Bucky and Clint

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~Nobody's POV~

"Peter, why didn't you tell us Loki was here?"

"He didn't want me to!"

"Did you even consider the fact that he might be tricking you?!"

"He saved me from some bad guys Mr Stark!"

Mr Stark, Katniss and Metal Arm are currently fighting on floor 7. They have broken several lights, and Metal Arm has busted a vent.

"Goddammit. I'm going to kill those two!" Tony was fuming. First Peter had harboured a villain, now Clint and Bucky were having a brawl.

"Tony, it's probably not that bad. I'll get a room ready, just in case. I'll check on Loki whilst I'm there too." Tony nodded as Bruce ran off. Tony and Peter made their way to one of the elevators, and asked Jarvis to take them to floor 7. Clint's floor.

Peter held Tony's hand, knowing that he was close to getting mad. He hoped Tony would listen to Loki's story. He hoped Loki was innocent, and that it wasn't all an act. He liked the teenager.


Bucky groaned: Clint had managed to pry his metal arm off. He'd have to persuade Tony to help him put it back on. He used his remaining arm to steady himself, and picked himself up off the floor. He leant against the floor and stared at the archer.

"Clint! What the hell did you do?" Bucky looked at the elevator, and saw Tony and Peter standing there, watching him.

"Bucky here thinks the villain we are currently housing is innocent! We all saw the evidence that he killed Phil! He killed eighty people in two days!" Clint scowled at Bucky.

"Do none of you see that Loki is different? His age is different now! He even told me he doesn't remember anything he did." Bucky grimaced; it was hard to keep his balance with only one arm.

Peter noticed Bucky's discomfort, and quickly rushed over to help him. Peter let Bucky rest on him, his super strength helped a lot.

"He's a monster! We'll all die if we keep him here!" Tony groaned, Clint's mind was clouded with a grudge.

"You're a monster too, Clint. You know the truth. You know what actually happened. The only reason you won't tell everyone is because you want someone to pin your anger on." Bucky growled at Clint.

Clint looked uncomfortable as Tony and Peter stared at him.

"Is this true, Clint?"

Clint rolled his eyes, and stalked off into his room. Bucky pulled himself off of Peter, and started to follow him. He fell over after three steps. Bucky could hear Tony snickering.

The elevator let out a small ding, and Bruce walked out onto the floor. He looked around the room, and sighed. Bucky was on the floor, Tony was laughing at him, Peter was staring into space, and Clint was nowhere to be seen. Where was Steve in all of this mess?

"Bucky!" Talk of the devil. Steve came running up the stairs, panting. He'd obviously been looking everywhere. Did he not realise he could just ask Jarvis?

"Oh my gosh. Who hurt you?" Steve picked up Bucky bridal style, and everyone started to laugh at him. Bucky growled.

~I am so sorry for this next bit I just had to do it~

"Steve! Put me down! I'm not a baby!" Steve rolled his eyes.

"That's not what you said last night." Tony was on the floor laughing as Bucky went bright red. Like, really. Bright red.


Bruce looked at the scene with second hand embarrassment. "Right. Uhm-" He picked up Bucky's metal arm, and gave it to Steve awkwardly. Steve smirked at him.

Peter and Bruce left the three of them on floor 7, and went up to see Loki.

"I have an idea, Peter. We can ask Jarvis about his mental damage and see what results he can come up with that I was unable to find." Peter nodded, smiling at the scientist.

Thank you for over 300 views on my story! Wow!! I love you all so much.

Also, I am so sorry for the dirty humour, I just have had writers block the past few days but I forced myself to think of something to add for another chapter, and this got everything flowing. I have a lot of filling in to do before I can write the fun bits! Sorry if this chapter wasn't good enough for you, it was quite hard to write.

Anyways, stay safe, wear a mask, keep being awesome!

Love, MarvelFrog =^.^=

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