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I climb off of Seth's back, and walk towards Carlisle with a smile "Look who showed up!" I say with a grin. He smiles and wraps his arms around me and kisses me, I pull away, "Did you have fun?" I ask, He shakes his head and sighs, "They're coming!" Alice calls out. "How long?" Edward asks, Alice frowns "Ten minutes." She says. Carlisle tenses, "The pack needs to leave. Volturi won't honour a truce with the werewolves." He says. I look around and notice a Newborn stumbling towards Leah. She growls and snaps at it. Jake lets out a loud growl and leaps forward, sinking his teeth into the vampire. It wraps its arms around him, and I hear the cracking of bones and the pain filled yelp. I stretch out my hand, sending a wooden branch straight through it's neck, severing its head. It bursts into flames and I rush to Jacobs side. "Jake? Jacob? Are you alright?" I ask, a tear dripping down my face. "Bella." He groans, "Jake, Im right here." She says, stroking his forehead. Leah storms out of the woods, fully dressed, "Jacob you idiot, I had it!" She yells, running her hands through her hair, and tugging. "Leah!" Sam snaps, holding out his hand. Leah groans and Terry wraps an arm around her, and presses a kiss to her forehead. I see Sam grit his teeth and raise an eyebrow at him. Carlisle crouches down next to me "We need set the bones before his accelerated healing kicks in. Its already starting." He says gravely, "We need to get him out of here. Were not gonna wanna fight with the Volturi." Edward says, his voice strained. "Five minutes!" Alice calls out. "Well take him back to Billys." Sam says, four of the wolves lift Jake up into the air and he groans, "We'll be there as soon as we can" He says, taking my hand. "Hang in there Jake." Bella whispers, I chew my lip "You'll be alright, Jakey. Carlisle will fix you right up" I say, squeezing his foot, because I didn't want to cause him anymore pain. The wolves leave and Carlisle wraps an arm around my waist and stands still. Four vampires in flowing black robes approach.

The small blond one looks around "Impressive, Ive never seen a coven escape an attack of this magnitude intact." She says, Carlisle smiles tightly

"We were lucky." He says, I snort "It helps when they don't know their Ass from their elbow" I mutter under my breath. "I doubt that." She says, "It appears weve missed an entertaining fight." The vampire next to her says, I grin at him "It was super entertaining." I say sarcastically, "Yes, its not often were rendered unnecessary." The girl says, she turns her nose up at me, and I smile sweetly, "If youd arrived a half hour ago you wouldve fulfilled your purpose." Edward snaps, The girl smiles tightly and peers behind me, to where the young girl was hiding. "Pity." She says, "You missed one." She adds, Carlisle takes a tiny step forward, "We offered her asylum in exchange for her surrender." He says, his grip on me tightening. "It wasnt yours to offer. Why did you come? Who created you?" She snaps, her voice hard. Bree lets out a bloodcurdling scream and I move slightly closer to Carlisle, "You dont need to do that, shell tell you anything you wanna know." Esme says, stepping forward and resting a hand on the girls shoulder. "I know." She says with a smirk, "I DONT KNOW. RILEY WOULDNT TELL US. HE SAID OUR THOUGHTS WERENT SAFE." Bree screams out. I toss Victoria's head at their feet. "Her name was Victoria" I growl, the vampires look taken aback and The head bursts into flames. "perhaps you knew her." I say as the head turns to Ash. Carlisle squeezes me tighter, "Love, if the Volturi had knowledge of Victoria, they would have stopper her. Isnt that right, Jane?" He says kindly, turning to the Vampire. She smiles tightly, her eyes flickering between me and the pile of Ash. "Of course." She says, Jane orders the death of the newborn vampire girl and Esme steps forward again "She didnt know what she was doing. Well take responsibility for her." She exclaims, "Give her a chance." Carlisle adds. "The Volturi dont give second chances. Keep that in mind, Caius will be interested to know that shes still human." She says motioning to Bella and I. I frown at the implied threat and the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. "The date is set." Bella says, glaring at the Vampires. Jane sighs "Take care of that, Felix. Id like to go home." She says. I bury my face in Carlisle's chest and block out the sounds of the girls screams. Carlisle squeezes me tightly and only pulls away when I feel the heat of flames against my back.

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