"It's okay!"

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Steve, Bucky and Clint had all seen Bruce running around with packets of blue blood, seen him taking blood samples away from Loki's room.

They'd figured out that Loki had blue blood ages ago, so seeing a puddle of the same coloured blood on the floor just confirmed their suspicions that it was Loki under the rubble.

That wasn't good.

The three quickly pushed the rest of the debris off of the small teenager and visibly gasped at his appearance.

Loki whimpered, coughed out blood and then rolled onto his back. His breathing was heavy and irregular, and his face was scrunched up in a pained expression.

The three men were shocked by what Loki looked like. He had horns that were curled slightly and tinted a dark blue, and the rune-like lines covering his body were more detailed and visible than before.

His black hoodie was torn in several places and his jeans were covered in dirt and dust from the wall.

Loki whimpered again slightly, and started to slowly sit up.

"Loki?" Clint whispered to the teenager softly, not wanting to scare him.

Unfortunately, his efforts were wasted.

Loki's eyes shot open and he pulled himself back, whimpering and expecting something bad to happen.

"Hey... hey, buddy, it's okay!" Clint grabbed Loki's arm loosely and tried to reassure him that everything was going to be okay.

Loki soon realised who Clint was, and to the archers astonishment, he wrapped his arms around him and hugged him tightly, Clint's neck just narrowly missing Loki's horns.

Clint returned it, glancing slightly at Steve and Bucky to see what their next move was, Hulk standing above them and watching the interaction.

Clint tried to help Loki up, but upon realising the teenager was too hurt to walk, needed a plan b.

"Hulk? Can you kneel down for a second?" Clint called up to the Hulk, noticing Loki's small flinch at the loudness of his voice.

Loki turned his head around slowly as Hulk kneeled down and gasped, his eyes growing wider.

"You- you're the one from my ni- nightmare," Loki whispered, shaking slightly. "The one who smashes me into the ground repeatedly..." Loki turned his head back to Clint and buried his face in the archers chest, the blonde-haired man remembering what happened when an older Loki came to New York.

"Hulk sorry little one! Hulk not mean to hurt!" Hulk tried to be quiet in his apology, and just about succeeded.

Loki turned his head back around slowly and looked up at the Hulk with his bright ruby eyes. Hulk lowered his hand slowly and Clint helped Loki sit on it, the teenager resting his head in his palm.

Hulk slowly stood up again, and the four Avengers started to walk through the remaining debris from the wall and towards the exit.

Loki winced slightly as Hulk began to walk, a large gash on his left thigh had been opened even further by the movement.

"Steve, we need to get out of here quickly. There'll be HYDRA agents all over, and those Kovalev brothers really don't mess around." Clint turned to Steve, uncertain of how they were going to get out of the HYDRA building without causing Loki any pain.

"We're going to have to chance it. There's no other way we're going to be able to do this. Bucky, Clint, if the three of us go first then we can take down any HYDRA agents standing in our path. Hulk can tail us, protecting Loki from the enemy." Steve quickly decided on what their plan of attack was, knowing that they were in a dangerous situation.

Getting the five of them out alive and generally unharmed was what was important. They had to be careful.

It's been ages, I know, I know. I've had six days of exams and two weeks of cramming beforehand. I'm really sorry for those who were forced to wait!

This is quite a short chapter, also sorry for that, but hopefully the next one will be longer!


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