Odin on Jotunheim

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⚠️TW: Mention of suicide ⚠️
Huginn and Muninn, Odin's pet crows, flew away from the Bifrost and towards the sleeping quarters of their master.

Odin was sitting on his bed, reminiscing about his wife, Frigga, and how simple everything was before Thor's coronation.

Thor was still an arrogant little prick, and Loki was still... well, Loki. Their mother, Frigga, was as caring as always, a knowledgable smile permanently etched upon her face, her hair always styled to perfection.

Nowadays Odin rarely left his chambers. Loki had been sent to die on Jotunheim, so he could no longer take out his anger on the runt, his wife was dead and his other son was away with the fairies most days.

Odin's eyes darted towards the open balcony as two large ravens landed on it.

"Huginn, Muninn, what news do you bring?" Odin asked the ravens, getting up from his bed.

Loki is not dead, nor is he on Jotunheim.

Huginn sent a telepathic message to Odin, her eyes never leaving him.

Laufey is your best bet. It'll be amusing to see him kill his own son, if you convince him to go to Midgard.

Muninn chimed in, being the confident one of the two.

Huginn relayed what had been seen, and Muninn helped Odin decided what to do with the information. It had worked out... not very good so far.

First there was the loss of one of Odin's eyes, then his ritual suicide, then the hanging-

We can stop there.


Thor departed from the Bifrost, exiting via the Rainbow Bridge, leaving Heimdall on his own.

Heimdall knew that Odin's ravens had seen their conversation, but didn't want to worry Thor about it.

He could see Odin taking Sleipnir out of his stable, along with his ravens - Huginn and Muninn.

Heimdall waiting hesitantly for the Allfather to arrive, hoping he would make better choices than he had already made.


"Open the Bifrost, Heimdall. I wish to go to Jotunheim." Odin commanded the Gatekeeper as he rode up to the Bifrost on his eight-legged horse, Sleipnir.

"As you wish, Allfather. I must warn you, if your return threatens Asgard's safety, the Bifrost will remain closed to you." Heimdall replied to Odin's order, standing as still as a statue.

Heimdall placed the sword in the golden plinth, turn it around to lock it in. He took a step back as Odin and Sleipnir disappeared - they were on their way to Jotunheim now.


Odin and Sleipnir arrived in the cold realm of Jotunheim. The king urged his eight legged companion onward, the horse starting into a gallop across the rocky, icy and dark biome.

Odin halted Sleipnir when they reached the castles (if you can call it that) gates.

"You've come a long way, Allfather." A timeless voice echoed around Odin, making his presence aware to the Jötuns who hadn't already seen and heard him.

Odin dismounted from Sleipnir and held his reins in his right hand, leading the warhorse through the ice palace (Let it go, let it goo) confidently.

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