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"Odin continues to bring me new friends. How thoughtful."

"The books I sent, do they not interest you?" Loki turned around to see Frigga standing in his cell.

"Is that how I'm to while away eternity, reading?" Loki questioned his mother.

"I've done everything in my power to make you comfortable, Loki." Frigga sighed.

"Have you? Does Odin share your concern? Does Thor? It must be so inconvenient them asking after me day and night."

"You know full well it was your actions that brought you here."

"My actions. I was merely giving truth to the lie that I had been fed my entire life, that I was born to be a king."

"A king? A true king admits his faults. (A/N *Hela* nOt sO kIngLy nOw OdIn sCuM rAt ) What of the lives you took on Earth?"

"A mere handful compared to the number that Odin has taken himself." Loki replied, his voice unemotional and without remorse.

"Your father..." Frigga stopped.

"He's not my father!" Loki shouted at Frigga, anger and pain evident in the tone of his voice.

"Then am I not your mother?"

Loki hesitated.

"You're not."

Loki sat up from the cold, stone floor, feeling dizzy and confused.

It was just a dream. He wouldn't say that to his mother, right?

His mother.

Loki came to a sudden realization. He had forgotten about his mother, how she was back on Asgard and probably worried about him.

He needed to leave. Needed to find Frigga.

Loki would never hurt his mother the way he did in the dream, right? He wouldn't do that. He loved her too much.

Loki tried to remember how he arrived on this strange realm, but couldn't think about anything except his mother.

He had to know if she was alright. He had been gone for nearly a month now!

Maybe Thor had noticed he was gone, although it didn't seem likely. The last thing Loki remembered doing on Asgard was getting ready for his brother's coronation.

The coronation...

Loki remembered feeling jealous, but also defeated. Like he wasn't good enough, like he didn't belong.

He never felt love from Odin, not like he did from his mother.

When Loki was forced outside in the heat to 'join the other warriors' and 'fight like a proper man' his mother, Frigga, would always come up with an excuse for him to stay inside.

Loki had never enjoyed the summer, or heat in any case.

He was a Frost Giant, a Jötun - how did he know this?

Loki couldn't remember. He just...


Loki whimpered as his head started pounding, and instinctively brought his hands up to hold his head.

Instead of being able to run his hands through his raven, shoulder-length hair, he was met by two blockades. In his head.

Loki let out a shocked cry as he traced the 'blockades' that were somehow sprouting out from his head.

He had horns. ( My descriptions are crappy so just imagine Maleficent's *live action one* )

Loki could feel his fingertips on his horns, like he had grown an extra foot. Make that two.

He whimpered.

So that's what they did to me...

Loki hated how they made his neck ache with the weight, hated how they interfered with his balance.

He didn't understand how these people had the ability to change him, to alter his body, to make him vulnerable.

Maybe my mother will save me. She's bound to realize I'm missing by now, right?

Loki truly believed he would be going back to Asgard with his mother, he truly believed his mother would be the one to collect him.

What about Peter?


What if he died in this place? What if he never escaped?

He had to. He had to tell Peter...

He had to tell Peter how he felt, how he wanted to be with him.


Peter woke up to the sound of tires hitting gravel, his head smacking against a cold metal wall.

He groaned slightly, shifting his body into a more comfortable position as he started to slowly open his eyes.

Peter let out a small gasp in shock. He was in some sort of containment crate, hands and ankles cuffed tightly with... vibranium?

Where did his kidnappers get vibranium from?

Peter moved into a sitting position, trying not to crush his wrists with his body weight as he leant back against the wall.

He could see a small camera in the top right corner from where he sat, squinting slightly to see a minuscule red dot on it, hinting that he was being watched.

Peter looked down at his legs and remembered that he was still in his suit, but...

his mask.

Peter's mask was gone, meaning that he couldn't talk with his AI, Karen, to get help.

Even worse, his kidnappers knew his identity.

Peter tried to recall what happened before he fell unconscious, remembering the familiar agents of HYDRA that had already attempted to take him.


HYDRA took him.

Peter took a few deep breaths, trying to see the positive side of being kidnapped by HYDRA.

Needless to say, he couldn't think of anything.

All he wanted to do was be back at the Tower, cuddling up on the sofa, watching a movie with Loki and-


HYDRA took Loki as well.

Maybe they'll take me to the same place as where they took him.

Peter hoped they would, as he couldn't even begin to imagine how scared Loki would be feeling, being kidnapped and put through God knows what after everything that happened to him.

He was going to save Loki, he had to.

Peter stared directly into the camera, and smiled.

As long as Parker Luck didn't make an appearance, he could save Loki and himself from HYDRA.

He's Spider-Man! Of course he could pull something like that off.

I am so sorry for the late update! School sucks.

Istg I'm going to blow my head off if school continues. 😭

I hope you enjoyed this update!


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