Chapter 32|Let me down slowly (دل نا امید تو نہیں)

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The first whisper, the first words uttered after years, that was the first hit to the iron rock that both of them had turned themselves into

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The first whisper, the first words uttered after years, that was the first hit to the iron rock that both of them had turned themselves into. Sarrinah gulped the flood of tears rising through her eyes while he clenched his hand in fist, regretting what he did. Might be no interaction was the most feasible solution.

Hakan changed his shirt and walked towards the door, twisted the knob only to witness the back of familiar aura.

She didn't turn and was about to walk forward when someone came running to her from the corridor.

"Dr. Sarrinah, I've been finding you for so long aur aap yhaan hain."

Dr.Ilker huffed and smiled approaching her but got awkward eyeing the scenario. Hakan shut the door slowly. Staring at him from head to toe and walked opposite. He buttoned up his collar. Dr. Ilker gave a weird look to Sarrinah who seemed flushed and irritated.

"You okay?" He asked in Turkish. Sarrinah nodded with a formal smile and asked him to proceed that he replied.

"After you!"

Both of them walked through the corridor when Sarrinah broke the silence.

"Why were you looking for me?"

"Oh that? There is a case, let me show you!"

He gestured her towards the cardio ward. Sarrinah took a breathe of relief that he didn't inquired anything. Day was hardly saved.


There is a difference between love and toxic love. The people who love you don't pull your roots out to satisfy their happiness but they actually let you bloom until you turn into a serene tree of strength with strong roots so they can look up at you, smile and say, 'I love you and I am proud of you'

Next day reached with a shining sun of winters in Istanbul. For a week, it had been days in the sun that soothed the harsh cold wind of the city. Folks waited for the snow clouds to rain upon them but the sun let the little daisies bloom into the colorful pots on sloped streets, this year. Sarrinah used to have a walk from her hotel to hospital. Zain, Norhan, Hamza requested their stubborn friend to ride in with them but she insisted on enjoying the morning breeze everyday. So far, Istanbul had been welcoming to her. People were warm and friendly except one. The place turned out to be good than expected. Every day at 9 in the morning, when the sun shined at her brunette strands while the day breeze played, she used to feel serene.

Unexpected pleasures are the best ones.

She used to stop in the little cafe, walking down the slope that was simple and small, decorated with fresh flowers hanging in the little pots around the shop.

It was of an old man, might be and that little boy was his son who used to wave him daily from the glass window when his school bus came. The lane had many other cafes, decorated in contemporary modern style but who knew what clicked Sarrinah that she always went for this warm little cafe around the corner at the top. She stepped in only to be met by the fresh aroma of cinnamon baked buns. She struck her flick behind her ears and greeted the old man with a warm smile.

RANJISH HI SAHI [𝕮𝖔𝖒𝖕𝖑𝖊𝖙𝖊𝖉]Where stories live. Discover now