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I wake up to someone shaking me gently. I open my eyes and blink in the bright sunlight. "Jasper?" I mutter sitting up and looking around, I could see Bella checking in with Alice and yawn. "How long was I out?" I ask, he chuckles "You slept the entire drive" He says, taking my hand and tugging me out of the car. I grab the book and tuck it into my pocket again. I follow him into the hotel and wrap an arm around Bella's waist, as we trudge to the elevator. We get to the room and I drop onto the sofa, I pull out my phone and dial Billy's number and go into the bathroom. He answers on the second ring, "Marissa? Where are you?" His voice is filled with worry and I sigh, "I'm with Bella. Can you tell Dad not to worry, I'll keep her as safe as I can" I mutter. "Rissa. What is going on?" He asks, I inhale deeply, "A few rogue vampires turned up when we were playing baseball, and now one of them is after Bella, he stopped by my house, so I've asked Sue to keep Nicky until I get back" I say, I hear a deep sigh "Harry and I will look after them" He says. "Thanks Uncle Billy. I'll call you later, yeah?" I say, "Stay safe" He mutters, ending the call. I glance down at my arm and touch the bruises softly and wince. I turn the cold tap on and let the water run over my arm. A tentative knock sounds at the door. "Rissa? Alice just had a vision" She says. I tuck my phone into my pocket and open the door, I follow Bella to where Alice sits, scribbling with a pencil. Bella's phone rings and she answers it, "Edward" She mutters moving towards the bedroom, and closing the door. "So Bella's old Ballet studio?" I mutter. Alice sighs and nods her head, and quickly gets up and looks at Jasper, "We need to leave" She mutters, I nod just as my phone rings. I answer it and press it to my ear "Hey" I say quietly, "We're on our way" Carlisle says, I sigh softly and move into the bathroom, while Alice and Jasper go to check out. "So..." I trail off, he chuckles "What have you learned from the book?" He asks, I smile softly "Fire is the first element and possibly the hardest to control. It says to meditate and imagine the flame in your hands" I say, he hums "Air is the easiest to control, then Earth, then wood. And water and Metal are difficult, not as difficult as Fire but still difficult" I say, I hear a door close and pop my head out of the bathroom, "Alice?" I frown at the silence, "Bella?" I walk towards the room, and notice it empty, "Shit!" I hiss, and grab the hastily scribbled note and start running. "Marissa? What's going on?" Carlisle asks, "Bella's gone!" I say into the receiver. I run downstairs, the phone pressed to my ear, I get outside and try the handles of a few cars, none open, "Do you know where she's going?" Edwards voice echoes in my ear, I mutter a curse as the fifth car I try doesn't open and tug my jacket over my wrist and slam my elbow into the corner of the window. It smashes and I reach in and unlock it and climb into the drivers seat, I reach under the wheel and pull out the wires, "She's on her way to the ballet studio" I say, striking the wires together. The engine revs and the alarm shuts off. I pull the door closed and drive out of the parking lot quickly. "Did you just hotwire a car?" Edward asks, I roll my eyes as I speed along the streets, "Do try and keep up, Eddie dear" I say, keeping my focus on the roads. I screech to a halt in front of the Ballet Studio and notice Bella disappearing through the door. "She's already inside" I say and end the call.

I jump out of the car and follow Bella quietly. I sneak into the studio and notice James pointing a camera at my sister. I notice something clutched in her hand and edge behind a pillar. I close my eyes and focus my breathing and slow my heart, I dig deeper and pull the red strand of energy towards me. My skin heats up. My eyes snap open when James roads and I hear Bella's footsteps approaching quickly. I move from my spot when I see Bella sliding along the floor, her head hitting the base of a pillar with a crack. "It's a shame your sister isn't here, it seems she prefers mutts over us Vampires" He cackles, and I glare at his back. "I wouldn't count on it" I snap. He spins a wicked grin covering his face. I could see Bella out of the corner of my eye, he turns to Bella zooming the Camera in on her face. I start walking towards him, when he suddenly appears behind me. His hand grips my shoulder hard and I hear his skin sizzling. I grin and jerk my arm out of his grip. I spin around and send my knee into his testicles. He whimpers and I smirk, seems that the groin was still sensitive, even as a vampire. I kick him again and wrap my hand around his neck. His skin sizzles where my fingers touch, "Didn't your mother tell you not to play with fire?" I spit through gritted teeth. He lets out a blood cuddling scream and grip me around the waist and throws me away from him. I crash into a pillar with a groan, and notice Edward lifting Bella and leaping into the air. I scramble to my feet as James grabs Edward and yanks him down. Bella goes flying and crashes into a mirror. She helps and pulls a shard of glass out of her leg. James throws Edward up into the air and into a wall and approaches Bella, who tries to scramble back. He grabs her wrist and my eyes widen. "No!" I yell as he sinks ibis teeth into her wrist, A gust of wind whistles through the studio and throws him away from Bella who screams loudly. Edward moves towards James and I run towards Bella. She grabs my hand as I pull my jacket and shirt off, I bundle the shirt into a ball and press it into the wound on her leg. I could tell that the glass had cut her femoral artery. I press down hard, and her mouth opens in a wireless scream, "I'm sorry Izzy" I whisper. The door flies open and Carlisle crouches next to me. "The glass punctured her Artery. She's bleeding out" I say, He nods and he takes over, one hand pressing hard against Bella's leg, to slow the blood flow, the other quickly u doing his belt. Alice appears next to us and takes the belt from Carlisle, "Pull it tight above my hands" He says, pressing both hands against her leg. I move towards Bella's head and stroke her hair, blinking away tears. Alice pulls the belt tight then backs away, "I'm sorry...I cant" she mutters, moving towards James and leaping onto his back. "Edward. She needs you" Carlisle says, Edward speeds next to us and strokes her hair. "We have two options" Carlisle says calmly, "You can either let her turn" Edward vehemently shakes his head, "No. I won't do that to her" He says through gritted teeth, "Then you have to suvk out the venom" Carlisle says, "I won't be able to stop" Edward says, I place my hand on his shoulder and he looks at me, "Then you find the will to stop" I say, I cradle Bella's head on my lap, and gently stroke her forehead. "I'm going to make it go away" Edward whispers, stroking her face. Then he takes her wrist and sinks his teeth and begins sucking. I sit tensely, and Carlisle squeezes Edwards shoulder when Bella convulses, "Her blood is clean, you can stop" He says, Edward snarls and continues to suck. "Edward. Find the will to stop" Carlisle says, his voice calm. My eyes widen as Bella's eyes drift closed "Edward stop! You're killing her!" I say, gripping his shoulder tightly. He lets out a growls and throws himself away from Bella, gasping for air. Emmett steps forward and scoops Bella up, "We'll take her to the hospital" He says, meeting Edwards eyes. Edward nods and follows him out of the studio. My eyes land on my blood covered hands and I clench them into fists to hide the tremors. "Marissa? Are you alright?" Alice asks, touching my shoulder. I look up, my eyes landing on the bonfire. I nod my head then look down at myself, I chuckle humourlessly at my state of undress, the blood staining my chest. "I could use a shower. Or ten" I mutter, using the pillar to pull myself up. "What happened there?" Jasper asks, pointing at the pillar I crashed into. Flakes of the plaster falling to the ground. "Um...he didn't like being barbecued" I mutter. Rose snorts and bursts into a fit of giggles, "No. Most of us don't" She says, her eyes linger on my back and she bites her lip. Carlisle grabs my jacket from the ground and helps me put it on, before zipping it up. He wraps an arm around my waist and leads me out to Rose's car. I climb into the back and Carlisle climbs in after me.

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