catching up

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During their preliminary interview with SCP-6549 both doctors Buck and Collingwood exited the room abruptly in the middle of questioning

Buck barely made it to a trash can and vomited up everything she had recently eaten while Collingwood stumbled and nearly fell needing to grab onto a nearby chair for balance

Buck: well....... that was unexpected, get Mary's notes from the last containment breach, reread,  was there any mention of that......

Buck tried to think of weather that had been words or just a noise but even thinking about it hurt

Collingwood skimmed through the notes quickly and shook her head,

Collingwood: no, it only speaks of their possible immunity....... perhaps we should consult with Dr. Mary on this one, or the Scps involved with y/n during the containment breach

Buck: agreed, but we will need to inform site command first, this could be a very delicate matter, especially where Mary is concerned,  she's been....... unstable since her separation from this SCP, and her encounter with 953 hasn't made it any better........

Collingwood: she seems to really care about SCPs, maybe that isn't such a bad thing

Buck: in some cases perhaps, but attachments can make you........vulnerable

Collingwood with her years of experience with buck could hear the slightest quiver in the cold doctors voice, and Collingwood knew exactly why

Collingwood: not always


Tox waited in her cell, now that everything was back to the regular routine her mind had far to much time to itself, her thoughts often drifted to the last breach, it had been unlike any other for her, she thought of the......what was that word again?

The people she had met, the kind doctor, the nurse, the orange thing, the researchers.....and the kids

She felt an unfamiliar motion on her face when she thought of them, the corners of her mouth moved upwards and she bared her teeth ever so slightly

At this she closed her eyes and was content for a little while,  having good memories to think about was a new experience for poor tox but just having them made it all ever so slightly better


Mary was still in recovery from her wounds in the foundation medbay, she still hurt like (REDACTED) but it was getting more manageable

She looked into a hand mirror to find the deeper cuts on her face were becoming noticeable scars

She looked around at all the other sick and injured,  the foundation may be pretty big (REDACTED)s but they didn't spare any expense in medical care

She closed her eyes and had to open them quickly as images from her kidnapping by 953 still plagued her mind, the feeling of 953's claws on her flesh, of the knives cutting her skin, the awful nightmares she would probably have the rest of her life

Mary: (REDACTED) that fox (REDACTED)
She whispered to herself as she tried to think of other things,  those other things included y/n of course, thoughts of bringing the child to a true and proper home, fantasies and nothing more she knew

To her surprise she saw an unfamiliar face approach her, a blonde woman in a white coat with a large smile

???: hello, are you mary Collins?

Mary looked up at the woman with squinted eyes

Mary: who wants to know?

Dr. Powers: oh my names is Dr Powers I'm one of the sites therapist, I work with both SCPs and staff members, a friend of yours sent me, Dr. (REDACTED)

Mary raised an eyebrow
Mary: the foundation really hired a therapist? Huh, guess those (REDACTED)s on the O5 council still get some things right, but I don't think you can help...... not unless you can take a few memories out of my mind

Powers smiled sadly and shook her head

Dr. Powers: im afraid not, perhaps you could tell me about your encounter, of course I've read the file but that's useless if I don't get your side of the story

Mary sighed
Mary: where should I start?

Dr. Powers: I think we should start on the day of the most recent containment breach

Mary sighed again and recounted the entire day to powers with in extreme detail, first she started with her daily routine,  then moved to when she found y/n on her way to work

Dr. Powers: how did you know y/n was in that ally?

Mary thought and found she had no answer
Mary: I dunno,  just a feeling, I've had that same feeling to stop and look other times to and usually it leads me to an SCP that needs help, only this time I was hoping it wasn't an SCP

Powers wrote down some notes
Dr. Powers: I think I get it, you feel responsible for y/ns containment

Mary: ya think?
Mary restored a little sarcastically

Dr. Powers: yeah, alright, continue please

Mary sighed and told her everything, from taking y/n to see 999 all the way to the recontainment of all the SCPs

Powers smiled a little
Dr. Powers: quite the adventure, and all throughout it you developed a certain attachment, its not uncommon, quick question,  how old are you?

Mary glared at her and raised an eyebrow

Mary: why is that important?

Dr. Powers: it just is miss, please answer

Mary: I'm 28

Dr. Powers: do you live by yourself?

Mary: what the (REDACTED)?

Dr. Powers: these questions will help me gage you, so please answer honestly

Mary:...... (REDACTED) fine yes I live by myself

Dr. Powers: have you ever been married or had kids of your own?

Mary: no..... not married but I was engaged once......

Her words caught in her throatand she swiftly whipped her face to keep evidence of her tears away from anyone

Dr. Powers looked at her with a pretty good idea of what might have happened

Dr. Powers: what happened with you and him?

Mary stayed quiet for a long moment

Mary:........they died......there was an chaos insurgency into my home ......I failed,  I tried my damndest to keep this world away from that one and my beloved was murdered because of me..... and because I lied to them ....  I thought I was protecting them but......

Mary broke down and her tears flowed freely

Powers scooted closer to her and put a hand on her shoulder

Dr. Powers: hey hey its alright, let it all out I think we'll end this session here, you don't need to say anything else, if you ever need to talk to anyone about anything,  im here, on or off the record

Mary continued to cry, remembering those painful memories of her fiancé's untimely demise

(Hey everyone,  in this one I wanted to do some character building and to catch up with a few people,  but I wanna know what you think

Who do you think Mary was engaged to? What type of person do you think she fell in love with?

What other characters do you wanna catch up with ?

What is y/n?

What happens next?

Containment ( SCPs x child reader)Where stories live. Discover now