Loki's Armour

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~Nobody's POV~
Loki jolted awake at the sound of an explosion. From outside his room and a few doors down, he could hear shouts of:

"They have Peter!"

"Tony, what do we do!"

"Ask Steve! I'm not the leader, I just pay for literally everything!"

"Clint's trapped in the vents. They sealed them up!"

He realised the building he was in was under attack. And whoever was attacking them had Peter. His Peter. Loki scowled. Nobody hurt Peter, not whilst he was around.

He sat up in the bed, and winced as wires in his arms were ripped out from the force, but sighed gratefully as the restraints had been removed from his arms and legs. He forced his legs to move, and limped off of the bed. He realised he couldn't leave in just a hospital robe, so he looked around the room for anything he could wear. He found a small jumper and jeans, along with some socks, a shirt and a lose pair of leggings. They were all shades of green, mostly dark. He opted for the leggings instead of the jeans, and slipped the outfit on.

He staggered towards the door, and groaned: it was locked. He wasn't strong enough to force it open, so he'd have to find another way out. He searched the room, smiling when he found a window that was slightly ajar. He pushed it open further, grinning.

Loki looked down, feeling grateful a balcony wasn't too far to drop down onto. He slowly climbed out through the window, taking a deep breath before jumping out.

He cried out as his legs made contact with the ground: the bones had healed in an awkward place, making any movement hurt like hell. Loki stumbled across the balcony and into a large room that was full of weird stuff.

He looked around, seeing... suit prototypes? But that wasn't what stood out to him. A big glass case with an alien looking armour set was pushed to one side of the room.

Loki gingerly limped over to it, and admired the armour. It was green and black, with gold armour plates on the arms and shoulders, along with streaks of gold armour on the chest.

He slowly slid the glass case door open, and reached for the headpiece of the outfit. It was pure gold, with long horns that reminded Loki of a snakes teeth.

He started to pry the armour out of the case when he noticed on the side of the case was a little gold plate with writing on. Loki bent down to inspect it, and gasped at what he saw.

Armour of Loki Laufeyson, delivered by Thor Odinson as an apology after the New York fiasco. Experiments have been unsuccessful, the gold is like nothing on Earth. We cannot break it down.

He sighed, it was his armour. His memory was so bad, he couldn't remember many small details like the fact he had this outfit.

His eyes became glassy as he realised what the armour resembled. Green for jealousy and envy, gold for greed and lust, and the snake-like helmet. The snake symbolised backstabbing, and sneakiness. Not traits valued back in Asgard, that was for certain.

Loki angrily wiped his eyes and focused on what he had to do. He had to save Peter. He pulled his armour off of its stand and pulled it over his head. He smoothed back his long, greasy hair, grimacing at its slippery feel and slid his helmet on.

It felt familiar, like an old friend in a foreign place. Loki took a few deep breaths to collect his thoughts and think up a mission plan. He'd need weapons, he'd need to be prepared for anything.

He quickly grabbed the combat boots that came with the armour, marvelling at how they fit and walked back towards the balcony. As he was walking, he summoned two emerald encrusted daggers. He wouldn't need much more, as he was advanced in the art of attack and defence.

Loki didn't feel any pain in summoning the daggers, as it was one of the spells he remembered learning with his mother. He wondered what she was doing now, and if she had noticed he had gone.

Loki stood at the edge of the balcony, contemplating the distance to the ground floor. It was probably around 15 feet, which he would survive easily.

He could see people walking down some sort of road outside the tower, wondering if they would recognise him from whatever he did. He hoped not.

Loki swung his legs over the balcony railing, and jumped. Thankfully his helmet stayed on as he hit the ground, a mini earthquake rumbling at the impact. He looked around fearfully, there were people staring at him with some sort of metal rectangle pointed at him.

He hoped they weren't weird weapons of some sort, that would hurt.

Loki turned around and ran back towards the big tower, seeing several men and women in black holding something... red?

Loki found his armour! Yay!

I'm so glad my writing block is over! It only took me around 15 minutes to write this! 💕

I hope you enjoyed and get ready for some action in the next chapter! 🌿

Don't forget to vote and comment on my story! Thank you all for over 600 views!

We have grown so much. 💕🌿✨

Love, MarvelFrog! 🐸🍄🪴

P.S. If you see any spelling or grammar mistakes, please feel free to correct me!❤️
I promise I will not be offended, I will be grateful that you've helped me out. 🍄🌿✨

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