Chapter 62-I can't move on

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A very emotional update. Keep tissue paper handy.

Akash's POV

"So Siya, it's your marriage and you need leave for just ten days?" I asked her.

"Ye.. yes" she said, breathing hard.

"Really?" I said and she turned her face to the other side.

I nuzzled my nose on her neck and cheeks.

I could feel her chest heaving up and down, making contact with my chest and that was a fucking turn on for me.

Taking a sharp breath, I asked her "So are you sure you just want leaves for ten days? Are you sure you'll be able to come back as you mentioned in the application or will you be taking unplanned leaves? "

"Yes, I'll be joining and will be back on time," she said, looking at me.

"Okay, if you say so," I said and pulled back from her.

"So how's your shopping going on?" I asked her.

"My shopping?" she asked, confused.

"Of course, your shopping, you're the bride, right?" I asked her.

"Ye.. yes. It's almost done, "she said.

"Okay. So how are you planning to go there? I am sure there must be a lot of luggage, "I said.

"Yes, there is, but I'm confident I'll be fine," she said.

"I don't think you need to manage. Mohit will send you his jet, "I said.

"Why will he send me his private jet?" she asked, confused.

I looked at her in disbelief.

"He's your would be husband. I am sure he'll not want you to face any kind of difficulty and for that he'll send you his private jet, "I said.

"Oh... yeah he'll send it to me" she said, not meeting my gaze.

Something was off about this whole wedding thing.

"Siya, are you sure you're getting married to him?" I asked her.

I know this question was stupid, but I couldn't help ask her what came to my mind.

"Of.. of course," she said, looking down.

I was still a little skeptical but decided not to push the matter much.

She herself has agreed that she will be getting married to him and I can't even ask her to break this alliance.

It's as if this is what she has been wanting and finally she's getting it.

Although she said all those things without meeting my gaze, I can't deny the fact that she's getting married to someone else and that's not me.

Tears welled up in my eyes but I didn't let them fall.

For the first time in my life, I was feeling weak, useless for not being able to convince her that I am really the best for her and I love her with every fibre in my heart, probably more than Mohit.

I think she noticed me crying.

"Akash... I... I" she was saying, but I cut her off "It's okay Siya. You've finally decided to give up on me and I can't force you anymore for anything now. I think, I finally don't have any rights to you "I said and turned away from her.

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