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My phone was pressed to my ear, as Carlisle sped over the winding roads. "He'll be fine with you for a few days?" I ask Sue, "Of course I can!" She says, her voice slightly tinny, due to the crappy reception. "Be careful" She warns softly then ends the call. Carlisle raises an eyebrow at me and I sigh "I think he'll be safer on the Rez" I mutter, Carlisle smiles and reaches over and squeezes my hand, "We'd never let anything happen to them." He says, "I know. But some things are not within our control" I mutter, sighing as he takes the turn off towards his house. The car screeches to a halt outside of the large house and I climb out and make my way into the house as Carlisle parks the car in the garage. "Well, well, well, what have we here?" The dark-skinned Vampire says, a small smirk on his face. I take a step backwards and glare at him, "What are you doing here?" I hiss, lowly edging towards the door, I feel my body temperature rise as my anger does. He spends towards me and grabs my arm tightly, I clench my teeth to stop myself from crying out and I hear a sizzling sound. The vampire's eyes widen and he snarls, throwing himself away from me. I glance at my arm and see dark purple bruises already blemishing my skin. Carlisle steps into the room from the Garage and takes everything in. Something dark flashes in his eyes and he moves in front of me, he rests a gentle hand on my arm but quickly pulls it back, winding slightly, but a small smile tugs at his lips. "Laurent. Why are you here?" He asks calmly. Laurent doesn't say anything and eyes me warily. My temper spikes, "Are you going to answer or not?" I ask, raising an eyebrow at him. He hisses at me and I glare at him, "I have some news that might interest you" He says to Carlisle, who raises an eyebrow and tilts his head. "Although information is pricey" He taunts. "How about you tell us what you know and you can keep your head?" I say sweetly, clenching my fists. He laughs at me "Id like to see you try, sweetheart" He says, condescendingly. I lunge towards him, but an Arm wraps around my waist and Carlisle tugs me into his chest. He Ignores my skin burning his and glares at Laurent, "Well?" He says, his voice hard, like stone. I relax into his chest, my temperature returning to normal. Rose and Esme walk in through the front door and snarl at Laurent, each taking a defensive crouch. "Rose. Take Marissa to my office" He says, without taking his eyes from the vampire. Rose takes my wrist and urges me up the stairs and into the office. "You stay here" she warns, "I'll send Carlisle up when he leaves" She mutters. I smile at her "Thanks Rose" I mutter as she closes the door and move towards the book shelf. I notice a book on the shelf and tug it out and blow the dust from the cover. 'A Guide to Elemental Magick' I grin and make myself comfortable in Carlisle's leather chair. I open the book and start to read.

I look up when the door opens and Carlisle steps into his office, he leans against the desk and looks down at me with a tiny smile on his face. "Comfortable?" He asks, I smile at him, "Very" I say, making the passage with my finger, noting the page number and closing the book. I stand up and place the book on his desk, I reach for his arm but he tucks it behind his back, I frown and tug his arm towards me and undo the buttons holding his shirt sleeve closed. I push it up his arm and recoil at the sigh of the ugly blistered skin. "Jeez. I'm sorry" I mutter, gently touching the skin. The blistering fades away and I blink in shock. "It's not a big deal. It will fade" He says, I sigh and use my arms to lift myself onto the desk. "So what did Laurent say?" I ask, Carlisle sighs "Nothing that we didn't know already, unfortunately" He says with a sigh. "And Bella?" I ask, his smile is strained "Safe for now. Alice and Jasper are taking her to Phoenix" He says, his hand propped against the desk. I chew my lip and tilt my head "Come on. Everyone is in the Garage" He says, taking my hand as I jump from the desk. I grab the book and tuck it into my pocket. A smile tugs at his lips and his hand drifts to the small of my back. A shiver runs up my spine, and I only just catch his quiet chuckle. We reach the garage and I notice Rose standing against the wall with her arms crossed, and a scowl on her face. Carlisle quickly sifts through Bella's bags and tosses a jacket to Rosalie, who drops it on the counter. Emmett enters and sighs heavily "His scent disappeared near your house, Marissa" He says. Everyone turns to look at me and my eyes widen. Edward curses softly and slams his hand into the wall, "Why was he at my house? He didn't notice me at the clearing" I point out, "But Bella goes there alot. Her scent must be strong if he went there" Esme says. Panic rears up in my chest "Nicky" I mutter. Carlisle places a soothing hand on my shoulder "Nicky will be safe on the reservation. You don't have to worry about him" He says quietly. My panic recedes and I lean against him. Taking comfort in his solid presence, "Esme and Emmett, you'll stay here to protect Charlie if need be." Carlisle says. "Edward, Rosalie we will lead him in the opposite direction" He says, wrapping one of Bella's scarves around his neck. "I'm not leaving her side" Edward growls. Carlisle nods "James doesn't expect you to leave her, which is why he'll be more likely to follow your scent" He says, leaving no room for discussion. "Marissa..." Carlisle trails off as he glances at me, "I'll go with Bella. My barbecue skills might come in handy" I say. Bella smiles tightly at me, and takes my hand, squeezing tightly. Rose huffs and tugs the jacket on. Bella climbs into Alice's car and Edward crouches down in front of her and they have a whispered conversation. Esme goes to the kitchen and grabs a plate of cookies, "Alright Emmett, lets go and see Charlie" She says, shooting me a kind smile. Edward stands up, looking do straight d Alice takes his hands, "We'll keep her safe" She says, before climbing into the passenger seat. Rose and Edward leave the Garage and Jasper reversed out, leaving Carlisle and I. He stares at me silently and I smile "I'll call you" He says, taking my hand in his. I grin and pull him in for a hug. He squeezes me tightly and presses a kiss to my forehead before speeding out of the Garage. I walk outside and climb into the car beside Bella. Jasper nods in the direction of the woods and speeds down the long drive way. A tear trickles down Bella's face and she meets my eyes sadly. "I hurt Charlie...I said the same thing Mom said before she left...I'll never forget the look on his face" More tears spill down her cheeks, and I sigh and pull her towards me, "Charlie will forgive you. He always will, you could murder someone and he would help you cover it up" I say, stroking her hair out of her face. She gives me a watery smile and leans her head against the glass. I sigh softly and pull out the book. It was interesting, It explained that fire was the first and hardest to control element. My eyes soon drift closed and sleep takes me.

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