Chapter 143-My pride doesn't matter

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Hey, my lovely readers.

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Before beginning, all the readers, it is a humble request to please vote on all my chapters. It might not mean anything to you but it means a lot to me, as a writer. I don't want the ranking of this book to slip down again. As you all know that votes and the number of views ratio has direct impact on the ranking of the book. Please help me maintain it.

So since some of my readers were very eager, I tried for an early update and buckle up guys, an explosive chapter ahead.

Also, for those who are interested in Sid and Kriti's separate story, this chapter is a little glimpse to it.

Thank me later.

Let's begin with the chapter now.

Akash's POV

"I still don't understand, Sid. Why are you so desperate to take down the Mehras," I said on the call.

I was right now on a conference call with Sid on my laptop as I think I left my phone in Deepak uncle's house. We were discussing this deal for which he was asking me to bid against the Mehras.

"Akash, please you already know about it" he said.

"I know everything, Sid. I know and I understand what you are going through but Mehras have been in this business for as long as I can remember. Bidding against them would mean to keep our whole company at stake" I said.

"Akash, please" he said in an almost broken voice and I closed my eyes, in pain.

How could I see my best friend going through so much, alone.

He never asked anything from me and when he is asking something from me, for the first time, I didn't know what to do but then, all his support, all throughout our childhood came flashing in front of my eyes.

How could I say no to him, how could I shatter his hopes when it's only because of him and his support, we are here today.

This company would have been nothing without him and his support.

If not for him, we would have never been able to secure so many projects.

If not for him, we wouldn't be nominated for best entrepreneur of the year award.

If not for him, his effort, we would not be on the verge of becoming billionaire ourselves, all because of our efforts.

Most importantly, this company is as much his as it is mine.

But then, I needed to make him aware of the other risks involved.

"Sid, I don't mind keeping this company at stake and even if it turns to ashes, we can work hard again and start from scratch but, think about Kriti. You remember right, your three years that you've asked from Mohit for her is about to get completed in six months. In case we crack this deal, do you think you can live up to the promise you made to Mohit?" I asked.

It was true, more than money and company, I was worried about Kriti and their relationship.

God forbid if something goes wrong in this deal, I don't know how will we convince Mohit and worst possible case, if he gets her married to someone else, what will we do.

"Akash, I have thought about everything, every possibility. I know if we don't succeed, the consequences can be dire but please believe me, I will put extra efforts. I will work non stop, twenty four hours a day for it but please, I need this deal, please" he said desperately.

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