"I killed him."

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Tony, Steve, Bucky, Natasha, Clint, Thor, the Hulk, Deadpool and Laufey had all seen the kiss that Loki and Peter shared, all developing small smiles on their faces as they tried to politely look away.

They failed.

Suddenly, a loud droning sound caused the ten of them to groan slightly, looking around to find the cause of the noise.

The men, woman and teenagers could clearly make out the SHIELD emblem on the side of a big aircraft that was making its way down to the large strip of empty space next to the HYDRA base.

"And that's my cue to leave! Peter, Lokes, I'll see you guys at school!" Deadpool shouted, before running away from the destruction and chaos that was left of the base.

Peter and Loki both chuckled slightly, it was going to be fun at school once they got back. If Loki wasn't constantly stuck in detention.


Steve started walking towards the SHIELD aircraft, preparing for some sort of speech from one Director Fury.

Tony, Natasha, Bucky and Clint weren't far behind, leaving Laufey and the Hulk with Peter and Loki.

"Would someone like to explain to me why I'm getting reports of loud explosions and chaos coming from this place?" Nick Fury stepped out of the aircraft and walked up to Steve, not even beginning with a hello or anything like that.

"Director Fury," Steve began politely.

"We went on a rescue mission to retrieve Peter and Loki, who had both been taken by HYDRA. They're both out and safe now, and most of the HYDRA agents have either given up or fled. The rest are presumably dead."

"That's very nice, but what I'd like to know is what the hell is that eight foot tall, blue man standing with your friends?"

Fury was rather annoyed. He had been forced to come out here to see what on Earth those pesky Avengers were doing.

"He's a Frost Giant, sir. He's Loki's father." Laufey had spoke to Steve and the other Avengers briefly, giving them some information on who and what he was.

"And is Loki like him?"

"Yes sir."

Fury nodded at Steve, and then started walking with him to Tony and the others, Phil Coulson and Maria Hill not far behind along with a dozen SHIELD officers.

"Stark! What a wonderful surprise. I hope your hands aren't hurting, I have a lot of paperwork being printed as we speak."

Tony groaned, and Clint smirked at him.

"That goes for all of you."

Clint's face immediately soured.

Fury kept on walking, wanting to see this 'Frost Giant' Rogers was going on about for himself.

Laufey, the Hulk, Peter and Loki waited for Fury and the others to reach them, hoping that there wouldn't be any hostility towards them from SHIELD.

They had had enough fighting for one day.

Loki turned to Peter.

"Who's that?"

Peter looked at where Loki was looking.

"That's the Director of SHIELD, Director Fury," Peter answered. "You've seen him before, remember?"

"No, I'm talking about the man next to him."

Peter realised that Loki was going on about Phil.

"Oh, that's Phil Coulson. He's nice."

"I killed him."

Peter whipped his head around to Loki quickly.

"What?!" Peter was shocked.

"I killed him," Loki paused. "In my dream, I mean." He quickly added on after realising the reason of Peter's hesitation.

"I- Loki, have you had any other dreams like that?" Peter asked Loki gently.

"Yes. A few." Loki confirmed.

Peter nodded slightly, and then turned his attention to Fury, who was swiftly approaching them.

Loki slipped his hand into Peter's, not liking the intimidating man whom he had come across once before.

Fury looked down at Peter and Loki, noting Loki's blue skin, ruby eyes, long horns that made him look like he had bangs as they lifted his raven-coloured hair up and weird lines and symbols on his face - runes, he guessed.

Loki and Peter were filled with dread, waiting for Fury to speak to them, unsure of why he had come up to them.

Fury took his comm out of his pocket, switching the channel to the small SHIELD carrier's transportation line, and said:

"Prepare two cells, make sure one can fit someone who is eight foot tall."

Loki trembled, Fury was going to take him and his dad away! They were going to take him away from Peter, from the people who loved and cared for him.

Peter gasped. Fury couldn't be serious! He couldn't take Loki and Laufey away, they hadn't done anything.

Tony, Steve, Bucky, Clint and Natasha were outraged. Who did Fury think he was to take Loki and Laufey?

Hulk growled slightly, knowing that his friends were angry with the man with an eye patch, and thought that if they were angry then he could be angry too.

Laufey was shocked. He did not want to go with this man. Even though the man hadn't said it was him being taken, it was clear he was talking about him as Laufey is the only eight foot tall man currently standing with the heroes.

"Director, what are you hoping to achieve by taking Laufey and Loki?" Steve stepped forward, questioning Fury's decision.

"They're a new species, from a different world. Our scientists can work with their DNA and bodily fluids to create weapons."

"Fury, you go down that road and it'll blow up in your face. Literally." Tony jabbed at Fury, annoyed that he would even suggest humanoid testing.

"You aren't taking them. Human testing is wrong. You won't look after them, you'll use them. They won't be used to make weapons, they will become the weapons. It's wrong. People will get hurt." Bucky glared at Fury, the thought of being used as a weapon bringing back his Winter Soldier days.

Steve put his hand over Bucky's, knowing that Fury's words had triggered him and that he would probably be very clingy and sad when they got back to the Avengers Tower.

"With all due respect, Director, you will not be taking Loki and Laufey. There was no point in you coming here, if that is what you want."

"I came to see what the disturbance was." Fury hissed, annoyed at being refused.

Steve didn't flinch or react to Fury's glare, feeling fed up at the Director's aggressive stance towards anything he didn't understand.

"Nobody will be leaving with you today." Steve glared back at Fury coldly, still gripping tightly to Bucky's glove-covered hand.

Fury motioned to his agents and officers, who started to turn around and walk back to the SHIELD aircraft in an orderly fashion. Peter and Loki both noticed the way Phil Coulson looked back at them with suspicion and worry.

"If I hear anything about Loki pulling another New York, he'll be shipped straight to the Raft, along with his dad. And, if Ross wants to detain anyone else, you will not be getting my support. You've been warned."

And with that, Fury left the Avengers, Peter, Loki and Laufey where they were standing: in the wrecks of a HYDRA base.

Sorry for the wait!
I started school again today- yep, on a Friday!


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