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It was three days before Bella's wedding and I was going into work today. I had been staying with the Cullens for a few weeks, helping plan the wedding, my maternity leave was also up, seeing as I had only taken seven months off. Carlisle grins at me as I walk out of the bathroom, dressed in my pink scrubs, the hospital had changed the navy blue to a light pink. I didn't mind, I quite like the new colour. "Look at you." He says says softly. I raise an eyebrow "Does that mean I look good?" I ask, Peering at him from under my lashes, "You always look beautiful." He says, wrapping his arms around my waist, I practically melt into his chest, I press a quick kiss to his lips, wrapping my arms around his neck. I lean back and smile at him "You know it." I say, he leans forward and presses a soft kiss to my bottom lip. "Come on. We're going to be late." He says, tugging me downstairs. I had spent an hour with the kids this morning, I had grown so used to spending time with them. I follow Carlisle with a sad sigh and climb into his Car. As soon as we pull into the parking lot, I can feel my heart speed up a little. Carlisle looks at me and takes my hand "Are you alright?" He asks, looking at me with concern. I grin "I'm great! C'mon, Let's go!" I say, throwing the car door open and and jumping out. I bounce on the balls of my feet, "You we're sad when we left the house" He says, coming around to my side of the car. I smile "I just realised how much I've missed this place." I say, wrapping my arms around him loosely. "Kiss for Luck?" I ask, he cups my face, "You can kiss me whenever you like" he mutters, I smile "Good answer." I say and press my lips against his. He pulls me tighter against him and then pulls back. "We're already three minutes late." He points out. I nod my head "And we'll be four minutes late by the time we sign in." I say, grabbing his hand and pulling him along with me. He laughs "I thought you were joking at Bella's graduation." He says, I smile sweetly "Four minutes late, Is my on time" I say pulling him through the doors, I sign in my name and immediately I see Samantha barrelling towards me. I open my arms and she grabs me, jumping up and down in time with me. Oh my god! I am so happy that you're back!" She exclaims, Carlisle smiles, "I'll see you at lunchtime?" He says, I smile "You will" I say, Samantha tugs me down the corridor and pulls me into the Maternity ward. "Listen, we have another Midwife. She joined us like two months ago, she's a spiteful bitch and she likes Carlisle" She says in a rush, her eyes wide. I pause "Wait, what?" I ask. Samantha nods her head jerkily, "She likes Carlisle and-" I blink at her, "How do you know that?" I ask, my brow furrowing in confusion. "Because she's been flirting with him everyday! Get back on point-" My eyebrows raise "Hold your horses. She's been flirting with him?" I ask, Her eyes widen a fraction more. "Ah, he didn't tell you?" She asks, my irritation peaks, "Tell me what?" I snap, "You'll see later." She

hisses, plastering a false smile on her face, "Cassandra, Hi!" She enthuses, my heart skips a beat and my hands go clammy. The woman smiles back, "Hi. You must be the famous Marissa I've heard so much about" She says the last part sarcastically, and my eyebrows almost shoot up my forehead, but I manage to keep them under control. "Hi Cassandra, Nice to meet you." I say holding out my hand, she raises one eyebrow and sneers at my hand and stalks off. "Wow. Ok." I say, turning to Sam with wide eyes. "Does she hate me or something?" I ask, She smiles "She hates everyone. Except Carlisle" She says, pulling me towards my office for my first appointment.

I smile at the woman as I wipe the gel from her stomach, "Did you want to know the gender?" I ask, she smiles at me, and looks at the man with her "Yes please!" They both say, I smile and look down at the chart "A little boy. Congratulations" I say, placing the chart on my desk. "Have you been taking your prenatal vitamins?" I ask, She nods her head, "Even I didn't, this one would remind me." She says, elbowing her partner. I smile and walk to the door, "Well, I'll see you in a few weeks for your next scan. Have a nice day" I say, pulling it open. Samantha grins at me from the other side and I jump about a foot in the air. "Really?" I ask, raising an eyebrow at one of my best friends. She grins "It's Lunchtime baby!" She exclaims, hooking her arm through mine, I smile at the couple as they leave my office "Call me if you have any questions" I say as they walk away. I roll my eyes at Samantha and follow her to the cafeteria. She pulls me to a stop just inside the door, and motions discreetly towards Carlisle. I raise an eyebrow when I notice Cassandra sit down practically on his lap. I chuckle under my breath at the look of discomfort on his face as he edges away from her. "Why are you laughing?" Samantha asks, looking at me with wide eyes, "She's flirting with him!" She explains, I smirk "I can see that Sammy. But does he look like he's enjoying it?" I say, she shakes her head "That man has only had eyes for you since he arrived the first time. I'm honestly surprised it took you almost three years to actually get together." She says. I roll my eyes at her and walk towards the fridge. I feel someone appear at my elbow and smile as the comforting scent of lemons washes over me. "Hello Carlisle." I say, pulling out a tub of BBQ ribs. I place a frying pan on the stove and quickly cook them up. "How are you doing?" He asks, leaning against the counter with a soft smile. I grin at him "Brilliant! Although slightly confusing." I say, putting the ribs on a paper plate. I grab his wrist and tug him to his usual table. I sit down next to him and smile sweetly at Cassandra as she backs off slightly. I pick up a rib between my forefinger and thumb. My phone rings and I answer it. "Hey Izzy! How is the wedding planning going?" I ask, I hear a huff and a shuffle clack sound. I groan "Bella, remember heel, toe, heel toe. It's how you walk in heels" I exclaim, using my teeth to pull meat from the rib. "Yeah yeah, Nicky wants to talk to you. He practically attacked me!" She says, I laugh and put it on speaker. I nudge Carlisle in the ribs and he smiles at me. "Mama!" Nicky exclaims, I smile "Hi Nicky! Where's Aunty Esme?" I ask, Nicky giggles "She pwaying with fowers" He says. I chuckle "Guess who's with me?" I say, Samantha drops down next to me, "Are you talking to Nicky?" She asks, "Sammy!" He exclaims, she chuckles "Hello little man!" She says, stealing a rib from my plate. "Hi!" His voice says through the phone. "Guess who is also here" I say, Carlisle smiles "Hello Nicholas" He says, I elbow him in the ribs, and he chuckles "Carwile!" Nicky exclaims, I hear a thud and then Bella appears back on the line. "He just ran towards Jasper. I think he wants to play soldier" she says, I take her off speaker and grin. "I'll see you later Bells" I say and hang up, Carlisle smiles at me, his hand resting on my knee under the table. I smirk at him "We need to plan Bella's bachelorette party, I know you are taking Edward one one" I say. He grins "Don't worry. There won't be any strippers" He says, I meet Samantha's eyes and she grins "Remember the stripper at your party?" She asks, I grin "Oh my god! yeah! You somehow managed to convince one of my Dad's officers to strip for us. Which one was it?" I ask, she grins "I cant remember his name, but that was a memorable night" She says. I nod my head "It was. I'll never forget all the flab and body fluff" I say, Samantha chortles. "You looked so embarrassed!" She says, stealing another rib. "You're married?" Cassandra asks, I look at her in surprise. I had totally forgotten that she was there. "Um...No" I say, eating another rib. "Why have a bachelorette party, if you're not getting married" She huffs, I sigh "Because I did get married" I say, rolling my eyes at her. She smirks "What? Did he not like you? Did you get a divorce?" She asks, Samantha bristles and I smack her arm gently. "Oh, he loved me and No we didn't" I say, she frowns "What happened?" I let out a sharp huff. "You know. If someone doesn't give you a clear answer it means they don't want to. My life is none of your business." I say pointedly, and stand up, "I'll see you later" I say to Samantha as Carlisle stands with me. We walk out of the cafeteria and he wraps an arm around my waist, "Nosy bitch" I mutter under my breath. He chuckles and pulls me tighter against him, "How are you?" He asks, I smile at him and wrap my arms around his neck and give him a quick kiss. "Good. I'd be better if I could melt her into a puddle like Dorothy did the wicked witch" I mutter. "I'm melting! I'm melting!" I say in an overly squeaky voice and he laughs, My pager beeps and I smile "An actual delivery! Thank god. I've missed trying to encourage screaming women" I say, pressing another kiss to his lips before pulling away. I smile and walk in the direction of the delivery rooms.

"So what do you think of Dr. Cullen?" Cassandra asks, I wasn't going to let her know that I knew he was standing just outside the door talking to another Doctor. "Sexiest man alive. I'm lucky to have him" I say, focusing on the patient. "That's high praise coming from you" He says stepping into the room. I turn my head and smile at him, noticing the sour look on Cassandra's face. Samantha was right, "I compliment you all the time" I say, waving a hand at him. He chuckles and examines the woman before stepping back, "I've never heard you call anyone...Sexy" He says the last part awkwardly and I chuckle, "Pierce Brosnan is sexy" The woman in the middle of giving birth says, I nod my head "Don't forget about Hugh Jackman" I add, the woman lets out a groan "Oh wolverine." She mutters, I smile and Carlisle raises an eyebrow "Should I be jealous?" He asks, I smile and pat his chest, "Don't worry, you're still my favourite" I say, He chuckles and turns to the woman on the bed. "Alright then. I think she's ready for you Marissa" He says, I smile and turn to the woman, who smiles at me. "It's nice to see the two of you together. Last time I was here the two of you had no idea what to say to each other" She says, her face scrunching up as another contraction hits. I smile and encourage her to push, "Well I did steal his bed" I say, I notice Cassandra's mouth drop open. Carlisle chuckles "Yes, because one woman needs a whole king sized bed to herself" He mutters, I roll my eyes at him, "I was comfy and you moved me. You deserved to be kicked out" I say, a flush growing on my cheeks. The woman laughs, but cries out as another contraction hits. I smile at her "Already crowning. Well done" I say, she pushes again and the head is born. I smile "Alright. One more push and your baby will be born!" I say, She nods her head, sweat dripping down her brow. "And....Push!" I say, the baby slides out of the birth canal in a rush of blood and water, I clamp and cut the cord and hand the Baby to Carlisle and pull my gloves off as Cassandra stabs a needle into her thigh. She was in charge of collecting the after birth and making sure everything was there. Carlisle hands the baby to the mother and smiles, "There's your little girl" He says, pulling his own gloves off. The woman smiles and I retreat from the room and Carlisle captures my lips in a soft kiss. "Maybe she'll leave me alone now." He mutters and I laugh "Yeah. Let's go home. You can tell me on the way why you didn't tell me about the woman who literally tries to sit on your lap during breaks" I say, entwining our fingers together. He chuckles "To be honest, I thought you might end up setting fire to her." He says. My eyes widen and I place my hand over my heart "I don't set fire to Humans, Love. I just be the nicest bitch they've ever met. I don't always resort to violence" I say, pulling him towards the doors.

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