep themselves warm" She explains with a friendly smile. Meredith nods her head, when her expression changes. "I think my waters just broke" She says. I lift the blanket up and nod, "They did...Alright feet in the stirrups, ok....good" I say, reassuringly. I look towards her sister, "I'm sorry, you should leave now" I say. She becomes angry, "I'm not leaving!" She protests. I watch her calmly, "I'm afraid you have to" I say, sitting at the foot of the bed, "No I don't! She's my sister!" She yells. "I understand that, But you need to leave, if you don't you will be removed." I say, my smile disappearing. "I don't care! I'm not leaving!" She screams, near hysterical. I stand up, and move behind her, I gently shove her out of the door. "Who the fuck do you think you are!?" She screams, causing some passing midwives to shoot me looks of pity. "I'm doing my job. You dont understand that both Meredith and that Baby could die, and your screaming is not helping her. Stay out here, I'll send someone to get you when the baby is born!" I say, my tone cold and stern. She pales and sinks into one of the vinyl chairs. I walk into the room and close the door behind me. I change my gloves, and sit at the foot of the bed again. "Three centimetres...you're dilating slowly...thats good, not for you..." I say, and she nods. I stand up again, and Dr. Cullen pulls me to the side, "I was trying for an hour to calm her down..." He says, I smile "I think it's a female thing. They feel more comfortable when its someone who has been taking every note on the pregnancy" I tell him, I move towards Meredith's head and wipe away her sweat. "And can you tell Emmett that no matter how much he hangs around my Baby, I will not let him drive it?" I say, He smiles "I'll make a note" He says. I grin and turn back to Meredith "Remember your breathing exercises?" I ask her. She nods her head, her face screwed up in pain. I move to the bottom of the bed, and sit on the chair.

"That's ten centimetres, Push on the next contraction" I say, and take the heated pad from Megan and place it on the bed. I look at the screen, "Alright... Push!" I say, "And 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10. Stop!" I say, She slumps back on the bed, exertion covering her face. "And again, 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10!" I say. I check again "Another push and Baby will be crowning!" I say, cheerily. I feel Megan at my elbow, and move to the side. "And 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10" I say, "Baby's crowning, one more push and you'll be a Mommy!" I say, I move out of the way and Megan takes my place, everything ready to work on the baby. "Push, 1,2,3,4,5,6-" I watch as the baby is born in rush of blood and water. Megan immediately get to work and I grab a chart to record everything. She suctions the baby's mouth, and takes its measurements. "It it ok? Why isn't it crying?" Meredith asks, Tears pouring down her face, "Don't worry, Premies don't cry often, but your baby boy will be fine...we do have to take him down to the NICU though. Would you like to give him a kiss, and then I'll take him" She says. Meredith nods and Megan lifts the tiny baby up towards his mother. She presses a gentle kiss to the baby's forehead, and Megan clamps and cuts the umbillical cord, and places the baby in the Humidicrib, and wheels him out of the door. I turn to Meredith and take the syringe offered to me and stab it into her thigh, "This will help you expel the after birth. And then I'll take you to Lucas...is that still the boys name?" I ask, She nods. I smile "Congratulations Mommy!" I say, as she starts to expel the after birth. I wrap it up and drop it in the waste, and wait for Dr. Cullen to examine her before he helps me get her into a wheelchair. I wheel her out of the room, and see her sister leaning against the wall. "OhMyGod, what happened?" She asks quickly. "You have a nephew, and if you would like, you can accompany us to see him" I say, pushing the chair down the hall. I press the button for the elevator and wheel her in when the doors open. Samantha smiles at me, "Samantha will take you down to the NICU, I'll check in on you tomorrow" I say, Samantha nods and I step out of the elevator. I sigh when the doors close, and peel the gloves from my hands. I drop them in the trash, and walk down to reception. I sign out and clutch my keys in my hand. I see Emmett and his girlfriend Rosalie by my jeep and sigh. I walk towards them and raise an eyebrow, "Do NOT manhandle my Baby!" I yell when I see him about to lift the hood. He jumps back and grins, "I just wanted to make sure the engine was sound!" He protests, his hands up in surrender. "So what are you doing here?" I ask. "Waiting for Carlisle to finish his shift, Rose was just reading to the little kids" He says, Rosalie looks down at the ground. "You like kids?" I ask, a smile brightens up her face, "I love them!" She says, then her face falls, I smile and check my watch, "Well Dr. Cullen won't be finished with his shift for another hour, how about I drive you home?" I ask, Emmett grins, and runs to the other side of the Jeep, "That sounds great, now let me in the Jeep!" He says, I chuckle and unlock my baby, and they both climb in. I turn the ignition on, and Emmett sighs, "Oh she is beautiful!" He says, stroking the leather seats, and the spotless dashboard. I smile "She thanks you" I say, and he grins. "I have to remember to spend more time with you" He says, I grin and catch Rosalies eye in the rear view mirror. "You just want my Baby" I say, as I drive through the wooded road. He places his hand on his heart, "You wound me! Oh this is the turn off" He says pointing to the left. I slow the car, and turn onto the muddy driveway, "I get it though, My baby is amazing!" I say, he nods his head, "Who do you take her to? The engine is purring!" He says, "I take it to Jacob down the Rez, he knows his way around anything with an engine" I say, proudly. Emmett nods, and I stop the Jeep in front of the large house. He jumps out of the Jeep.Rosalie gets out too, and Emmett pokes his head in the window. "Do you want to see my Jeep?" He asks. I think for a moment, then get out of my car. He grabs my wrist and tugs me to the huge garage. I get a shock at the goodness of his skin, but don't mention anything. He presses a button the the large doors open. I stare at the cars with my mouth open. "That is alot of Cars" I say, moving between the bright red convertible, the Volvo, the Mercedes and finally the jeep. I grin "Ah ha! That's why you like my jeep, I have a newer model!" I say, Emmett grins, "You caught me" he says lifting his hands. "I wonder where Alice's car is?" Rosalie asks, "I didn't like it so I sold it, you must be Marissa!" A pixie like girl says, skipping towards me, "That was your third car this week!" Rose says, exasperated. Alice shrugs. "We'll see you later Rissa, I look forward to meeting Bella!" She says,dragging Rose into the house. I raise an eyebrow, "She's um...Rambunctious" I say, Emmett laughs as he walks me back to my jeep, "See you later?" He asks, I smile and nod and climb into my jeep. "Bye!" I stick my hand out of my window and wave, before driving away.

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