Chapter 28|Forbidden (عشق ممنوع)

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A beautiful and descriptive Ayah 52 of surah Yusuf that briefly explains some of the most timeless concepts of human kind

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A beautiful and descriptive Ayah 52 of surah Yusuf that briefly explains some of the most timeless concepts of human kind. A human being is a human being due it's extraordinary part of brain that is specially modified and developed more than any living in the world. The reason of being an 'ashraf ul makhlooqat', but here in that same human body resides 'nafs; (part of oneself) beside soul. The part of of human yet not acutually him/her in senses. As a human, no matter how superb we are morally, spiritually or physically , we still have to face temptations of different kinds. But when a ceratain being starts to observe Islam more keenly, he or she is considered someone who don't mess up anyway. We, as a society are more obsessed with the 'images' of people rather than 'realities'. A person who is trying to become a good practising muslim is put on pedestal by public. More in a sense, they are aggrandized and blown out of the proportion where they can do no wrong. Allah SWT explains that thinking beautifully ( since an ayah has the debate of who said it but we'll discuss it from general perspective instead of going in detail) that "indeed, nafs is a persistent enjoiner of evil, except for the one my Master has it's mercy upon. Indeed, my Lord is forgiving and merciful" . just because a person has been demonstrated by some high qualities doesn't mean that he don't have to face temptations.

It's basically an ayah that teaches mankind how to place expectations. 1. everyone of us has to meet Allah's expectations. 2. expectations of angelic behaviour frrom people.

The reality is nafs won't stop. There is someone inside that's only job is to tell to do messed up things, not jut once but over and over again. Have you ever heard about chineses yin and yang theory. There is a war inside ourselves. One side wants to obey it and other puts a stop and wants to obey what Allah wants.

Allah SWT has put a light inside every believer cause believer 's heart is a lamp in darkness as illustrated in surah noor. It has love and loyality to it's Maker , a feeling that He may be pleased with us.

This is the most powerful love/ spiritual power that is strong enough to overcome the temptations by His 'rahma'. special rahm. It's not that what we deserve but it's out of his extreme love and mercifulness. Tauba is actually walking away of the thought that what people will think of you. Letting your image, pride, social status go and holding onto what Allah thinks of you. It also depicts a thought, that people can make mistakes and then redeem too, genuinely. The one who has done wrong may ask forgiveness from people whom he has hurt and from Allah for hurting people but the person whom the one had done hurt is not under an obligation to forgive you, that's also a fact. But you've done your part and that is what all matter to Allah.



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