Pranks, Panic Attacks and PTSD

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~A week after the HYDRA incident~

"We've had several news reporters outside the tower today. They're trying to get pictures of Loki."

"Dammit, Steve did you ask Fury about getting a cover-up story out to the press?" Tony looked exasperated. Every day more people try to either break in to the tower or take pictures of them all.

Loki was currently in his shared room with Peter - he had frequent nightmares and found comfort in having someone else with him at nighttime. He had been healing, and his physical health was a lot better.

Bruce had been able to fix his legs and stitch up his cuts, but nobody knew how to permanently fix Loki's mental health.

He suffered from panic attacks and PTSD, sometimes it happened because someone said a triggered word, or they did something that triggered a memory.

Loki and Peter had been using the time Peter wasn't at school to perform as many practical jokes as they could.

Although they had only been doing it for three days, Loki and Peter had already glued Clint in the vents, spray painted Cap's shield pink, dye Bruce green in the night and swap Tony's alcohol for vinegar. The Avengers knew they'd have to send Loki to school with Peter or they would certainly go loopy.

"Loki, I have an idea!" Peter whispered to Loki, not wanting any eavesdroppers to hear their conversation.

"What is it?" Loki looked up from colouring a snake with Peter.

"Let's tamper with Jarvis! We can make him say weird things and call the Avengers names." Peter and Loki smirked.

"Let's go!"

~Two hours later because I don't know how to write about advanced technology~

"There, we're done." Peter wiped some sweat off his brow, and turned to Loki. He had fallen asleep.

"Wake up, sleepyhead! It's time to see if it works!"

Loki groaned, but sat up lazily, letting Peter drag him down the corridors to the lounge area.

They walked in the room and saw all the Avengers sitting on the long couch.

"Hey, kids, what're you up to?" Tony had noticed the two trouble makers walk in.

I am not a child you stupid old man!

Tony looked up in confusion.

"Jarvis? Was that you?"

Yes, it is I, the great Jarvis.

Tony looked at the two teenagers, watching them try to hide their sniggers.

"Alright, which one of you two did this?"

Loki stopped laughing.

"Which one of you two did this?" Odin's voice boomed around the great throne room.

Thor pointed at Loki.

"Loki, you killed an innocent civilian. Why did you do it?" An angered Odin growled at Loki.

"N-no, Father it wasn't me! Th-Thor did it!" Loki pleaded with his father, hoping he would believe him just once.

"You lie. Your tricks and lies have gone too far this time. Thor, leave." Thor smirked at Loki and ran out of the room.

Loki looked up at Odin, and took a step back as he got off the throne. Odin started walking towards Loki with a menacing glare plastered on his face.

"I'm going to punish you Loki. You need to learn that what you do is wrong."


Odin grabbed Loki by the neck.

~Ten minutes later~

"That'll teach you not to lie. Now leave." Odin dropped Loki onto the floor.

Loki clutched his mouth and ran out the room, tears spilling down his face. He saw his brother nearby talking to Sif and the Warriors Three.

Thor had his back facing Loki, so he didn't see him but the other four certainly did.

He stared at them for a little before running away. Loki got several stares from the guards and commoners, but ran past them all.

He didn't stop until he got to his quarters. The first thing he did was look in his mirror.

He let out a small, muffled whimper when he saw his face.

His mouth had been stitched up.

"-oki? Can you hear me?"

"Pl-please, I won't lie. I won't lie." Loki mumbled over and over again.

He was on the floor, curled in a ball, sobbing.

"Loki, Loki, it's okay. You haven't lied." Peter gently grabbed Loki's arms to reassure him.

Loki looked up at Peter with glazed eyes and nodded slowly.

Tony felt bad. He had obviously triggered another one of Loki's panic attacks. He made a mental note to add the phrase 'which one of you two did this' to the no-no words list. It was getting longer everyday.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I'm so sorry it's not very good, it's a filler for what's to come!

Love, MarvelFrog 🐸💚🌿✨

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