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I raise an eyebrow as Bella paces furiously around my living room. Nicky watches her with wide eyes, then looks at me. I smile and ruffle his hair "It's been a week!" Bella exclaims, biting her nails I sigh heavily and stand up and grab her hands, "Whoa Bella. Chill out, he probably doesn't want to make you sick" I say, She glares at me "Oh because he's sick, its not like he's cut his hair, got a tattoo and joined a gang" She snaps, tossing the phone onto the sofa. I sigh and look around "Did you go to see him?" I ask and she nods, and I raise an eyebrow at her, "He told me we shouldn't be friends" She says. I sigh "Why don't we go for a hike?" I offer, her face brightens up, "I know where we can go" She says. I smile and grab the double carrier I had bought and secure it to my chest. "Can you put Nicky in the back for me?" I ask, She smiles and picks up Nicky and secures him to my back. I put Lara in the front and hook my arms through Bella's as we leave my house and walk into the woods by Charlie's. I follow as she walks a hidden trail, higher and higher. "Where are we going?" I ask Bella, She looks at me over her shoulder "You'll see" She says, I sigh and glare down at my legs, cursing my lack of energy. I raise an eyebrow as we enter a barren clearing. "This is where you wanted to bring me?" I ask, raising an eyebrow at the dead grass, She sighs sadly "It was beautiful the last time I was here." She says, I nod my head and look around. A chill runs down my spine and I clench my fists. "We need to leave" I whisper in Bella's ear, she shakes her head and looks around, I frown as an ebony skimmed Vampire leaves the woods and approaches us. "Bella. And Carlisle's pretty human" He says, I snort "Hello Laurent" Bella says. I wrap an arm around my front and Nicky buries his face in my neck, hidden by my hair. "I didn't expect to see you two here. I visited the Cullens house, but it was empty, I'm surprised they left you behind. Weren't you sort of pets of theirs?" He muses moving towards Bella. I grab her arm and tug her into my side. "They're on a trip. They'll be back soon." Bella says shakily, he hums "Where did they go?" He taunts, I step forward slightly, "New York. I'll let them know you stopped by" I say, glaring at the vampire, he chuckles "Do they visit often?" He asks, eyeing Lara against my chest. "Oh yeah. All the time. We probably shouldn't tell Edward or Carlisle though, they can be pretty protective" She says, not meeting his eyes, I curse in my head, and start unbuckling the kids. "But they're far away aren't they?" He asks, I glare at him "Why are you here?" I ask coldly. He sighs "I come as a favour to Victoria. She asked me to see if you were still under the protection of the Cullens. She feels it's only fair to kill Edwards Mate as he killed hers. An eye for an eye" He says, Bella grows panicked, "Edward would know who did it! He would come for you!" She says, I transfer the kids onto Bella. Laurent laughs "Oh but I don't think they would. After all how much could you mean to them if they left you here....unprotected" He says, "Victoria won't like my killing you. But you are so mouth watering" He says. I step in front of Bella "Who says we're unprotected?" I say, tilting my head to the side and looking him up and down. I smirk as red wrap around his feet, rooting him in place. I had heard Sam's howl a while ago, and I knew the pack would be close, I just had to keep him distracted long enough. "Why don't you tell Victoria to come. And I'll barbecue her just like I did James. He burned from the inside out" I sneer, I hear a soft growl behind me and grin, "These are my friends. And their favourite chew toys are vampires" I snarl blowing him away from my sister and my children with a gust of wind. "Bella, Run!" I snap, shoving her as the wolves all pounce towards Laurent. She takes off and I turn back to the Vampire. He kicks Sam into a tree and I feel the wind picking up, as I move towards them. I touch Sam's snout and he stinks backward. I smile at Laurent as he lies on the ground, he gets to his feet and goes to speed away, but crashes into a wall of earth. "Where are you going?" I ask innocently, He turns to me with wide eyes, "An elemental" He whispers. I raise an eyebrow and meet Sam's eyes and nod. I step back as the Wolves rush forward, tearing him to pieces. The wolves drop parts of him in front of me, and I force them to burst into flames. I nod at the wolves and start running in the same direction that Bella ran. I meet her near Charlie's and grab her arm, "He's dead Bella" I say, taking the carrier and putting it over mg head. Lara whimpers and snuggles into my chest, Nicky wraps his arms around my neck, numbing incoherently. Bella continues running and I jog to keep up with her.

"Dad! They're wolves! Not bears! They're huge Wolves!" She exclaims bursting into Dad's kitchen. I roll my eyes and meet Harry's eyes, I nod my head and wink, he smiles at me and goes back to sorting through his fishing hooks. I take Lara out of the Carrier, and Uncle Harry takes her and leans her against his shoulder, humming softly, I help Nicky out of the Carrier and sit him on my hip, "I thought I told you to stay out of the woods?" He says to Bella. He turns to Uncle Harry, "Hunting trip?" He asks, I stare at them. "I'm coming" I say immediately, Dad shakes his head, I roll my eyes "Seriously Dad. Give me a gun! You know I'm good" I say, he think and then sighs "We'll go next weekend, I'm going fishing" He says. Harry smiles and hands Lara back to me. I grin and kiss his cheek, "Thanks Pop!" I say and leave the house, Bella grabs my hand and tugs me to the front door. "Are they really in new York? She asks, I shrug and chuckle "How would I know? Carlisle conveniently forgot to tell me he was leaving." I say, ommiting the fact that I had contact with Rose, and that at least three of the Cullens were there. Her face falls and I sigh and bump my head against hers, "Don't worry" I say and make my way out, I walk towards my house and set Nicky down while I get the double stroller that had used to be for Billy's kids, Rachel, Rebecca and Jake. I place Lara in the pram part and strap Nicky into the seat. I push it back out of my house and sigh, I was edgy from using so much Magick. I sigh as I push the strimmer along the sidewalk. My phone rings in my pocket, and I fish it out and answer it. "Marissa? Are you alright? Alice saw you with Laurent" Rose's panicked voice asks, I chuckle "Laurent is dead and burned" I say, I hear her relieved breath "Oh thank god. Alice said the vision cut out and I was so worried." She says, I smile "Is Alice there?" I ask, "No. She rang me" She says. I circle around the block, "How's Carlisle?" I ask, shaking my head at myself, "Not good to be honest. He hardly ever feeds, and that was when I knew where he was" She says, I chew my lip a thought popping into my head unbidden, "I'm going to call you back Rose" I say, stopping in the middle of the sidewalk. I scroll through my recent numbers and pause on the unknown one. I press the green button and hold it to my ear. It picks up on the fourth ring. "Hello?" My heart flutters with a mix of emotions. Happiness, anger, sadness, and worry, his voice was strained and tired sounding. "Carlisle." I say quietly, the other line is silent, except the sound of steady breathing. I sigh softly, "You should feed. You sound like shit" I mutter, not expecting an answer, I didn't get one. "Well...bye" I mutter, ending the call quickly. A tear slips down my face and I wipe it away furiously and walk back to my house.

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