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Bella was back and I had gotten a call from Edward saying that Jake had told her about Victoria and she had disappeared with him. He had asked me to go to the Rez to keep an eye on her but I had flat out said no. Bella was her own woman, and if she wanted to spend time with the wolfing's then that was her prerogative. I had been roped into helping Alice set up the fairy lights on the driveway. Jasper was pushing Nicky on the Motorcycle he got for his birthday and Rose was keeping an eye on Lara. It was dark by the time every last fairy light was in the trees and I made my way back up towards the house, I smile at Carlisle as he exits the house and wraps an arm around my waist, I rest my head against his chest, He tugs me back into the house and he sits down and I stretch out. Carlisle takes both of my hands in his and wraps them around me. I sigh softly and let my eyes shut, They fly open when a weight lands on my chest and I groan, Nicky laughs and claps his hands. I smile and tug him against my chest, he grins and rubs his face against my shoulder before crawling over me and sitting in the space between my shoulder and Carlisle's chest, He wraps his hands in my hair and rests his head on Carlisle's shoulder. Rose smiles and hands Lara who waves her arms around. I prop her up against my knees and play peekaboo. She giggles every time I say Boo! And I grin at her and grab her hands. She bounces on my lap and I pull her against my chest, The door opens and I frown at the look on Edwards face, "What's going on?" I ask, "Someone's been in Bella's house" He says. I sit up straight and Nicky makes a noise of protest. Pushing at my back with his feet. Emmett and Jasper quickly leave "Who was it? Someone we know?" Carlisle asks, sitting up with Nicky still leaning against his chest, Edward shakes his head "A stranger. I didn't recognize the scent." He says, My eyes widen and Esme looks around "A nomad passing through?" She asks, Rose shakes her head "A passer-by wouldn't have left Bella's father alive." Rose states, Jasper and Emmett walk back into the house, Jasper stops next to Alice "His scent disappears five miles south of Bella's house." He says, "Someone's orchestrating this" Carlisle says, "Victoria" I say simply, Alice shakes her head "Ni. I would've seen her decide" She says, I frown "Unless She's not the one making the decisions" I say, "The Volturi" Bella asks, Alice sighs "I've been watching Aro's decisions too" She says, I roll my eyes "So we keep looking" Emmett says, I sigh and lean against Carlisle, I knew it was Victoria. "We can take shifts, Guarding Bella at her house" Carlisle says, his thumb rubbing gentle circles on my hip. "Another protection detail?" Rosalie scoffs. "Rose" Carlisle warns. Bella sighs heavily "No. She's right. You guys can't protect me, Nicky or Lara, watch my dad. And search for the intruder" Bella says, rose rolls her eyes "Or Victoria" She says, Bella nods "And keep yourselves fed" She says. Alice smirks "We have Marissa" She says, I smirk at her "Long distance high five Baby!" I say, holding my hand out, she grins and does the same. "Absolutely not." Carlisle says, I raise an eyebrow at him and he rolls his eyes, "I'm not leaving you here unprotected" Edward says. I chuckle quietly "Here we go. Watch Edwards face." I stage whisper and some of the Cullens chuckle. Edward glares at me, "I wouldn't be unprotected..I-I have..." She trails off at the stony look on Edwards face. "She has Sam, Jared, Paul, Jake, Quil, Embry, Leah, Seth, Me. You can trust them to keep her safe Edward" I say, naming each of the wolves and Bella smiles at me. Edward frowns "They have no control!" He protests, I stand up "They have the same control that you do! Do you have any idea how often I leave Nicky and Lara with them?" I snap, "That's different" Edward says, I put one hand on my hip "How? How is it any different?" I ask. He opens his mouth and I shake my head "Don't even think about it. I've known Bella her whole life and if anyone has any say over what she does, it's me. I'll call Sam" I say. Edward takes a threatening step forward as I pull out my phone "No you won't." He snaps, I hold up my hand and clench it into a fist, he flips upside down and I sigh, holding him there. "Sammy!" I say when he answers, "What's up Rizzy?" He asks, I sigh heavily "There was a Human muncher at Charlie's earlier, trail ends five miles south of Dad's. I need you to send Jarry to check it out" I say, Sam sighs "He's on his way. Jake will meet you at Charlie's tomorrow" He says, I hum "Sam?" I say, "Talk to Leah about the baby's name. I'm sure she wouldn't mind you using Harry as a middle name" I say, Sam lets out a breath "Thanks Rizzy, see you later" He mutters and ends the call. I turn to the Cullens "Jared is Checking it out" I say. Jasper nods and wraps an arm around Alice. I glare at Edward who is still upside down "Don't be one of those annoying controlling boyfriends. Or you'll lose her" I say, Edward falls to the ground, his head cracking against the floor. I spin around and smile at Carlisle who had taken Lara out of my arms as soon as Edward had taken that step. "Carlisle aren't you going to say something?" He growls. Carlisle chuckles and tugs me onto his lap, Nicky crawls onto my lap, "I trust Marissa's choices. She wouldn't do anything unless it was for a reason." He says, I smile "And I made it very clear to him that he can't tell me what to do" I say, pressing a kiss to my Man's cheek, he chuckles "That too" He says, turning his head and kissing my lips. Edward huffs and stops out of the room. "Try anything like that again Eddie and you'll never get it up again!" I yell after him, "Have I ever mentioned how scary you can be sometimes?" Emmett says, sitting next to Rose. I roll my eyes and lean back against Carlisle with a smirk "I'm not scary am I?" I ask. He chuckles "Not at all, Love"

"Well Whoever it was left it's stink behind. We can handle it from here" Jake says, sauntering out of My dad's house. "We don't need you to handle anything" Edward spits. Jacob moves forward "I don't give a damn what you need" He growls, I chuckle quietly "Down Doggy" I mutter. Bella rolls her eyes and gets in between them. "Stop it! From now on I'm Switzerland, Ok!" She says. I snort and Jake chuckles and I throw my spare arm around his neck. "You two have fun, doing whatever it is you do" I say, and pull him to my truck. He takes Nicky and secures him into his car seat before he climbs into the passenger seat. I put the car in drive and start the journey to La Push. Jake is silent most of the way until he turns to look at me. "I'm surprised that your bloodsucker lets you come to the Rez" He says. I glare at him, "His name is Carlisle. He trusts me to make my own decisions" I say. Jake sighs "Maybe Edweirdo could try that sometime" He says. I chuckle and glance at Jake, "Don't worry about that. I've made the consequences quite clear if he tries to control her" I say. Jake snorts "Let me guess. You threatened to cut his Balls off?" He asks, I raise an eyebrow, "What makes you think that?" I ask, he rolls his eyes and I smirk "You know me well" I say, He grins "You're like my big sister" He says. I smile and reach over, ruffling his hair "And you can join Seth in the annoying little brother category" He laughs and turns the radio on and turns the volume up. "The sun goes down. The stars come out. And all that counts. Is here and now." I sing along to the song and he smiles. "My universe, will never be the same. I'm glad you came, I'm glad you came" He joins in and I smile. The instrumental part plays, and Jake dances in his seat. "You cast a spell on me, spell on me. You hit me like the sky fell on me, fell on me. And I decided you look well on me, well on me. So lets go somewhere no-one else can see, you and me" I sing. Jake grins and holds out a hand to quieten me. "Turn the lights out now, now I'll take you by the hand. Hand you another drink, drink it if you can. Can you spend a little time, time is slipping away, away from us so stay, stay with me I can make, make you glad you came!" I grin at him, he was still dancing in his seat "The sun goes down, the stars come out, and all that counts is here and now. My universe will never be the same. I'm glad you came. I'm glad you came" We sing together. He turns it up even louder and I see Nicky doing a little jig in his car seat. I laugh and shake my head and continue singing along. Jacob grins at me and opens the sun roof and unbuckles himself and climbs out so he's sitting on the roof of my jeep. We pull up at the Rez and Leah grins and runs up to the jeep. She pulls iopen the door. "The sun is shining! and everyone is going cliff jumping! She pulls me out of the jeep and I grin. "Jake! Drop Nicky off at Emily's!" I say, and run after Leah. I knew half of La Push would be on the beach today. I run after her until we reach the top of the cliff. The whole pack was at the top, (bar Jake) I could se there were a few people who looked nervous. I grin and pull off my shirt and leggings "Meet you at the bottom Losers!" I yell, running past them and throwing myself off the cliff. I tuck my knees into my chest and tumble through the air, straightening out before I hit the water. I cut through the water and swim up to the surface. "Whoo!" I yell. I see Lean jump and she splashes into the water next to me. She grins at me and starts swimming towards the shore but she swims into someone and completely freezes up. I hear cheers and whoops from above "Go Leah!" Paul yells loudly. I swim towards Leah and wrap a hand around her elbow. I smile at the man who can't seem to keep his eyes off Leah, He notices me and smiles "Um...hi. I'm Terrance, everyone calls me Terry though" He says, holding out his hand. Leah doesn't say anything and the man smiles again, I shake my head and shake his hand, "I'm Marissa, and this Beautiful amazing woman is Leah, or Le-Le" I say. His eyes lock onto Leah and a faint blush covers her face. "Um...yeah...I'm just gonna..." She quickly swims away and he turns to watch her. I smile as I float he turns back to me and scratches the back of his neck, "So..." He trails off, I grin "Aww, you like her!" I say, clapping my hands, he blushes bright red, "Um...Its alot more complicated than that" He mutters, My eyes widen, "It's really not that complicated. You Imprinted on her..." His eyes widen, "And she imprinted on you!" I say swimming away from him. "Wait! She's a shifter?" He asks, I grin at the surprise on his face. "Ask her yourself!" I call over my shoulder. I couldn't wipe the grin off my face, I was over the moon for Leah, and her imprint was handsome so that was a bonus for her! Not as handsome as Carlisle though. In my mind Carlisle and Nicky were at the top.

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