Clint's Harmful Actions

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Completely irrelevant but before we start: ⬆️
cHa cHa rEaL sMoOtH!

~Nobody's POV~

Clint paced his room continuously, a permanent scowl etched on his face.

~Cue Flashback~

"Let's see if there's anything inside that pretty little head of yours that will help us take down the Avengers." Clint stood still, almost statue-like whilst Loki perverted his memories.

Loki used the sceptre to invade his mind: he knew almost everything about Clint. This made Clint mad.

~Flashback Bye bye~

What Loki hadn't realised was that Clint could see int his mind too. Clint knew Loki's secrets, knew about his past, knew the reason he tried to take over the world.

He also knew about Loki's true form. The monster inside him. He was a Frost Giant. Clint wanted everyone else to see the monster he was. He couldn't believe that everyone was willing to help the God of Mischief and Lies after everything he did.

He deserves to be dead.

~A few hours later~

Clint was standing next to the temperature monitor, waiting for the right time to change it. He knew where Loki was, but he also knew that Bruce was operating on him at the moment. He needed to wait.

~5 minutes later~

Clint had watched Bruce leave the room, looking tired and sweaty. It was obvious the operation was over.

Clint peered inside the room and saw a younger Loki sleeping in the small hospital bed, with hand cuffs on his arms and legs. Clint smiled; Loki wouldn't be able to hide the monster from anyone.

He pressed a few buttons to lower the temperature in Loki's room until it got to -50°C. He smiled: JARVIS would surely notify Tony about the drastic change in temperature soon. Then everyone would see the menace they were taking care of. They would see a monster.

Clint hurriedly dashed out of the medical wing and jumped into the elevator. When it reached the kitchen/lounge floor, Clint ran out of the elevator and made sure that Natasha saw him. She would think he had come from his room. The perfect alibi, just in case.

He grabbed a banana out of the fruit bowl which was standing on the kitchen island and sat down on the comfy sofa next to Nat. She smiled at him sleepily, before leaning her head back against the big couch. The mission they completed a few days ago was obviously taking its toll on her still.

"Heyyy... where's the rest of the drinks Katniss?" A stumbling, drunk Tony walked into the lounge area. Clint groaned: he would probably have to carry Tony up to his room. Again.

He pointed to the cupboard, and rested his head on Nat's shoulder. She moved her head on top of his.

"I thought you were married, Legolas." Tony walked past them, laughing drunkenly.

"Stark, here's a tip. Bruce keeps a big bottle of Scotch in his lab why don't you go and find it, yeah?" Clint gestured for Tony to go.

"I could kiss you right now Robin Hood!" Stark had a huge, cheesy grin plastered on his face as he skipped happily into the lift.

Clint closed his eyes and fell asleep on Natasha. He couldn't wait for the rest of the Avengers to find the monster that was Loki.

I am so sorry this is a short chapter! Thank you so much for reading my book and I hope this update will suffice for now! ❤️

Also, if you're looking for a laugh the search on YouTube 'The Ballad of Loki' it is so funny! 😂

Love you all!
From MarvelFrog 🐸🪄

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