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So the day to catch the stalker has arrived and I am obviously against the idea of that but Haruka kept nagging me until I was forced to get out from my house.

"Come on, Kai-chan! We're gonna be late" I huffed and went to locked my apartment's door before the two of us walked together to the park.

"Kai-chan, Anna-san is cute, right?" Haruka stared at the sky with a dreamy look, almost disgusted me but I just shrug and he abviously was not really happy with the reaction.

"Oi, Kai! You always shrug whenever I talk about girls...is it because of-" I stopped dead on my foot and glared at him.

"Shut up" I whispered under my breath before we started walking again in silence. He needs to stop talking about her and I have to forget about her.

Haruka noticed my sudden gloomy mood and tried to cheer me up by stopping at the ice cream shop nearby.

"One vanilla ice cream and one mint choco please" I irked at the latter. How could he eat that flavour? Just..no.

"HAHAHA, you are so weak, Kai-kun" he teased me and reached his hand out to squish my cheek multiple times which made me instantly smiled shyly. He smirked.

"Now that's the Kai-chan" I walked out of the shop leaving him behind.

"There they are!" Haruka took my hand in his and we met with Tanukichi and Saotome in the bush. I looked over to Ayame and Anna sitting at the bench in front of us.

"Huh, Ayame made a good 'boyfriend' in disguise" Haruka commented, still licking his ice cream. My ice cream has already finished on our way to the park.

"Kai-senpai, Haruka-senpai" Tanukichi greeted in whisper as he looked over to Saotome. I decided to just mind my own business because I don't really have the need to be involved in this plan.

Just as I turned around, my eyes caught Goriki-senpai stood behind a tree. He noticed me and quickly walked over to the bush.

"What are you doing here, Isomura-sama?" I just shrugged, already feeling bored while Haruka helped Saotome to calm her down from drawing lewd image of Anna. Goriki-senpai then went to Tanukichi and talked to him.

Our moment of observing was quick to end when several guys went to attack Ayame and Anna while shouting words to the student council president along the lines of her betraying them.

I quickly got out from the bush, running over to the guys and knocked them out, blocking them from getting near Anna while Ayame protected the girl from getting touched.


My peripheral vision caught a glimpse of another guy came from behind Anna and then everything went awfully slowly as I held Anna's body in mine, knocking both of us to the ground and whatever happened shocked both of us.

The awkward position, the hard breathing and the sound of rapid heartbeat from either both of us when we realised that our lips just touched and me without mask because of the ice cream.


obsessed | anna nishikinomiya [completed]Where stories live. Discover now