Weakness and Pancakes

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Loki woke up lying on Peters bed, and rubbed his eyes. He waited for them to get adjusted to the light, and then looked around the room. On the bed next to him was Peter.

He realised that they were both wrapped up together in a Spider-Man blanket. He smiled slightly; Peter was very cute when he slept.

Wait, what?!

Loki sat up, trying to to wake Peter and limped to the bathroom. His legs were still agonising, but they were getting better day by day.
He realised he didn't have a shirt on, just lots of bandages wrapped around his midsection and wrists.
Loki's face turned bright red as he realised Peter and Natasha would've seen the self inflicted cuts littered on the inside of his arms.

He looked in the mirror and sighed. He looked awful. His cheekbones were jutting out, and there were dark circles around his eyes. His hair was a tangled mess, and Loki was still blue.

With shaky hands, he quickly changed back to his Aesir form. He splashed some water on his face; as if he was trying to rub off his tiredness. It didn't work.

Loki started walking out of the bathroom, when his legs gave way and he came crashing to the floor, wincing. He was facing the floor on his hands and knees, and started pushing himself back against the wall.

Why am I so weak?

Loki put his hands around his bruised knees, and silently rocked himself, taking deep breaths.


Loki rested his head on top of his knees, and soon fell asleep.

~Peter's POV!~
I woke up with a little bit of drool on the side of my face, and quickly wiped it off. I sat up and pushed my Spider-Man blanket off me and looked around the room. Loki was not sleeping next to me, which was worrying.

I spotted him on the floor with his knees tucked into his chest. He had fallen asleep there. I climbed out of bed and was about to leave my room for breakfast when I realised Loki probably hadn't eaten anything. I made a quick mental note to grab him a pancake, and put my blanket around him before locking my room and walking to the elevator.

I waited for the elevator to reach the kitchen/lounge floor, and sauntered into the kitchen in my Spider-Man onesie and slippers.

I yawned as I reached for a few pancakes in the fridge, and quickly put them in the toaster.

I could see Steve and Bucky cuddled together on the couch; they were both very open about their relationship and didn't try to hide it from the rest of us. It made me feel a lot more comfortable knowing that everyone was accepted here.

I jumped as the toaster popped; pancake time! I quickly raced around the kitchen island, and grabbed the food out of the toaster trying hard not to burn my fingers. I grabbed a bottle of golden syrup and squeezed it out on the pancakes. I put small slabs of butter on each one, and then stacked them on top of each other.

I noticed Natasha and Bruce walk into the big room, smirking as Bruce snaked his arm around Nat, causing her to blush furiously. I skipped out of the room with the stack of pancakes held in both hands. . .and bumped straight into Mr Stark.

"Kid, that's a lot of pancakes!" Stark laughed at me and I smiled nervously.

"I'm hungry!" I started walking off, back to my room.

"Okay. . .BUT COME BACK LATER! I'VE DECIDED WE'RE HAVING MOVIE NIGHT AGAIN!" I nodded, chuckling to myself and sauntered off. Tony and Steve were always arguing about the film choices. Tonight would be no different.

Quite a short chapter but I do have a lot of ideas about what's going to happen, I just need some filler things to happen beforehand.

Please feel free to leave any comments even if it's just random =^.^=

Love you all!

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