Chapter 37| Longing of a Lover (حسرت یار)

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Ta Ha 20:124

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Ta Ha 20:124

وَمَنْ أَعْرَضَ عَن ذِكْرِى فَإِنَّ لَهُۥ مَعِيشَةً ضَنكًا وَنَحْشُرُهُۥ يَوْمَ ٱلْقِيَٰمَةِ أَعْمَىٰ

And whoever turns away from My remembrance - indeed, he will have a depressed life, and We will gather him on the Day of Resurrection blind."

The Quranic verse has given as a deep perspective to understand the code of life again. Here the word depressed would not be suitable to convey the depth of word Allah SWT has has stated here. "Danka," in arabic ideally means straitened. That means when actually something is squeezed/stuffed/ applied pressure from all sides as one can relate when we suffer flu or sinositus pressure in medical term. Here, an essence of an ayah says that whoever deliberately kept forgetting Allah by ignoring His words will indeed have a pressurized life. Now, let's dig into this deep and try to understand what actually has been said here. It doesn't mean 'depression', a very delicate psychological term, has a reason not always linked with ALLAH's rememberance. Sometimes, one is performing five times prayer, reciting Quraan, having a calm and quiet Ikhlaaq, not back biting and lying but still suffers mental drainage and depressive moments. Depression is actually a critical term that shouldn't be fondly linked with intermediate or momentary states of sadness or anxiety. Nevertheless, shifting back to the point, in my little understanding what I came to believe is you're definately missing on something important while performing the essentials. We, as a human knows ourself quite well. The transparency with which only we can confront ourselves, no other can. The weakness that only we can pinpoint. That little root is trying hard to reside in our permanent concious so that it can form a tree of despair and pessimism. Break the darkness with Allah's word. Be it just Bismillah, but just pass through break throughs. Cut the curtain of darkness out even if it's just a little blade of light we have in your hand. But do it. Pessimism is just not a term, it's a swamp. It's an uncontrollable pull of black hole and once we stopped doing effort to pull yourself out, we'll keep falling deeper and deeper everyday. The resurrection of that person is blind due to the ignorance he gave to Allah's word in worldly life. The short brief morale according to my little understanding is, when we are doing something against the law of Allah (nature), a part of us keeps dying inside us until it dies complete. But before even dying completely, it would be giving warning signs. As the signs of sinusitis are warning to reverse the condition by treating it or it will become a permanent disorder. Similarly, a moment in which human being is completely knocked down, collapsed and suffocated, that particular point decides your fate of future. If you chose to stand up only even if with such a difficultly, but you did it for a miracle to happen, miracle will actually happen, penning down your fate with the ink of tears shed by heart. But if that one moment, pushes it into a blind despair then that the fears of pessimism will keep attracting your fate. We attract what we become. So, may Allah SWT ease our difficulties and allows us to be strong enough to get up in those dark moment so that we can enter the gardens of light and beauty. Ameen.

RANJISH HI SAHI [𝕮𝖔𝖒𝖕𝖑𝖊𝖙𝖊𝖉]Where stories live. Discover now