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It had been months since the Cullens had left and I was worried about Bella, she spent the time that she wasn't at school sitting on a chair facing the window. Christmas had passed and she hadn't even come down to celebrate with us. It was Nicky's birthday, and I was throwing a beach party for him. Which involved the famous Quileute barbeque, and uncle Harry's fish fry. I sigh as I walk towards Dad's house, I could see him and Bella talking next to her truck. "I'm going shopping, with Jessica" I hear her say as I approach, Charlie looks sceptical, "You hate shopping" He says, Bella shrugs "We'll probably catch a movie" She says, and I could tell from the way she looked around that she was lying. I chuckle, now she actually had to ask Jessica to hang out. I smile at Charlie who's face brightens up when he see's Nicky. "Are you going straight to the Rez?" He asks me, I sigh and shake my head, "I have something else to do first" I mutter passing Nicky to Dad, he smiles "say goodbye to Mama" Dad says in a baby voice, waving his hand at me. Nicky grins "Bye Bye Mama" He says, I grin and wave back "Bye bye Baby" I say, and meet Bella's eyes "Bye bye Bella" I say, and start walking back to my house. I had decided a few days ago to go to the Cullen house, I just hadn't been able to find time. I climb in my Jeep and start it up, trepidation in my gut, I knew I probably wouldn't like what I found. I steer onto the long twisty driveway and hold back a shiver at how cold the place looks. I stop my jeep and get out and walk to the door, I push it was open. I flick the light switch and look around. The paintings on the walls had been covered by sheets, as well as the book cases, I reach for the midwifery book and a note flutters down to the ground. I pick it up and my heart hammers, 'Hey Rissa, It's Rose (And Emmett) we just wanted to say we're sorry we left without letting you know. Esme went nuts at Carlisle and they had a huge row. Emmett says its the first time he's heard Carlisle raise his voice. Anyway I know Edward wants to cut off all contact, but this is my new email address, kisses, Rose.' Underneath is an email address, and under that is 'PS. Please don't hate us, Emmett xx' I smile and hold it to my chest, my mood brightening slightly. I slide the book back on the shelve and make my way to the kitchen, another sheet of paper is pinned to the fridge, 'The Italiano recipe, you said you wanted it, and I never had the chance to give it to you, Esme' I tuck that letter with the other and walk upstairs, I hesitate at the door to Carlisle's office and chew my lip, "Oh for god's sake Marissa, don't be such a baby" I hiss at myself and push the door open. I was not prepared for the sight that met me. The usually tidy office was a mess, books were strewn everywhere, some were missing pages, and one or two even looked like confetti. I walk slowly into the office, paper rustling underneath my feet. I reach his desk and pick up the framed photo, It was a picture that Alice had obviously taken before I handed Nicky to Rose on Bella's birthday. It was me leaning against Carlisle's chest, his arm wrapped around my waist as I grinned at Nicky, who looked back at me with an equally wide grin. It wasn't that which drew my attention though, it was the expression on Carlisle's face. The soft smile and shining golden eyes. My eyes pricks and I quickly shove the photo in my pocket, and blink the tears away. I sigh and go down to the kitchen and notice garbage bags still in the cupboard, I grab a few and go back to the Office. I look around and sigh, it wouldn't take too long to clean up.

A small smile covers my face as I look around the office, I grab my phone and take a picture, I had cleaned everything up, I had a pile of books that needed to be repaired, I grab the pile of books and the bags with the ones beyond repair. I carry them out to my Jeep and toss the trash in the back, I put the books on the passenger seat. I start the engine and drive back to my house, carrying the books and trash inside. I throw the bin bags with the rest of the trash and carry the books upstairs to my office. I drop them on the desk next to my laptop, and pull out the notes and picture, I open my laptop and type the new email in. 'Hey Rose, I found your note! And Esme's. Thanks for bothering. How are you all? xx' I hit send before I can back out, and quickly slam the laptop shut. I check the time and grab the new camera I had bought for Nicky's birthday. I grab my keys and run downstairs and lock the front door, I climb into my jeep and start the engine, and start the drive to the Rez.

I help Sue carry the large cake to the trestle table set up on the beach. She smiles and hugs me before going back over to the barbecue, I turn up the music and grin as I see Charlie carrying Nicky towards me. "Mama!" He says, stretching out his arms, "Nicky!" I say, picking him up and spinning around before hugging him. He claps his hands with a grin when he see's the cake. I chuckle "Not yet" I say, Smiling as Leah and Seth approach, each with a gift. I hug both of them and point to the table with his presents on it. They drop the presents off before Seth runs towards Jake, Quil, and Embry, Leah smiles at Nicky and holds her hands out, "Hello Nicky Bear!" She says, Nicky roars and Leah laughs, taking him and dancing with him. I look around and see Sam, Jared and Paul hanging out near the barbecue, Harry, Billy, Charlie sit near the fire and I smile when I smell the fish fry. Samantha sits next to Sue, chatting nine to the dozen. I chew my lip, the only ones missing were the Cullens and Bella. I sigh and continue building up the bonfire. It was starting to get dark as I add some accelerant to the pile of wood, and make sure no one is looking and send a small flame into the heart of the wood. It catches immediately, and people cheer and start crowding around. I smile as everyone finds a seat and clap my hands together. "We're all here to celebrate the birthday Boy!" I say, taking Nicky from Leah and holding him up in the air. He laughs and I sit him on my hip, "Bring on the Barbecue!" I exclaim, sitting down on the sand, everyone had gathered their gifts and all had plates of food next to them. I smile and hand Nicky to Charlie who sits next to me. He chuckles through the fish fry in his mouth and swallows it down. "When Marissa first told me that she would be adopting Nicholas I was over the moon." He says, shooting me a smile, "We know you were!" Harry and Billy call out laughing. "Anyway, It's hard to believe it's been a year. Nicky has brightened up our girls life and we couldn't thank him enough" Charlie says, helping Nicky unwrap his gift. My eyes widen "You stole Hunny bunny?! I thought it was Bella!" I exclaim, watching as Nicky's face light up. I smile and Charlie hands Nicky to Sue.

I smile as Nicky ends up back in my arms, He had gotten a small fishing rod from Uncle Harry and Uncle Billy, who both said it was never to early to learn. A tiny woven leather bracelet that everyone on the Rez wore, from Leah and Seth. Jared, Paul and Sam had given him a rocking wolf. (Basically a rocking horse. But its a wolf) Quil and Embry had gotten him a motorbike. (Not a real one, It had wide wheels and was made of plastic, and it had a seat belt and a long handle so that I could push him around on it.) He got a pile of picture books from Samantha, and A carved wolf figure from Jacob. He loved them all. He was a happy, excited, bubbling mess by the time I stood up and moved towards the Cake, covering Nicky's eyes while Sue lit the candle. I turn him around and hold him in a sitting position and uncover his eyes. "Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday Dear Nicky! Happy Birthday to You!" Everyone sings, when we get to the Hip Hip, All the teens howl instead and I laugh, My heart filled with happiness, all thoughts of Carlisle gone. For a little while, at least.

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