Loki's Escape

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I was reading a small book hunched up in the corner of my cell, my hands shaking with every page I turned. I heard lots of footsteps, but they never came close to my cell. I was glad; that never meant anything good for me.

I heard voices, but I couldn't hear what they were saying. I guessed Thor was coming to gloat again. He always came.

I guessed Thor wasn't coming, as several guards suddenly came into my cell. I concentrated on breathing; they all took their anger out on me when my brother wasn't around.

I glanced up and saw Odin walking in behind them. I bit my lip; this man despised me.

The guards walked up to me and hauled me to my feet. I couldn't stand properly, as the guards had broken both of my legs just last night.

"Hello, Loki." Odin lifted my head up to face him with his spear, Gungnir. I scowled at him.
"Come to gloat like Thor does?" He smiled at me, and it confused me. He was up to something.

"Let's go." The guards followed Odin, gripping my arms tight enough to leave bruises. I winced as I was forced to walk on my damaged legs.

We walked across the Rainbow Bridge, and I saw Heimdall waiting for us. I could already tell he was looked at me with his golden eyes; he was the only one who actually knew what happened on Midgard.

After what seemed like minutes we finally made it to the Bifrost. I knew Odin was getting rid of me, but I didn't know which realm he would send me to.

"Heimdall, open the Bifrost to Jotenheim." He looked at me and grinned. "Time to go back where you belong, Loki." Tears came to my eyes and I stared down at the floor.

"Odin, let me... tell the boy what to do when he gets there. Don't you have to break the news to Frigga? I'm sure your wife will need you, she is fond of Loki." Heimdall ushered Odin out of the Golden Dome.

The guards dropped me on the floor and walked off. I looked up at Heimdall, and he knelt down and cupped my face in his soft hands.

"Loki, I cannot change what has happened to you, but I can make your future better." I sighed and a tear rolled down my cold face.

"What future is there for a monster like me?" He smiled gently, and gave me a hug.

"Loki, I am sending you to Midgard against Odin's wishes. As you are injured, the Bifrost will probably harm you and there will be side effects." I laughed, lightly.

"I am already broken." My voice came out weak and raspy. I hadn't eaten or drank anything in days, and it was starting to get to me.

He broke from the hug, and picked me up. He looked surprised; I guessed it was at how light I was.

He placed me right in front of the Bifrost, and walked up to the sword.

As Heimdall disappeared in a rainbow of colour, I smiled. I was getting away from Asgard, and my father.


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