Huginn and Muninn

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TW: Gore, bloody description, angst

"Heimdall has summoned you." Thor tilted his head to the side, seeing a guard peering in at him. Thor sat up, nodded and shooed him away as he got ready.

Thor pinned his hair back in the style he usually did: it reminded him of how his mother did hers, but Thor wasn't as skilled as her in hair tricks.

He walked out of the window and went down a long, open corridor that had access to the outside area. Thor swung Mjolnir in the direction of the Bifrost, grinning wildly as he flew through the air, the wind whipping his hair about like mad.

"I've been waiting for you, Thor." Heimdall smiling warmly at the god as he landed on the Rainbow Bridge.

"Heimdall! It's been a while." Thor returned his smile, walking up towards the Gatekeeper.

"I have something to show you, something that shouldn't have been kept from you. It's about Loki."

Thor frowned. "There were a lot of things that liar kept from me, kept from everyone."

Heimdall shook his head. "He should've told you. Pride is a dangerous thing sometimes."

Heimdall stared into Thor's eyes, causing him to feel dizzy before entering a memory.


That's all Loki remembered.

Letting go of Gungir, seeing Thor's face as he fell.

Being rejected yet again by his so called father.

After what seemed like years, Loki's limp body fell onto a small, rocky planet. It was the home of the Chitauri, and the Mad Titan, Thanos.

Loki started falling unconscious, the last thing he heard being the sounds of footsteps and two voices speaking a language he was too tired to understand properly.

"An Asgardian. How rare, finding one down here."

"No. Not Asgardian. Can't you smell it? That's a Jötun. A Frost Giant."

"We'll take him to the master. Maybe he'll make use of him."

The two Chitauri carried Loki's limp body to the floating stones Thanos' throne resided on.

The flashback slipped forwards a little, Thor wincing as it messed with his brain.

"That radiates a power that should be locked away. It enhances and corrupts everything it comes into contact with, turning love into lust, interest into addiction, anger into murderous tendencies..."

Loki was currently standing opposite Thanos who was lounging on his large throne, holding a gold sceptre. In the middle of it sat the Mind Stone.

"Exactly, little one. As my child I expect you to help out, as we helped you. All you have to do is give in to those vengeful thoughts. Use them, destroy a planet, you're finished."

Thanos stared down at Loki, his face twisting into a manipulative grin.

"I won't do it. I'd cut my hair if it became a nuisance. I'd stab my brother if he annoyed me. Why would I want to destroy some else's home? I've never even met any of these Midgardians you go on about."

Loki glared up at Thanos in clear defiance, not breaking his hard gaze or faltering.

"Very well then. Ronan." Ronan the Accuser, another son of Thanos, stepping out from the shadows. He stalked his way towards Loki, a malicious smirk on his face.

Ever since Loki was found by the Chitauri, Ronan had always hated him. Had tried to kill him a few times, but Loki was almost never there.

Loki stood still, stifling the edge to break eye contact.

From the corner of his eye Loki could see a Chitauri coming up on either side of him, ready to hold him still.

Ronan took the scooter from Thanos just as the Chitauri wrapped their bony hands around Loki's skinny wrists. He had changed up his Asgardian attire, losing parts of the gold and not wearing the helmet.

Loki writhed and squirmed in the Chitauri's grasp as Ronan got closer, pointing the spear at Loki's midsection.

Loki knew what Ronan was going to do. He had seen it happen to others before him. He remembered all of their screams...

Loki bit his tongue as Ronan got closer, willing himself not to scream out as he plunged the spear into him in slow motion.

Loki threw his head back and gasped out in pain as Ronan twisted it in further. He could feel it ripping through his intestines and breaking his spine.

Ronan made eye contact with Loki, watching the emerald green in his eyes die and turn a cold, frozen blue. He felt no remorse, no guilt, no nothing.

Ronan pulled the spear back out and let it clatter to the floor, waving to the Chitauri to take Loki away like it was an ordinary thing to do.

Loki felt his insides bleeding, felt his mind slowly slip away from him. He felt his freedom being ripping from himself, like he was being pushed to the backseat of his mind by the Mind Stone.

Something died in him, then and there.

His sanity, perhaps, but no.

That went from the minute he started falling.

Thor gasped as Heimdall removed his hand from his head.

"N-no, Loki, no..." Thor stuttered, his mind racing with adrenalin and panic.

"My-my brother I-"

"Thor, it was never your fault. I had to show you that. Loki is in trouble." Heimdall spoke in a softer tone to the upset god, hoping he wouldn't start another thunderstorm in Asgard.

"Send me to Jotunheim at once. I must get my brother back." Thor declared, a determined look set on his face.

Heimdall just shook his head.

"Loki is not on Jotunheim-"

As their conversation was going on, two ravens sat perched on the edge of the Bigfoot, unseen by the Gatekeeper and the God of Thunder.

Odin's birds, Huginn and Muninn had been tasked with watching Thor as a precaution in case he tried to get Loki back from Jotunheim.

They were unseen by Heimdall's all seeing eyes, thanks to a concealment charm.

Huginn and Muninn reported back to Odin everything they saw. Everyday without fail.

"-Midgard. I sent him to Midgard."

Only an hour late! 😌🤚

I'm really sorry I left it on a cliffhanger I was going to write up another chapter and publish it at the same time but I can hardly keep his eyes open right now so reading something by a tired me would do nobody any good at all.


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