Chapter 5-Can I trust him?

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Hi, my lovely readers,

I am back again with an update and since you all didn't mention how would you like the updates to be-lengthy or short, I've given a lengthy update because as a reader, I like to read a lengthy chapter.

So my lovely readers, let's start with the chapter.

Siya's POV

I was shocked at my revelation would be an understatement. How can I so easily tell Akash about the fact that I don't have any friends when even Kriti, my first friend in college doesn't know about it.

I've always been confined and reserved when it comes to new people, so I don't know how could this information about me slip through my mouth.

Maybe the way he supported me, the way he cared about me and Kriti led me to say those words in front of him.

I am thankful to him that he didn't push me further to say anything when those words left my mouth.

Saying those things to him would eventually reveal my whole life, and I don't want to do it in front of him, at least not now, not when I know him just for 2 days.

If he comes to know that I don't even dare to stand for myself, he'll think that I am a loser and even he'll start avoiding me as my friends have done in the past.

I think it is better if I stay away from him and keep my guards up like I've been doing all these years so that nobody could make fun of me and eventually I wouldn't have to listen to harsh words.

I know for a fact that Kriti is somewhat aware of how strict my mother is and she would never reveal it to anybody, not without my permission.

With this thought of staying as far away as possible from Akash, I went to sleep.

Akash's POV

It's been a week since that incident and I noticed that Siya has been keeping her distance from me.

Me, Sid, Kriti, and Siya do meet every day at lunch and they also get extra food for us but she doesn't talk or mingle much with us. I wonder, did I do or say something wrong to her.

But when I ponder over the short or almost negligible conversations that we had since we met, I can't think of anything I said that should bother her.

I thought maybe she's an introvert so I should initiate a conversation with her, but whenever I do it, her answers are generally one-liner or to the point.

I am running out of topics now to initiate a conversation with her. I also referred to google to find some interesting topics with her to discuss but she is still the same.

Defeated, I tried initiating a conversation again with her on a topic that I think would interest her. If not, will need to take help from google again.

We were seated in the cafeteria again and were having lunch when I thought to strike a conversation with her

"So how are your classes going," I asked turning to her.

"Good," she said. Again one-word reply. I think the length of her answers is decreasing exponentially. Till last week she used to give me at least a one-line answer. This week it just decreased to one word. Next week, she won't reply to me at all and the later she would stop seeing me at all.

Oh my god, I can't let this happen. I need to do something fast or she would tell me not to show my face ever again to her.

I was about to continue the conversation when a boy, probably her classmate came to her and said "Hi Siya."

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