"What am i going to do with you?"

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When the Avengers got back to the Tower from that chaotic and unpleasant mission (as well as the equally chaotic flight), everyone was too tired to really give a damn about cleaning up their mess.

Nobody had expected anything like what had happened today, and all were starting to feel the after effects of the battle.

Bucky and Steve slinked off to their shared room quietly, both veterans feeling shattered. Neither of them said anything to anyone, they took the first elevator and got to their room for some rest.

Bruce ran to his room in his underwear, stretched and torn from the Hulking out. As you can probably tell, he was very embarrassed by the whole ordeal, and running half naked through the Avengers Tower really wasn't helping.

Natasha and Clint went... god knows where. Probably the vents or something.

Laufey, followed Tony who was carrying a very tired Peter Parker. Laufey had Loki in his arms, and was holding him protectively as if he was never going to let go of him.

Loki was in a deep sleep, whereas Peter had been sedated before they got off the aircraft.

Tony didn't want Peter to have a panic attack or have what happened earlier to happen again, so sedating him was probably the best thing to do.

Laufey and Tony took Peter and Loki into a small medical room with two hospital beds in. Both beds had lots of wires and machines attached to them; heart monitors, blood pressure measurers, several IV drips, and a small tray with a dish of various pills in between the beds.

Tony said it would be best if the two boys weren't split up - nobody wanted another situation like on the flight.

Laufey had no problem with Loki and Peter being in the same room, but he seemed reluctant to leave his son's side.

The king of Jotunheim didn't want to lose his son after he had just found him again.

Meanwhile, Thor had wandered off into the kitchen looking for pop tarts. Thankfully there were some in there, nobody really wanted a thunderstorm at the minute.

Tony was walking down to join the God of thunder in the kitchen after showing Laufey to his room that was right next to the freezer but was quickly stopped by the one and only Pepper Potts.

The woman was clearly not happy with Tony, and Tony knew it.

"Tony Stark, you better explain to me why I didn't hear about this whole mess until now! You cannot even look after yourself, let alone two children! Two children who need special care, may I add!" Pepper reprimanded the smaller billionaire.

"Come on, Pep! Give me some slack, what was I supposed to do!" Tony whined.

Pepper rolled her eyes.

"Oh, you know, maybe told me and I would've helped!"

Tony smiled sheepishly.

"Oh yeah."

"Tony, this is not funny! Yes, we may have been looking after Peter since what happened with his aunt and that awful teacher called Wescott or something, but I didn't realise that when I left I was leaving you with not one but two children! Two! You can't even look after yourself Tony, you've worn the same socks since I left."

Pepper shook her head.

"Tony, are you even listening to me?"

Tony had slumped down on the floor of the hallway and promptly fallen asleep against the wall during Pepper's lecture.

"Oh for gods sake Tones. What am I going to do with you?"

The man had been so worn out from the fight that he'd managed to fall asleep in the middle of a corridor.

Pepper sighed. At least Tony was smaller than her and would be easy to get upstairs to their room.


I'm starting to update more now :)

It's coming to the end of the book now 🤭

I have realised how bad the plot of this book has been, there are gaps everywhere and some things don't make sense, so I think I will make a separate book that is the same as this one but the plot is fixed and it is written better, but I won't do that for a while.

I've already started thinking about writing the prequel too!

A few chapters of the prequel are already up, so I advise that you go and check them out :)

More updates coming soon!


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