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The silent was too loud when everybody stopped whatever they were doing to look at us in utter shock. Anna's face was red as tomato when I got up to wear my mask back, looking else where if there were any people nearby that recognised me.

In that moment, I saw a guy in all black holding a camera with him, standing behind a tree. I groaned and tried to chase him down but he was faster to get on his bike before riding off.

"Kai-chan..." Haruka called after me to ask me if I'm alright and I just nodded and we walked back to the scene, Anna already on her feet as she looked down, avoiding my gaze.

Of course she would be mad after this. Ayame looked at me and frowned. Tanukichi just kept silent while Saotome and Goriki just stood there, had nothing to do.

"So, we already captured Nishikinomiya-san's stalkers" Haruka said when everyone was still kept silent.

"I'm going home" I walked off, didn't look back even when they were calling after me. I felt horrible, embarassed and hurt.

Just when I was on my way to my apartment, I remembered the cat cafè that I found while strolling down the city few days ago and decided to go there.

I was greeted with a meow when I walked in the cafe, taking off my shoes as the cafe required customers to do so to avoid cats to ruin the shoes in case the lace would distract them.

"Welcome to our cafè" I bowed down a little while the waitress guided me through the cafè and placed me to a seat near the window.

"Is this your first time here?" I looked at her and nodded, taking off my mask and noticed that she went frozen for a moment before trying to regain her composure.

"Yes, how about your recommendation?" The waitress recommended me some drinks and cat snacks to give the cats while staying there. I bought a latte and a slice of cake alongside bunches of cat snacks to give those fluffy beans.

I spent my time there, ignoring the calls and messages from my friends. Honestly I felt quiet sorry to just left them and went here but I can't stand to look at Anna.

"Meow, purr" A white cat has hop on my thigh, burying its head to my hand to receive some pats. I smiled at the animal and give it the snack that arrived a while ago.

You look like Anna....what?

I shook my head in disagreement. Why would she appeared in my head, compared to a cat? That accident really have got through my mind and creep me out to think about her.

Thankfully, the cats that surrounded me for snacks have distracted my mind from her and kept me busy.

"I-Isomura-sama?" The waitress that served me earlier approached me. I smiled and looked up, asking her if she needed anything.

"Is that really you?" I laughed if off before nodding my head, quite amused that she didn't freak out and instead she asked me politely to take a picture with her.

"I'm sorry but my father won't allow me to take a picture with anyone. Maybe we can have a mug or signature to the wall?" my suggestions were gladly accepted as she brought a mug with the owner trailing beside her.

I signed the mug and we talked for a while, my mood was slowly recovered as the cafè was so cozy and the owner treated me well.

"The desserts are great. Thank you for keeping me company" I bowed to them, showing my gratitude before I walked off to home.

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