Chapter32-The blunder

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Hey my lovely readers

How are you all?

Well I don't have much to say because, just 2-3 more chapters and then...well it's a surprise.

Please do listen to the song above. You'll love it I am sure.

Let's begin with the chapter now.

Akash's POV

"How the hell did it happen?" I asked him.

"I..I just don't know" he said.

"How many newspapers have these photos?" I asked and he said "forget about the newspaper Akash. Reporters from all the reputed magazines and newspapers of our country are standing outside the apartment. The security guards are facing hard time tackling them. We need to do something about that."  

I immediately fished my phone out but before I could call anybody, my phone flashed with dad's name.


"Hello" I picked up the call and said as calmly as possible.

"How are you, son" he asked in ice cold voice.


"I am fine dad" I said and Sid looked at me, horrified.

"Hope you've read today's newspaper" he said, coming straight to the point.

"Yes dad" I said.

"Are you serious about her?" he asked me, in dangerously calm voice.

"As serious as you were for mom" I said without hesitation.

He chuckled and said "I always approached your mom with an intention to marry her, though I was rejected 7 times straight." 

"So do I. My intentions have always been noble, for her" I said and he chuckled, again.

"If your intentions are so noble, clear up the mess because you created it. I won't help you. If you need, take Adarsh's help. How old is she?" he asked.

"18, soon to turn 19" I said.

"Very young to come in limelight. Take care of her. She won't be able to handle the attention and media herself" he said.

I sighed and said "she doesn't know about it yet, but I'll take care of her." 

"You should my boy. She's your responsibility" he said and I smiled.

"I love her dad" I said and he chuckled "that I can clearly see in the pictures." 

"Make sure she isn't bothered in anyway" he said and disconnected the call.

"What happened?" Sid asked and I sighed.

"He won't help me. He said I need to clear all the mess I created" I said.

"Thought so" Sid muttered.

We then went to the balcony and saw numerous reporters trying to trespass the gate but security guards were trying their best to tackle them.

"You think you'll be able to handle it, alone?" Sid asked, looking at me.

"I think I can, but since Siya is involved in all this mess, I think I'll have to take Adarsh's help. I can't risk anything when Siya is involved" I said and he nodded, agreeing with me.

I immediately dialed his number and in second ring, he picked up the call " hey brother, long time, how are you" he said in his usual cheerful voice.

"I am fine Adarsh, how are you?" I asked and he said "as usual, back to back meetings. God knows how do papa and bade papa handle this huge empire without getting tired. I don't think I can handle it the way they have been handling business until now."   

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