Chapter 123-Trust yourself

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Hey my lovely readers.

How are you all?

Are you all enjoying the book so far?

So my lovelies, when are your birthdays? If you all could share me your birthdays, I would dedicate the chapter to you all.

Many of you have already shared it with me but I would like to know if any other reader of mine would like to share it. I would be glad.

Before beginning the chapter I would like to wish a very happy belated birthday to two of my constant readers and supporters pragadhi. Shiaamy.

May you both have a wonderful year ahead.

Chapter dedicated you both my lovelies.

Also, please listen to this song, Akash's promise to Siya, probably.

This chapter has a flashback scene in italics, please don't get confused.

Let's begin with the chapter now.

Akash's POV

Siya was still on my lap and I was kissing her head every now and then to soothe her.

Sid had left for office few minutes ago when I heard the doorbell ring.

"Come in" I said a little loudly.

I heard the door opening and closing with a soft thud and then I heard footsteps approaching us.

"Good mornin...Sir?" I heard Jannet say and when she said the last part, I looked at her.

She had her mouth hung open when she looked at me and the faminine figure on my lap.

I chuckled and said "good morning, Jannet."

Giving a kiss on Siya's head, when I looked at her, she was almost dozed off.

With a smile on my face, I carried her bridal style in my arms and went to my room.

Covering her with the quilt and kissing her forehead once but not before switching off the lights, I made my way to the living room.

"Follow me to my study" I said to Jannet and coming out of her trance, she silently followed me.

Once in the study, I said "So Jannet, as you had already mentioned that I don't have any important meetings to attend till next week, I'll be working from home. Hope you've brought all the important files."

When I didn't hear her response for a few seconds, I looked at her to see that she was zoned out.

"Jannet" I said a little louder this time. This seems to have caught her attention.

"Ye..yes Sir" she said.

Sighing, I asked "what is it Jannet?"

"Sir, you love Siya ma'am, right?" she asked.

"Of course I do" I said.

"Then what was that girl doing on your lap?" she asked in an accusing tone, narrowing her eyes at me as if I had done the biggest of my life by keeping her on my lap.

"She's Siya" I said and her eyes widened.

"Bu..but" she said all confused.

"I know you've a lot of questions, Jannet but that's a story for another day. Let's get started with the work" I said and sitting on the chair, forwarded my hands to her, gesturing her to give me the files which she had clutched tightly.

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