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Since Mary's mama didn't raise no (redacted), her first action towards the fox lady was to swing her right fist at the other woman

Considering that mary was a lowly fragile human against a supernatural shape shifting sadistic fox woman whO would probably (redacted) eat her or mess with her body after she was through torturing and killing her, she really stood no chance

Her punch was blocked and she was slammed into the wall her arms pined by the fox's abnormally strong hands

953: I like em feisty, always more fun to Break a fighting victim than a weak one

She repositioned so she held Mary's hands above her head with one of her own, using the other one to trace the curves Mary's face then down her jaw line grabbing her chin

953: you have an excellent bone structure

Mary attempted to use still free legs to kick 953 but that was stopped quickly as the fox woman used her own left leg to wrap around and catch Mary's leaning in close

953: This will be rather enjoyable, you have certainly caught my interest miss Collins, you continue to fight even though you know you have no chance of winning

Marry: get the (REDACTED) away from me you sadistic (REDACTED) fox (REDACTED)!

953: rather rude, but I'm sure I can fix that attitude of yours

She then felt a dullness settled over her mind and it was hard to keep her eyes open, sleep Collins, the words echoed through her mind in a soft whisper


Y/n waited a long time for marry to return after the first half hour y/n felt their hope dwindle, the doctor and nurse comforted them reassuring that she would come soon enough

Later they were all informed that nobody had even seen marry since she left an interview with 682

Nurse: maybe she went home? But then there would be a record of her checking out

Doctor: most odd, most odd indeed

They made preparations for y/n to sleep over in their cell but this drew the attention of the researchers

Dr. (REDACTED): umm I guess I'll take y/n back to their containment-

Nurse: no, you won't

Doctor: y/n will leave when marry comes to retrieve them

Both the bird masked figures made a barrier between the researcher and y/n blocking her from the child

Nurse: I think not madame, kids with us for now until you find marry

Dr. (REDACTED): fine, I'll ask around

She relented exasperated as she turn and growled exiting the room


953's voice crept into Mary's drowsy head and pulled her from the darkness to find herself in a dark room restraint by chains affixed to the walls keeping her about 3 inches off the ground

Mary: what in the secured contained and protected (REDACTED) is this?!

953's laugher echoed around the room

953: aww look at the little Doctor all hung up like a pinata,  why don't I beat you until sweets come out?

Mary: now 953 I must respectfully request that you release me now before I make sure your buried so damn far underground that you'd never see the (REDACTED) light of day again!

Definitely not the smartest course of action that could have been taken but it did feel so damn good to say

953 purred
953: your still a fighting, oh how (REDACTED)

The fox woman gave a shiver of pleasure obviously enjoying this

Mary really hated the (REDACTED) but she still felt that weird feeling,  the one she was still blaming on 953's mind (REDACTED)

953 then produced several knives form somewhere and threw one right past mary making her flinch

953: oh what naughty fun, usually I wouldn't go for your type but you make this just so pleasurable

She threw another knife at mary just missing her right ear Making her unconsciously jerk to the side



It had been nearly 2 hours since they had sent out for mary and y/n was still trying to hold onto hope that she would return, maybe that hope was misplaced but it was all the child had

The nurse and doctor could see this and did all the both of them could to comfort the child with nurse being the more physical comforter while doctor offered verbal statements ment to put y/n at ease

As another hour ticked by y/n could barely keep upright with exhaustion, this didn't stop the from trying to stay up for mary

Nurse: alright y/n, time for bed, you can sleep in the bed tonight and in the morning im sure they'll h a ve found mary by then

Y/n looked at here again their eyes brimming with barely contained tears.

Y/n: promise?

Nurse:.....yeah, I promise


6 hours later

At this point mary was fighting with every fiber in her body to stay conscious, her normally white shirt was stained with the dark maroon of dried blood, 953 had continued her knife game for hours, each time getting closer until mary was getting a new cut with ever throw

Whenever a knife would stick 953 would giggle and run over plucking the knife from Mary's skin and licking the blade, then as a sorta torture disguised blessing 953 would pour her favorite plum wine into the wound, this caused incredible pain but also (hopefully) kept the wounds clean through the alcohol

Mary lifted her head after a while to see 953 sniffing the air with a curious look on her face

953: what on earth?

There was a cuncusive blast that knocked 953 off her feet and apparently dazed her

Mary used her last bit of strength to look over at the wall and saw her saviors, a large group of the sites guards and at least 2 men in MTF gear

953 was quickly surrounded by guards a few of them holding dogs on leashes, mary couldn't fathom exactly why in her current state although in some part of her mind she knew 953 was deathly afraid if dogs

The 2 .en in MTF gear rushed to the hanging researcher and broke the chains holding her up causing her to fall into one of their arms, this one had his helmet off and she could see his face, it was pail and gaunt, with sunken on cheeks and  an all together worn out face

His eyes were the oldest part,they were an odd grey, not completely blind yet not completely seeing either

???: hold on doc, we're gonna get you to the med bay as fast as we can, Carson! Tell them we got injured incoming  and get that fox (REDACTED) back in her cell!

This was the last thing she heard before slipping into unconsciousness

Containment ( SCPs x child reader)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα