Containment breach

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Y/n pov

Y/n rode with Mary to  a large building on the outside of town. She parked in the parking lot and led y/n inside.

She walked past a few other scientists who didn't seem to notice y/n and into her office.

Mary: ok, here take theses. You can change in the bathroom

She handed y/n an pair of blue pants and a black shirt.

Mary: always Cary some spare clothes just in case

Y/n looked up at her awestruck.

Y/n: for me?

Mary: yeah

Y/n hugged her.

Y/n: Thank you

Y/n went into the bathroom and changed before coming back out.

Mary pov

Mary: you look nice

Y/n: t-thank you

Mary looked at her assignments for the day and froze, she had a shiver go up her spine.

Today she was required to document SCP-682

She thought about it and decided that that was to dangerous to take y/n. She tried to think of something when she looked over at one of the many pictures on her desk.

One of the pictures showed her on her first day getting hugged by SCP-999.

She had an idea

Mary: y/n I have to do some work, so I'll need you to come with me.

She led y/n to 999s pen. She opened the door and heard a giggle from inside the room, a small orange blob hopped up sand hugged her.

She hugged it back and then took it in her hands.

She could see y/n was very confused at what 999 was so they looked at her.

Mary: this place is full of weird things, some are bad but some like this little guy are very friendly.

Y/n looked at 999 who had noticed y/n and then jumped over and hugged them to.

For the first time she saw y/n smile as they hugged 999.

She watched this for a second before taking out her own camera and snapping a photo that printed out of the camera.

Mary: ok y/n I have to go

She placed a hand on y/ns shoulder

Mary: I'll be back later.

Y/n smiled and giggled as 999 sat on their head.

(That little orange is the damned cutest thing ever)

Mary closed the door to the pen and began to walk towards 682.

On the way there she was passing 049s room, she saw the door was open and he was doing one of his surgery's .

049: hello doctor

She was a little unnerved by his voice but she tried to smile anyways.

Mary: hello 049

049: my research has yielded a remarkable amount of data for the cure. Tell the other doctors they may read of it I'm my journal.

Mary knew that nobody could understand what he wrote so she just smiled and nodded.

Mary: always a pleasure doctor, I better be on my way

049: also the nurse has seemed to have missed placed her gloves again, she wishes for you to look around for them

Mary: tell her I'll look.

She hurried off, her mind drifted to y/n

Y/n pov

Y/n was currently running around the pen playing with 999.

Y/n laughed as 999 chased them around giggling.

Y/n was interrupted from the game when they heard a loud boom.

The lights flickered and y/n felt fear creeping into them, for comfort they picked up 999 and hugged them.

Then the lights went out

Mary pov

Mary was almost to her destination when she saw one of her close friends.

Mary: hey David

David was in one of the main control rooms with the door open

David slowly turned his head and looked at her.

Mary was instantly frozen

On his face was SCP 35

The mask was in the forum of comedy and laughed with David's voice before hitting a bunch of switches and levers on the control board, once he was done the mask Started to produce its acid and barfed it over the control board,

All of the lights flickered before going out. Mary was scared, she knew what was happening.

A voice yelled over the intercom


There was a loud snap and then a thump.

(By the way all y'all I am adding one of my own SCPs called the plague nurse

She's basically the happy, bubbly less creepy version of 049)

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