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I sigh as Nicky screams loudly tears Dripping slowly down his face, he had had so much excitement yesterday but today it had caught up with him. He screams again and I open my laptop to see two new Emails. I click on the one from the Woman who was in charge of Nicky's adoption and my eyes widen. I read it again and automatically reach for my phone, I type the numbers in quickly, not remembering who the contact was. 'This number has been disconnected' The disembodied voice of a woman says and my breath escapes my lungs in a rush when I realise who the number was. I rock Nicky back and forth, sending a quick reply and open the other one. 'Hey Marissa! I'm so glad you found it! And so is Esme! (and Emmett, of course) Did Nicky enjoy his Birthday? Everyone has a gift for him. Although no one is admitting it. Things are kind of shitty here. Edward and Carlisle are off who knows where in different directions. Emmett and I are on a third honeymoon and so are Alice and Jasper. (She's annoyed because when she looks for you and Bella its fuzzy. And I think Esme is in London. How are you though? It was shitty of us to leave without saying goodbye. Rose xx' and shut my laptop down and bounce Nicky who screams again. I sigh and walk downstairs and grab an ice pop from the freezer. I give it to him and he quietens down, still occasionally whimpering. My phone beeps and I look down at a text from Jake, 'Bells just brought me 2 bikes. Wants me to fix them up for her' I frown, Bella hadn't ever had an interest in bikes before. 'Start fixing them up. Don't do it too quickly though and dont let charlie know' I send back. I quickly go through the book of phone numbers next to fridge and Dial Jessica Stanley. "Hello?" She answers on the fifth ring. "Hey Jessica, It's Marissa here. I was wondering, do you have any idea why Bella has a sudden interest in motorbikes?" I ask, putting Nicky in his high chair. "Oh, she jumped on the back of some rando's bike last night. Honestly I didn't think she could ever be so stupid, I thought he was gonna murder her and leave her in a ditch or something" Jessica says, "Thanks" I say and end the call. What the hell was Bella doing? I sigh and get Nicky dressed. My phone pings and I see the Adoption woman's number, asking me to meet her today to go over everything. I send her an affirmative and go back downstairs and putting Nicky in his walker. I put my phone on the kitchen counter and tug Nicky through, he squeals as I pull the walker and waves his hands, I smile and quickly make a sandwich for myself as I had fed Nicky earlier. I eat my food as I watch him use his feet to push himself around the kitchen, he giggles when he bumps into my shins and stretches his arms out, "Mama Up!" He says, I smile and pick him up, happy that he had stopped screaming. He wraps his tiny arms around my neck and I smile and finish my sandwich and make my way into the living room. I sit Nicky on the sofa and switch the TV on, I sigh and Quickly run upstairs and grab my laptop and slump down on the sofa next to Nicky and I open up my emails and click on Rose's name. 'Rose, Nicky loved his birthday. He got so many presents and he's getting so big! Hard to believe that its been a year since He was born. I've been alright, I have things to keep me distracted but Bella...she's just starting to get out there again. When she wasn't at school she was staring out the window, she didn't even join us for Christmas. I'm worried about her, Jess said she jumped on some Randoms motorcycle yesterday, and today she went to the scrap yard and bought two of her own. Can you skype me? I have big news! Marissa xx' I hit send and place the laptop on the cushion next to me and grab Nicky and throw him in the air and catch him again. He shrieks with laughter and I hear my laptop chime and the Skype notification appear. I grab the laptop and press answer and sit it on the table, Nicky reaches for it but I hold him back. Three faces fill the screen, "Who's that Nicky?" I say in his ear pointing at the the screen. His face lights up "Wose!" He says clapping his hands, the beautiful blonde vampire smiles "Hi Nicky!" She says, waving her hand, Nicky waves back and I smile, "So what's the big news?" Emmett asks, Esme smiles at me and I take a deep breath, "I've been asked to adopt another baby, I'm going to do it" I say. Rose grins "I'm so happy for you!" She squeals, Esme smiles and places a hand on Rose's shoulder. I notice the skyline in the background and raise an eyebrow "So...New York, huh?" I mutter, Rose looks behind her guiltily and chews on her lip, "We're sorry we left" Esme says sadly. I shake my head and smile "It's alright. I'm not pissed at you" I say, Emmett grins "But you are pissed at Carlisle" He points out, I chuckle but don't answer and smile down at Nicky, "Look what Leah made!" I say holding his wrist towards the camera. Esme smiles "It's beautiful" She says, admiring the woven leather. I nod and open my mouth to speak when the doorbell rings, "I'm sorry. I have to go" I say, Rose nods and smiles "I'll send you my mobile number" She says and ends the call. I stand up and open the door and invite the woman into the house.

"Would you like a mug of tea?" I ask, she shakes her head "No thank you, this is a quick visit." She says, placing the car seat at her feet. She slides some papers over to me, "This is baby Lara, She's six days old, and was found abandoned on the steps of my workplace, the note said that the mother wished for a closed adoption with a good family. You were the first person that popped into my head, so what do you say?" The woman asks, I smile and reach for the baby. The woman takes her out of the car seat and hands her to me, Nicky climbs on my knee and grins at the baby, "Ook Mama!" He says, pressing a kiss to the baby's head and resting his cheek on her head. I chuckle and shift him so he doesn't accidentally squash her. "There's my answer" I say, rocking the baby from side to side. The woman smiles in relief and hands me a pen, "Just sign there and there, and then I'll leave you to your new daughter" She says. I take the pen and sign my name in both places, She stands up, leaving the car seat, "Alright, goodbye" She says and rushed out of the door, papers in hand. I smile at the baby and then at Nicky. I tap the baby's nose, "Welcome to the family Lara" I say, and wrap an arm around Nicky who giggles loudly. I smile at the two children, and move Nicky off my lap, I put Lara back in the car seat and cover her with a blanket and help Nicky put his jacket on. I pick him up and set him on the ground and take his hand, and grab the handle of the car seat. I fasten the car seat in my jeep and help Nicky into his. I climb in the drivers seat and start driving towards the Rez.

I stop the car in front of Sue and Harry's. Leah and Seth rush towards the jeep, "Where's Nicky?" Seth asks, opening the door. His eyes widen "Did you steal a baby, Rizzy?" He asks, lifting Nicky from his seat. Leah takes him and looks in the jeep, "No I adopted her" I say, Leah smiles "She's adorable" She says, I smile and climb out of the jeep and grab the car seat. I follow Leah and Seth to the beach and smile when Leah sets Nicky on the sand. He automatically runs towards the water, Seth chases after him and I lean back against the sand as Leah rocks Lara. I was relaxed, happy and I hope it stayed that way.

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