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Salaam! Hope you're doing well, loving the chapters and the unfoldings of the story.
Since, readers of this book are very patient and a lil silent, so thought to talk about something.
I know chapters are bit lengthy that is usually hard for a reader to read at a time keeping it's tempo and the long gaps might become breakers as well.

I've always done something out of the norm in my books be it the previous one or this one, not that I do it deliberately but it tends to happen this way. This book is quite descriptive and rich in emotions, focusing more on mental chatharsis than the dramtic events. Despite of keeping it short to 5k - 7k words, it's been turning 9k lately. It requires author's double effort but I would appreciate your opinion about the length as well .

Are you fine with such length or should we work on shortening it a bit? That won't cut the story short, definately, as chapters will increase but then you would have to wait for each update/ happening to be written a week later than expected.

Meanwhile, Thank you for the love filled comments and appreciation. I see each of you. ♡



RANJISH HI SAHI [𝕮𝖔𝖒𝖕𝖑𝖊𝖙𝖊𝖉]Where stories live. Discover now