"It's time to do what we do best."

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TW: Mental illness, mentions of abuse
"Peter and Loki are missing. There are eight of us, so four will get Peter and four will get Loki. The security camera footage shows that Peter was loaded into a large van, so we'll have to track the vehicle down first to find the HYDRA base."

The Avengers were all gathered in the meeting room, the eight of them trying to work out the best plan to save two teenagers. Two teenagers with issues. From HYDRA.

The issues were what the Avengers were most worried about. It wasn't a secret that Peter had suffered from abuse from May Parker, his Aunt but after bagging an internship with Tony Stark, the billionaire started to realise that something was up with him. Thankfully Peter was taken out of that abusive situation before things got any worse than it already had. He'd been adopted by all of the original Avengers - yes, all six of them - but kept his last name the same, a small reminder of his lost loved ones.

Soon after finding Loki, the Avengers started realising little things about him that were abnormal. For instance, the teenager couldn't eat or drink anything before 12pm in fear of throwing up. He hated being around too many people, and his stutter worsened and lessened depending on how he felt.

Loki had low self esteem issues and hated seeing the scars that littered almost everywhere on his body. He hated his dyslexia being brought up and hated other people knowing that he couldn't read very well.

The teenage god hated people seeing his Jötun form. Loki saw himself as a monster and thought everyone else did too. The illusion spell to hide Loki's true form was one of the first he learnt, so it didn't cause him any pain to keep it up.

After half an hour of tiring and agitated planning, the seven hero's - plus one undercover Jötun king - were prepared for what they had to do next.

Steve stood up, putting his shield on his back and said: "It's time to do what we do best."

"Pick up girls every other night?"

"Crawl through vents?"

"Fall off trains after being saved from an evil organisation only to fall into said organisations hands again?"

Steve turned to Bucky. "Bucky, don't give me anymore reasons to send you to therapy. The staring in your sleep and obsession over plums is already making me think about it."

Bucky grumbled slightly and stood up, along with the other six adults who hadn't already.

"The van was last seen leaving New York, so if we track it's last known location we should be able to find where it is now and take down any hostiles."

"Piece of cake, Stevey." Bucky smirked, opening the door for everyone like the gentleman he is.


"I TAKE THAT BACK!" Bucky screamed, clinging onto the side of the large HYDRA van.

Some highly trained agents had been stationed on the roof of the vehicle in case of events like these. Bucky had jumped off of Steve's motorbike and onto the side of the van to rip a hole in the wall, but was stopped by the HYDRA agents who flung him off it. He had managed to cling onto the bottom of the van, legs flying everywhere as he tried not to fall off.

Steve laughed and brought his motorcycle up next to Bucky, wrapping his hand around his waist and pulling him into his lap.

"I got you, Buck. I won't ever let you fall again."

"Can we per-lease cut the love talk and help a guy out?!" Clint exclaimed, clinging onto Hulk's shoulder.

Natasha was perched on the green giants other shoulder, calmly shooting the brains out of several HYDRA agents.

"Bow Man and Red Lady Hulks friends!" Hulk roared, grabbing Clint with one of his big green hands and dropping him on top of Natasha.

"Look at you, Mr Matchmaker!" Tony grinned, shooting past Hulk in the Iron Man suit.

Natasha snarled at Tony, having pushed Clint out of her face. He was currently sitting in Hulk's hand.

"Team, that's the HYDRA base! Hulk, take Clint and follow Bucky and I along this road." Steve shouted, pushing his motorcycle into full speed with Bucky still sitting in his lap.

Hulk gently placed Natasha down on the HYDRA van and wrapped his hand around Clint into a fist shape. He ran after Steve and Bucky, every step he took creating a mini earthquake.

Tony and Natasha shot down the remaining HYDRA agents whilst Thor and 'Lady Sif' tried to pry open the drivers door to get in the van.

"Pointbreak! Have you got the door open yet?!" Tony shouted over his comm.

"That depends if you want these wrong doers alive or not!" Thor boomed out a loud reply.

"I don't care, Thor! They took my Spider baby!" Tony growled, using his hand repulsive to knock another HYDRA agent into the road.

Thor flung his hammer through the window of the vehicle, splitting the driver's skull with a sickening crunch.

'Lady Sif' climbed inside the HYDRA van, along with Natasha.

The red head took the wheel, whilst 'Sif' pushed the passenger door open for Tony and Thor to get in.

Tony flew in and went straight to the back. There was a large door with a keypad, which the billionaire fried almost instantly.

The door was forced open by Thor and Tony, whilst Natasha and 'Lady Sif' kept the van on track to the HYDRA base.

After all, they had another teenager to save today.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter! 💕


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