- Epilogue -

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"Pete, Lokes, we'll come pick you up after school, alright?" Tony leaned his head out of the car window, blowing kisses to the two teenagers.

The boys groaned at Tony, before walking towards their school building.

They couldn't wait to find their friends and catch up with them.

Peter saw Ned and MJ waiting for them at the gates, and started walking up to them. At first, Loki followed close behind Peter, but after catching the eye of one Wade Wilson, immediately went to him.

"Hello, Lokes! You mind me calling you that?" Wade started conversation with the God as soon as he approached.

"Hi, Wade."Loki smiled, happy to see the hyper anti-hero.

"So, we have maths first period. How about a trip to the library instead?" Wade slyly suggested.

Loki grinned.

"I guess that would be slightly better than learning about meaningless numbers."


Hello! Im sorry this last chapter was so short. I promise I'll make up for it. 💕

Yes, this is the end of this book.
That doesn't mean it's the end of the series... :)

So, this story started when I wasn't the best writer, and there are quite a lot of gaps in the storyline.

Lately I have not been posting as regularly due to school and improving this story.

If you guys remember any noticeable story gaps, feel free to leave a comment or even DM me about it!

I am planning on writing a sequel, but while you're waiting for that you can always check out the prequel, which can be found on my page!

You may want to wait though, as I need to finish the prequel because with only a few chapters of it this story will become very confusing.

Thank you for reading this book all the way through, and bearing with all the delays and errors this story has faced.

And thank you to everyone who interacts with my story, I love reading all the comments and I try to reply to some as well.

I hope to start writing more of the prequel soon!


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