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"Say, Kai-chan..how's the school so far?" Haruka asked as we sat at the bench in rooftop. We decided to take our lunch here because it was a lot quieter than cafeteria.

I stopped eating and reached for my drink to cleanse out the remaining food in my mouth before answering.

"Quite good, even though I had rather bad expectation for the school" Haruka laughed, mentioning about my rant when father asked me to attend Tokioka. I never thought he would end up here.

"Never thought you'd attend here" I smiled smugly, knowing well that he was wilder than me in being a pervert. He told me that he didn't want me to be alone, which was quite funny.

"Anyways, I want you to meet my friends" Haruka's eyes were wide as soon as I said the words.

"Ooh...Kai-chan~ you just here barely two days and already got friends. Tsk, how lucky" I smiled but quickly turned into a frown when someone opened the door for access to the rooftop.

I sighed in relief when it was Kajou and Tanukichi trailing behind her. They seemed to be discussing, or rather making dirty jokes. I called them to get here and they walked towards me, squinting their eyes to the guy beside me.

"This is Haruka Kosaki. Don't worry he is just a royal blood like me and his jokes are dirtier than you could imagine" Haruka was quite impressed that he could meet Blue Snow or Kajou in person. He idolised this girl so much.

"How could you say those words without being caught?" Kajou showed him her flip phone and they talked for a bit, leaving me and Tanukichi some space to talk.

"What's with the frown, huh?" He sighed before explaining to me about him being in the student council and the gorilla guy who I acknowledge as Goriki-senpai kept finding him suspicious.

"Anna is too passionate on finding SOX and Blue Snow" I nodded slowly at his words, understand them quickly.

So that's how she got her position in Tokioka.

While he talks about Anna, I noticed a faint blush on his cheeks and decided to tease him about it. That really made his face went red than usual.

"I went to the academy to meet Anna after all" he said quietly. I just listened bit after bit, giving him some space to talk about his feelings.

"Now, Tanukichi! We need plans for Anna's stalker" My ears perked at the mention of that. I quickly asked Kajou what happened and she answered as Anna got a stalker.

"Y'all really started plans without me" me and Haruka shouted when a small short figure came from behind us, while eating some snacks.

"Huh, this is Saotome-senpai" I recognised her when she got an award for her art masterpieces.

"Who is this kid?" Haruka asked and immediately got hit by Saotome. I just laughed at him for being straight-forward.

They all talked while me and Haruka decided to just listen. "They really do be serious in shimoneta" Haruka whispered under his breathe. I watched as Tanukichi kept calling her out for the dirty jokes.

"Hey, can I join?" Haruka asked as they were planning to catch the stalker. I went to close his mouth, he really had the audacity.

"Hmm, that's better actually" Haruka grinned when Kajou approved. I sighed in defeat, already know that I will be dragged to the mess.

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